Richard Strauss, a great German composer and conductor, had a long artistic career of 70 years.
Schubert and Brahms are both revered as the greatest masters of Austrian-German symphony music of the 19th century.
Tung-Chieh Chuang is undoubtedly one of the best among the new generation of Chinese conductors.
The Magic Circle Mime of the United States is a unique performance group that is currently active on international music and drama stages.
Describing the vicissitudes of the world with music, conveying life experiences and carrying the philosophy of life – One may say that Richard Strauss had reached the pinnacle in this aspect.
Handel’s “Messiah” is always the classic of all oratorios throughout the ages. It is a monumental achievement in the history of Western religious music.
In the classical era (late 18th and early 19th centuries) of music history, chamber music marked its most important developments with different chamber music genres engaging through musical instruments.
International renowned Italian Bassoonist, Sergio Azzolini is famous for his extraordinary ability and accomplishment in classical instrument performance especially Baroque music.
With its spectacular landscape, a long history and brilliant talents, Bohemia has nurtured an unique music style and cultivated many extraordinary musicians.
Year 2019 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Clara Schumann.
The year of 2019 is the 70th anniversary of the death of German composer Richard Strauss. To commemorate this talented composer, Macao Orchestra will present the unique charm of his musical art in this season.
During the Classical and Romantic periods, Austro-German composers were best at writing chamber music.
It has been a long tradition people all around the world celebrating a new year with new year concert.
In the coming Christmas, Macao Orchestra will perform familiar classic Christmas carols
Driven by a five-part composition, each movement results in a powerful musical tribute to the beauty and wonders of our wild world.
People will always picture “Serenade” with the touching scene of a young man playing guitar and singing love songs in front of his lover’s windows in the charming moonlight.
The Music Director of the Macao Orchestra Lu Jia will join hands with the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra to present Anton Bruckner’s magnum opus – Symphony No. 8 in C minor in this year’s Music Festival.
Among the Western operas, which always reflect the vicissitudes of life and every phenomenon on earth, Italian comic opera is widely popular due to its refreshing, lively and easy-to-understand nature.
To celebrate the 35th anniversary, we will gather with music fans at Dom Pedro V Theatre once again, listening to chamber music and enjoying delicious snacks.
The Russia symphonies during the Romantic period are famous for their descriptive style and expression of soul-stirring feelings.
Macao Orchestra continues to work with the Macau Science Centre to introduce the principles of different instruments through creative and varied, fun-filled performances, revealing music scientific laws as well as the unsuspected close links between music and science.