In response to the ongoing outbreak of new coronavirus, the “When Music Speaks” on 8 February will be canceled.
In response to the ongoing outbreak of new coronavirus, the “When Music Speaks” on 8 February will be canceled.
Date: 08-02-2020 Saturday 8pm
Venue: University of Macau / University Hall – N2
Língua: Mandarim
Conductor/Lu Jia
Beethoven: Overture to Leonore, No. 3, Op. 72b
Beethoven: Overture to Prometheus
Today, people get to know Beethoven mainly through his orchestral music, but theatrical music was always an important part of his artistic pursuits, so much so that he regarded his own only opera as his ‘most cherished child’. Beethoven penned four different versions for the opera’s overture. In addition, he also wrote overtures and scores for quite many theatrical and dance productions, many of which have become classics – widely and regularly performed at concert halls. Overture to Prometheus is one such exemple. Come follow OM music director Lu Jia to explore Beethoven’s journey in theatrical music.
Approximately 1 hour, no interval