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Starry Vienna – New Year Concert

29-12-2015 Tuesday 8pm
Venue : Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Conductor/Martin Sieghart

Intermezzo from 1001 Nights (Tausend und eine Nacht)
Overture to A Night in Venice (Eine Nacht in Venedig)
Waltz “The Blue Danube” (An der schönen blauen Donau), Op. 314
And more…

On 1st January 1959, for the first time Vienna Philharmonic had their annual New Year concert at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Golden Hall) in Vienna broadcasted on TVs. Since then, cheerful polkas, elegant waltzes and joyful operetta arias from Vienna have been performed everywhere at New Year’s Eve for decades. On this occasion, the Macao Orchestra invited prestigious conductor Martin Sieghart from Vienna to present the New Year concert in Macao in a pure Viennnese style for the first time, hence bestowing New Year’s blessings upon music lovers in Macao.

Duration: approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes, no interval

