Macao Orchestra presents Beethoven’s chamber music at Dom Pedro V Theatre in early January

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will present Beethoven’s chamber music concert “Beethoven and His Transition”, featuring two classics of Beethoven’s works on Saturday, 14 January,  at 8pm, at the Dom Pedro V Theatre. In tandem with the theme of this concert season “My Time with Music”, the activity “Music Hour with Musicians”will be held before the concert, in which Horn principal Wu Tianxia and horn player Scott Holben from the Orchestra will interpret the compositions. Music fans are welcome to join and share their views with the musicians.

Beethoven’s artistic career is conventionally divided into three periods with string quartets being, so to speak, his compositional focus throughout the time, and his string quartets are regarded as the greatest of chamber music. This concert features two works Sextet in E-flat Major, Op. 81b and String Quartet No.7 in F Major, Op.59, No. 1 “Rasumovsky”, which respectively embody the composers’ styles in different periods. As an early work of Beethoven, Sextet in E-flat Major, Op.81b is a passionate piece for two virtuoso horns and string quartet, while String Quartet No. 7 in F Major, Op. 59, No.1, also known as “Rasumovsky”, epitomises his middle period style and outweighs average chamber music both in length and scale. Meanwhile, the Orchestra will hold the activity “Music Hour with Musicians” before the concert at the Mirror Hall of the Dom Pedro V Theatre, at 7:15 pm, on that day. Admission is free. All music fans can register from 4 to 11 January through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or through Macao Orchestra’s Wechat official account “Macao Orchestra”.

Tickets for the concert “Beethoven and His Transition” are priced at MOP120 and MOP100, with various discount packages available. Ticketing Hotline: 2855 5555. For details and enquiries about the programme, please visit Macao Orchestra’s webpage

Macao Orchestra’s Concerts “Peter and the Wolf” bring joy to the public

The Macao Orchestra (OM), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presented the two  concerts “Journey into the World of Music – Peter and the Wolf” on 18 December, at 2:30pm and 5pm, respectively, at the Macao Tower Auditorium. Students from Escola Caritas de Macau and the Concordia School for Special Education accompanied by parents were invited for the concerts which also featured cartoon decorations and photo shooting activities, offering a lively and cheerful atmosphere.

The concert series “Journey into the World of Music” is an educational series held by the Orchestra annually. This year, OM played the classical musical fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf” in collaboration with Platypus Theatre from Canada, whose humorous narrative accompanied by particular instruments, encouraged the imagination of both children and adults. The assistant conductor of the OM, Francis Kan, led this classic in a vivid way and interacted with the audience bringing joy and musical inspiration to children.

Nearly 100 students from Escola Caritas de Macau and the Concordia School for Special Education were invited by OM to enjoy the concerts, sharing the happiness of music. Principals of both schools expressed their gratitude for OM’s arrangement and believed it was a rare opportunity for the students, hoping they were inspired by the music and learn from this exciting experience.

The Macao Orchestra will visit a number of charitable organizations and elderly homes next month to share the warmth of the Chinese New Year with the elderly and vulnerable groups by holding New Year concerts. The event aims to promote trans-generational harmony and coexistence.

Pianist Alice Sara Ott’s first encounter with music aficionados in Macao

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will present the concert “Piano Encounter – Meet Alice” on 21 January 2017, at the Macao Tower Auditorium. The concert, under the baton of OM’s Music Director Lü Jia, also features the well-known young pianist Alice Sara Ott, who has a “supermodel” appearance. Tickets for this concert are available through the Macau Ticketing Network.

Born in Munich, in Germany, in 1988, Alice Sara Ott is a Germanic–Japanese pianist, hailed as the most talented young pianist in recent years. With her diverse background, she has a keen sense of music. Her music is unique and explosive, entirely different from the music of traditional musicians in what concerns performance style and repertoire selection. Alice has currently become one of the most influential figures in the world’s music circles, and each of her performances brings unlimited power and surprises to the audience. The British daily, The Times,  writes that [her performance gives you] only surprises but no regrets. This concert features Schumann’s Piano Concerto in A minor, offering music fans a musical feast.

Tickets for the concert “Piano Encounter – Meet Alice” are priced at MOP250, MOP200 and MOP150, with various discount packages available. Ticketing Hotline: 2855 5555. For the electronic version and complete programme of the 2016-2017 Macao Orchestra Concert Season, please visit OM’s website:

Macao Orchestra presents “Latin Capriccio” concert at St. Dominic’s Church on Friday

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) of the Cultural Affairs Bureau will present the concert “Latin Capriccio” on Friday, 2 December, at 8pm, at St. Dominic’s Church. Conductor Roberto Gianola and OM’s Concertmaster Paolo Morena, as soloist, were specially invited to perform Luis Bacalov’s Violin Concerto, as well as two classic capriccios with Italian and Spanish flavours. The concert is open to the public and admission is free.

Robert Gianola, hailed as one of the youngest and most attractive conductors of his generation, was invited to cooperate with symphony orchestras from all over the world  in the United States, Russia, Mexico, Austria, France, Turkey, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Brazil, Venezuela, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, among others. In January 2009, Roberto Gianola then 34 years old, conducted a concert at the renowned Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Auditorium of Carnegie Hall in New York, for the first time, resulting in an unprecedented success. OM Concertmaster Paolo Morena, as a soloist, has won prizes in numerous international violin competitions, including G.B. Viotti, Vittorio Veneto, G. Postacchini, “ Citta di Roma”, “ Citta di Termoli” as well as the Rotary Club award “I Giovanni e I’ arte”, and was praised him as “…the most interesting violinist of his generation…” In this concert, Conductor Roberto Gianol, Paolo Morena and OM jointly perform Luis Bacalov’s Violin Concerto, Tchaikovsky’s Capriccio Italien and Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio Espagnol, leading the audience to the to experience various Mediterranean Sea atmospheres.

Admission to the Macao Orchestra’s “Latin Cappicino” concert is free. Tickets will be distributed at St. Dominic’s Church one hour prior to the performance. Distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to a maximum of two tickets per person. For details and programme queries, please visit OM’s website at

Macao Orchestra re-presents the New Year Concert “Starry Vienna”

The Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the annual “Starry Vienna – New Year Concert”, to be held on Sunday, 8 January 2017, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. All music fans are welcome to join this delightful musical feast with their loved ones on this festive time of the year. Tickets are now available at the Macau Ticketing Network.

Last year, the Macao Orchestra premiered the New Year Concert in Viennese style, bringing the traditional New Year Concert from Vienna, the capital of Austria, to Macao’s stage. In a festive atmosphere full of cheerful notes, the audience felt as if they were in an actual concert in Vienna. This year, the Macao Orchestra invited again the conductor Bruno Weil, who has been active in Austria, to render an elegant, refined and delightful concert in Viennese style.

This year’s concert features a number of masterpieces by Johann Strauss II and Johann Strauss I, including the Pizzicato Polka, among others, as well as other pieces of festive music such as the Gold and Silber waltz by Franz Lehár and the Overture to Light Cavalry by Franz von Suppé, announcing the commencement of the new year with a high quality concert.

Tickets for the concert “Starry Vienna – New Year Concert” are now on sale at the Macau Ticketing Network and are priced at MOP 400, MOP 350, MOP 250 and MOP 150 and there are various discount packages available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For details of the programme and enquiries, please visit the Macao Orchestra’s webpage:

Macao Orchestra offers additional performance of the concert “Journey into the World of Music – Peter and the Wolf”

The concert “Journey into the World of Music – Peter and the Wolf”, presented by the Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, has been enthusiastically sought-after by the public. The tickets for the concert almost sold after going  on sale. Considering the high public demand, the Macao Orchestra offers an additional concert on 18 December, at 5pm. Tickets for this additional concert are now available through the Macau Ticketing Network.

In this concert, the Macao Orchestra presents the classical music fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf” by Sergei Prokofiev, in collaboration with Platypus Theatre from Canada. Since 1989, Platypus Theatre has introduced classical music to almost one million youngsters. After more than 500 performances with over 60 orchestras worldwide, Platypus Theatre has established itself as one of North America’s premier music education theatre companies. Original and engaging storylines are presented in an intelligent and interactive way, with music always taking the lead role. Children laugh, sing and empathize with the characters while learning musical concepts, styles, and much more. This concert jointly presented for the first time by Platypus Theatre and the Macao Orchestra, will surely bring musical inspiration to local children.

Tickets for the concert “Journey into the world of Music – Peter and the Wolf” are priced at MOP 120, and the performance will be conducted in Cantonese and English. Ticketing hotline: (853) 2855 5555. For details about OM’s concert season programme, please visit Macao Orchestra’s official webpage or follow its official WeChat account “Macao Orchestra”.

Macao Orchestra performs in a number of art spaces during the weekend

Date: 16/11/2016

The Macao Orchestra (OM) under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau will present three ensemble concerts in a number of art spaces including the Tap Seac Gallery on 18 November, at 6pm the Mandarin’s House on 19 November at 4pm and the Macao Museum of Art on 20 November at 3pm. The performances aim to integrate arts with music, promote artistic ambience in the community and offer audio-visual art experiences to the public. Admission is free and seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Classical music is no longer restricted to the auditoria. OM organises performances in various art spaces, namely the concert “Music In Tap Seac Gallery” to be held at Tap Seac Gallery, the distinctive historic building in Tap Siac Square, featuring two string quartets by Antonín Dvořák; while the concert “World Heritage Imagery” will be held at the Mandarin’s House, bringing a number of Chinese music pieces to this Chinese mansion. OM will then present the concert “Music in the Macao Museum of Art” at the Macao Museum of Art on Sunday afternoon, offering art lovers an orchestral ensemble.

Admission to the three aforementioned concerts is free. For details and enquiries about the programmes, please call OM through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or visit OM’s website:


刊登日期: 14/11/2016
類別: 音樂會

文化局澳門樂團大師風采《弦來莫札特》音樂會日前(十一月十二日)在文化中心綜合劇院隆重上演,由樂團首席指揮呂嘉帶領,聯袂國際著名挪威小提琴家漢寧.克拉格魯德(Henning Kraggerud)演奏莫扎特作品,精湛及高水準的演出獲樂迷熱烈迴響。

是次音樂會帶來純莫札特的作品,克拉格魯德選演他拿手的莫札特第五小提琴協奏曲《土耳其》及作曲家為小提琴和樂隊而作的E大調柔版,演出令人驚豔,完美地為上半場作結。樂團在下半場演繹莫札特第四十交響曲,旋律優雅,亦體現出作曲家在交響樂體裁中的最高成就,澳樂發揮得淋漓盡致,受觀眾喜愛。 此外,音樂會舉行前夕(十一月十一日),澳樂特設《樂聚時光:漢寧分享會》延伸活動,克拉格魯德與澳門樂迷近距離交流分享,吸引不少小提琴受好者到場支持,場面氣氛熱絡。亦設學生小提琴演奏環節,由克拉格魯德親自點評,學生均表示獲益良多,反應熱烈。

澳門樂團二零一六至一七樂季季刊已於各大澳門售票網門市免費派發,季刊電子版已上載澳門樂團網頁,詳情及節目查詢可於辦公時間內致電二八五三零七八二。此外,憑中銀全幣種信用卡或中銀卡購買《星光維也納- 新年音樂會》及《二零一六至一七樂季閉幕音樂會-佛羅倫斯悲劇》,可獨家尊享七折優惠。購票熱線二八五五五五五五。

OM’s Concert “Henning Plays Mozart” and Sharing Session well received by music lovers

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presented the concert “Henning Plays Mozart”, part of the Shining Virtuosos series, on 12 November at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Under the baton of the Music Director of Macao Orchestra, Lü Jia, OM joined hands with internationally renowned Norwegian violinist Henning Kraggerud to present works by Mozart. Their virtuosity and high quality performance was enthusiastically received by music fans.

The concert featured two works by Mozart, namely the Violin Concerto No. 5, “Turkish” and the Adagio in E Major for Violin and Orchestra. Kraggerud’s spectacular interpretation concluded the first half of the concert in perfection. OM performed Mozart’s Symphony No. 40  in the latter half of the concert. The work’s elegant melodies reflect the composer’s highest accomplishment in the genre. OM’s brilliant performance was acclaimed by the audience.
Furthermore, the activity “Music Hour with Henning Kraggerud”, organised by OM on 11 November, offered an opportunity for music lovers to interact with Henning Kraggerud at close distance, and received the support of a large number of violin music lovers in an amicable ambience. There was also a violin performance session, where Kraggerud commented the students’ interpretation. The session had a warm response and the students considered the session to be very instructive.

Macao Orchestra’s 2016-2017 Concert Season Programme can be obtained at the Macao Ticketing retail shops for free. The electronic version can be downloaded at For details and enquiries about the programme, please call OM through tel. 2853 0782 during office hours. In addition, holders of BOC Multi-Currency Credit Card or BOC Card are offered a 30% discount for ‘Starry Vienna – New Year Concert’ and ‘2016-2017 Season Closing Concert – Eine Florentinische Tragödie’. Ticketing Hotline: 2855 5555.

OM’s Russian Chamber Music highly acclaimed followed by outstanding Norwegian violinist performance

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, organised the chamber music concert “The Dual Faces of Russia”, demonstrating the flamboyant notes and heroic passion of Russian culture. Violinist Vit Polasek and Kai Sai, the Principal Oboe of the Macao Orchestra shared their views with participants before the performance, attracting numerous music fans.

The Orchestra also presents the concert “Henning Plays Mozart” on Saturday, 12 November, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, part of the “Shining Virtuosos” Series, joining hands with Norwegian violinist Henning Kraggerud and offering music fans an opportunity not to be missed.
Norwegian violinist Henning Kraggerud and OM will present two of Mozart’s violin works. Henning Kraggerud is one of the most distinguished musicians of northern Europe, recognised as a star in the music world for his passion for music, virtuosity and the beauty of his performances. His interpretation of Mozart’s works have been highly acclaimed by the critics.

Tickets for “Henning Plays Mozart” are priced at MOP250, MOP200 and MOP150, and various discount packages are available. Ticketing Hotline: 2855 5555. For details about the programmes of the 2016-2017 Macao Orchestra Concert Season, please visit OM’s website:

Macao Orchestra Family Concert Tickets for the concert “Peter and the Wolf” now on sale

The Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will present the concert “Journey into the World of Music – Peter and the Wolf”on Sunday, 18 December, at 2:30pm, at the Macao Tower Auditorium. In this concert, the Macao Orchestra plays the classical music fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf”in collaboration with Platypus Theatre from Canada, whose humorous narrative and choreography, accompanied by particular instruments, will surely encourage the imagination of both children and adults. The concert is suitable for children aged three or above, and tickets are now available at Macau Ticketing Network.

The work “Peter and the Wolf”, written by Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev, is one of the most popular classical music works for children to cultivate their musical taste. Each character in the story is represented by a different instrument, for children to learn more about musical instruments in an interesting manner. Moreover, the famous Platypus Theatre from Canada was specially invited to perform live in the concert, drawing the audience into the story while bringing joy and musical inspiration to children. The assistant conductor of the OM, Francis Kan, will lead this classic in a vivid way and  interact with the audience, allowing the families to have a pleasant afternoon.

Tickets for the concert “Journey into the World of Music – Peter and the Wolf”are priced at MOP120, and the event will be conducted in Cantonese and English. Ticketing hotline: (853)2855 5555. For details of OM’s concert seasonprogramme, please visit Macao Orchestra’s webpage or follow its official WeChat account “Macao Orchestra”.

OM presents Norwegian sounds in “Henning Plays Mozart” Registrations for sharing session with violinist Henning Kraggerud are open

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will present “Henning Plays Mozart”on Saturday, 12 November, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Under the baton of the Music Director of Macao Orchestra Lü Jia, the outstanding Norwegian violinist Henning Kraggerud will present his solo performance. Tickets are available for sale through the Macau Ticketing Network.

As one of the most outstanding musicians in Northern Europe, the Norwegian violinist Henning Kraggerud is reputed for his precise and keen performance. The Arts Desk hailed that “Kraggerud’s playing is consistently marvellous”. Henning has been invited in collaboration with many of the world’s most significant orchestras, including the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra and the Danish National Symphony Orchestra. His interpretation of Mozart’s works has been highly acclaimed in music sector, and his performance was hailed by one critic as “the high point of the night. It was Mozart as, one suspects, Mozart himself would have wanted it played.” He is bringing with him two of his favourite classics of Mozart, namely Adagio in E Major for Violin and Orchestra and Violin Concerto No. 5, “Turkish”, offering music fans a rare concert not to be missed.

In tandem with the theme of this concert season “My Time with Music”, the activity “Music Hour with Henning Kraggerud” will be held exclusively for Friends of the Macao Orchestra, which will allow the audience to understand the perseverance and devotion behind musicians. The sharing session will be held on Friday, 11 November, at 7pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Conference Room. Admission is free. All interested parties can register from today through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or through the WeChat official account of “Macao Orchestra”.

Tickets for the concert “Henning Plays Mozart” are available for sale through the Macau Ticketing Network, with various discount packages available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. The electronic version and complete concert season programme can be downloaded at the OM’s webpage

Macao Orchestra presents Russian Chamber Music at Dom Pedro V Theatre next month

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will present the first chamber music concert of this season, The Dual Faces of Russia, on 5 November, Saturday, at 8pm, at Dom Pedro V Theatre, demonstrating the flamboyant notes and heroic passion of Russian ethnic culture. Tickets are now available through the Macau Ticketing Network.

Russians have an extraordinary feeling towards music – some say that music can be found in every Russian’s consciousness. Russian music often bears traumatised memories as well as passion due to the history of the race. The chamber music concert The Dual Faces of Russia will present Prokofiev’s dynamic quintet and Borodin’s unadorned and affectionate string quartet No. 2, which exemplify two extremes of Russian music. In tandem with the theme of this concert season “My Time with Music”, an exclusive activity for Friends of OM titled “Music Hour with Musicians” will be held at the Mirror Hall of the Dom Pedro V Theatre at 7:15pm on that day, conducted by violinist Vit Polasek and the Principal Oboe of the Macao Orchestra, to demonstrate these musical pieces. Admission to the exchange session is free. Music fans are welcome to share their views with musicians.

Tickets for the concert The Dual Faces of Russia are priced at MOP120 and MOP100, with various discounts packages available. Ticketing Hotline: 2855 5555. All interested parties can register for “Music Hour with Musicians” between 14 and 28 October through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours, or through OM’s WeChat official account “Macao Orchestra”. For details of the programme, please visit Macao Orchestra’s webpage

OM’s new Concert Season kicks off in SeptemberBR>Registrations for sharing session with pianist Yulianna Avdeeva are open

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, kicks off its 2016-17 Concert Season with the concert “No. 1 Piano – Yulianna Avdeeva and Macao Orchestra” to be held on 3 September. In tandem with this concert season’s theme “My Time with Music”, the organizer will hold the “Music Hour with Yulianna Avdeeva” on 2 September, at 6:30pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Conference Room. Admission is free and registrations are now open.

Acclaimed by The New York Times for “blending a muscular approach with an ability to tease out Chopin’s singing lines expressively”, Russian pianist Yulianna Avdeeva won the first prize at the 2010 International Chopin Piano Competition due to her outstanding performance. Ever since she has been shining on international stages and her dedication to music led to her recognition as one of the greatest musicians of her time as well as one of the most renowned and acclaimed interpreters of Chopin. In her debut performance in Macao, she will play Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor as well as Mendelssohn’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in G minor, offering music fans a rare concert not to be missed.

This OM’s concert season featuring various excellent programmes, is themed “My Time with Music”, such as the “Music Hour With Yulianna Avdeeva”, which will allow the audience to understand the perseverance and devotion behind musicians. The sharing session will be held on 2 September, at 6:30pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Conference Room. Admission is free. All interested parties can register before 29 August telephone number 2853 0782, during office hours, or through OM’s WeChat official account. Seats are limited. Registrations are accepted on a first come first served basis.

Tickets for the concert “No. 1 Piano – Yulianna Avdeeva and Macao Orchestra” are available through the Macau Ticketing Network. Holders of the BOC Multi-Currency Credit Card or BOC Card can enjoy an exclusive 30% discount on ticket purchases. Ticketing Hotline: 2855 5555. Macao Orchestra’s 2016-17 Concert Season Programme can be obtained at Macao Ticketing retail shops for free. The electronic version and complete concert season programme can be downloaded at OM’s webpage

OM’s Concert Season Closing Concert Mozart’s “Così fan tutte” takes to the stage on Saturday

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) of the Cultural Affairs Bureau presents its 2015-16 Concert Season Closing Concert “Così fan tutte” on Saturday, 30 July, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. The concert is led by Lü Jia and OM invited young singers Jinxu Xiahou, Yunpeng Wang, Louise Kwong, Xiao Yi Xu, Ao Li and Xi Wang to collaborate in the performance of Mozart’s two act opera Cosi fan tutte. Tickets are available through the Macau Ticketing Network.

Cosi fan tutte is one of three of Mozart’s well-known operas, side by side with “The Marriage of Figaro” and Don Giovanni. It portrays the story of two brothers who, in order to prove their loved ones’ devotion, make a bet and exchange brides, putting their love and fidelity to the test. “There is no difference between 18th century love and 21st century love. Men and women are still the same…”, “The prelude of this opera quickly intensifies carried out by men and women’s considerations on love, ending on a cheerful note and expressing love’s wisdom and philosophy”. From a modern perspective, this work’s plot seems somewhat absurd, however, thanks to Mozart’s astoundingly perfect music, this has become one of the composers most often staged operas.

Six renowned young singers from Mainland China and Hong Kong, each with their own solo, interpret the six characters of this opera where music and arias are beautifully interwoven. Through Mozart’s extraordinary composition technique, not only does music gracefully carry a dramatic action and vividly portray the characters nature but also deeply reflects, reveals and provides insight into the different layers of human psyche, human nature’s grey areas and even ethical and moral paradoxes. In the current times, this work offers even more room for interpretation and has been increasingly hailed by the critics as one of Mozart’s most profound opera buffa. The concert will be led by OM’s Principal Conductor, Lü Jia, and marks the closing of the Orchestra’s 2015-2016 Concert Season.

Tickets for OM’s Concert Season Closing Concert “Cosi fan tutte” are on sale at the prices of MOP350, MOP250 and MOP150 and there are several discount plans available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. The full programme of OM’s 2015-2016 Concert Season is available at

OM and Science Centre co-organize the concert “Science and Music Make Trouble”

The Macao Orchestra of the Cultural Affairs Bureau cooperates for the first time with the Macao Science Centre to present the concert “Science and Music Make Trouble” on 3 July (Sunday), in two sessions to be held at 2pm and 3pm. The concert fuses music and science, revealing the wonders of music through interesting scientific theories, allowing younger children to experience, listen and even see music up close. The public will be invited to attend the concerts for free with the ticket of the Macao Science Centre Exhibition Centre, and the concert is open to younger children and to the respective accompanying family members.

This initiative is coupled with the Science Centre’s special exhibition “Living Dinosaurs” and includes the performance of several fun melodies in the Macao Science Centre Exhibition Centre’s numerous themed galleries, such as the Space Science Gallery, the Science Express Gallery and the Robotic Gallery, among others. The concerts start from a scientific perspective to introduce the string and wind instruments of a symphonic orchestra, also including informative and fun interactive segments, allowing the public to experience and explore firsthand the joys of science and music.

The two concerts will be held at 2pm and 3pm on 3 July, at the Macao Science Centre Exhibition Centre. Admission is free with entrance ticket, which can be purchased at the ticket office of the Macao Science Centre Exhibition Centre. For more information on this concert and the respective programme, please access the webpage or follow the “Macao Orchestra” WeChat account.

Tickets for the 2015-16 Macao Orchestra’s Concert Season closing concert, Così fan tutte, on sale from today

Date: 31/05/2016
Category: Concert

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents its 2015-16 Concert Season closing concert, entitled Così Fan Tutte, to be heldon Saturday, 30 July, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. In this concert, the OM presents Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s opera buffa Così fan tutte in concert version. Tickets are on sale from today at the Macau Ticketing Network.

Mozart’s opera Così fan tutte describes human weaknesses regarding love, challenging people’s aspirations and idealism in relation to the latter. The opera features only six characters, each with his/her own arias, and also amazing duets and sextets throughout the whole work, which blend seamlessly with the orchestra. Così fan tutte marks the summit of Mozart’s operatic production. This time, OM’s Musical Director Lü Jia and the OM join hands with a talented cast to present the complete Così fan tutte in concert version, as the grand finale of their 2015-16 Concert Season.

Tickets for OM’s 2015-16 Concert Season closing concert Così fan tutte are on sale at the prices of MOP350, MOP250 and MOP150. A 40% early bird discount is available upon purchasing 4 or more tickets for the concert between 30 May and 10 June. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For more information on OM’s concert season, please visit the Orchestra’s webpage at

Concert Distant Worlds – music from FINAL FANTASY by the Macao Orchestra at The Venetian Macao

The Macao Orchestra under the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), presents the concert Distant Worlds – music from FINAL FANTASY, featuring music by Japanese video games music composer Nobuo Uematsu, on Saturday, 11 June, at 7:45pm, at The Venetian Theatre. The Macao Orchestra performs for the first time, under Grammy award winner conductor Arnie Roth, themes from the popular video game “FINAL FANTASY”, developed by world-renowned producer SQUARE ENIX. Images from the game will be synchronously projected on screen, offering a visual and aural experience to the public. This concert is supported by Sands China Ltd.

The “FINAL FANTASY” video game, published in 1987, which introduced a world of fantasy made up of delicate images and a rich narrative, was highly acclaimed by game players all over the world. The concert “FINAL FANTASY” had its debut in Japan in 2002, followed by sought-after performances in world tours which earned the composer Nobuo Uematsu several awards. The concert Distant Worlds – music from FINAL FANTASY premiered in Hong Kong in 2013 with great success, and is now coming to Macao under the baton of music director and award-winning conductor Arnie Roth. Roth has previously directed the London Symphony Orchestra, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the San Francisco Symphony, the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, among others. It is well-known that Roth has been collaborating with Uematsu and SQUARE ENIX regarding video game music. He was the music director and conductor of the concerts Dear Friends – music from FINAL FANTASY, More Friends – music from FINAL FANTASY, Voices – music from FINAL FANTASY and Play! Video Games Symphony Music.

The tickets for Distant Worlds – music from FINAL FANTASY are available from Friday, 20 May, at 10am at Cotai Ticketing and the Macau Ticketing Network, at the prices of MOP/HKD300 (A Reserve), MOP/HKD200 (B Reserve) and MOP/HKD100 (C Reserve); purchasers with BOC Multi-Currency Credit Card or BOC Card will receive a 30% discount. For reservation, please visit the Cotai Ticketing website at, or call through tel. (853) 2882 8818 (Macao), (852) 6333 6660 (Hong Kong) or through the free ticketing hotline 4001206618 (Mainland China). Reservations are also available through the webpage, through tel.(853) 2855 5555 or in person at the designated counters. For more details and programme enquiries, please visit the Orchestra webpage at or contact OM through tel. (853) 2853 0782 during office hours.

Macao Orchestra participates in the“La Folle Journée au Japon 2016” festival in Tokyo

The Macao Orchestra (OM) under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau was invited to participate in the 12th edition of the music festival “La Folle Journée au Japon 2016”, held in Tokyo, Japan, from 1 to 5 May, introducing Macao’s musical arts and culture to the Japanese audience for the first time.

“La Folle Journée au Japon” is a popular music festival in Tokyo, adopting a different theme each year and featuring over 200 varied concerts held during three consecutive days. The festival has already become a major musical event in Japan during the month of May. The theme of this year’s festival is “Nature”. The OM, led by its Music Director and Principal Conductor, Lü Jia, presents four concerts on 3 and 4 May, on the chosen theme at the Tokyo International Forum, during two consecutive days, joining hands with Russian violinist Dmitri Makhtin and Japanese soprano Rie Hamada.

Upon its arrival in Tokyo, the OM promptly started rehearsing in order to present high-level performances in all four concerts. Following the European tour held last September, the Orchestra continues to perform abroad, promoting cooperation and exchange with several Japanese musicians. The programme of the concerts was specially selected for the young Japanese audience, including pieces such as Summer Nights by Hector Berlioz and the symphonic poems The Wild Dove and Cypresses by Antonín Dvořák, among others. During this tour, the OM continues to play its role of  Macao’s cultural ambassador, visiting  Rikkyo University in order to promote musical exchange, thereby contributing to the development of the cooperation and exchange between the two territories.

Macao Orchestra joins hands with Sayaka Shoji to present Shakespeare’s World Concert

Lü Jia, Music Director and Principal Conductor of Macao Orchestra of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will collaborate with Japanese violinist Sayaka Shoji in the concert Shakespeare’s World –Lü Jia and Sayaka next Friday, 29 April, at 8pm,  at the Macao Tower Auditorium, presenting Sergei Prokofiev’s Violin Concerto No. 2. Tickets are now available through the Macau Ticketing Network.

In Gramophone Magazine, Sayaka Shoji is described as “a formidable musician, able to draw on huge reserves of stamina and the unflinching equal of anything thrown at her”. She took the First Prize of the 1999 Paganini Competition at the age of 16, and was the first Japanese musician and the youngest winner of this prize. She is also one of the most internationally renowned violin sensations, she has performed with a number of leading orchestras throughout the world, including the BBC Philharmonic, Wiener Symphoniker, Danish National Symphony Orchestra, and NHK Symphony Orchestra, among others.

In January 2016, Sayaka Shoji received the prestigious Mainichi Art Award. In this concert, Sayaka Shoji will have the debut performance with the Macao Orchestra to perform Prokofiev’s Violin Concerto No. 2, which was created at the same period with Prokofiev’s well-known ballet Romeo and Juliet, a namesake adaptation from Shakespeare’s drama. This concerto mirrors the adaptation in numerous passages.

The programme of the concert also features with Berlioz’s King Lear Overture, based on an adaptation from Shakespeare’s King Lear, using musical instruments like double bass and obes to play out the tragedy of main character. The concert concludes with Schumann’s Symphony No. 4, which was dedicated to Schumann’s wife Clara as a birthday present. This piece of work can be regarded as a perfect demonstration of romanticism.

Tickets for Shakespeare’s World – Lü Jia and Sayaka are priced at MOP200, MOP150 and MOP100, with various discount plans available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For more details and programme enquiries, please visit the Orchestra webpage at or contact OM through tel no. 2853 0782 during office hours.

Acclaimed French pianist Alexandre Tharaud steers Macao Orchestra’s concert The Great Pianist

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, joins hands with French pianist Alexandre Tharaud, acclaimed as a modern “poet of the piano”, in the concert The Great Pianist: Alexandre Tharaud and the Macao Orchestra, to be held on Sunday, 5 June, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, featuring the lyrical Piano Concerto in A minor by Edvard Grieg. Tickets are on sale from 5 April at the Macao Ticketing Network.

Alexandre Tharaud became well-known for his role as an outstanding pianist in the French film “Amour” – winner of the Palm dÓr at the 65th Cannes Film Festival in 2012 and of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Mentored by Carmen Taccon-Devenat who was a student of Marguerite Long, Tharaud won a series of prizes including the First Prize at the International Maria Canals Competition in Barcelona and the Second Prize at the ARD International Competition in Munich, and recorded more than 20 successful albums. With his unique music style and perfect performance skills, he received great critical acclaim. The Washington Post described Tharaud as “a pianist of brilliant thought and action”. Led by Jean-Philippe Tremblay, the  Macao Orchestra will join hands with Alexandre Tharaud in performing the lyrical Piano Concerto in A minor by Edvard Grieg. The programme of this concert also features the delicate Symphony No. 8 by Ludwig van Beethoven, certainly bringing pure joy to the audience.

Tickets for the concert The Great Pianist: Alexandre Tharaud and the Macao Orchestra are priced at MOP350, MOP300, MOP200 and MOP100. Early bird discounts of 40% are available between 5 and 15 April upon purchasing 4 or more tickets for the concert. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For more details and programme enquiries, please visit the Orchestra webpage:

Internationally renowned Russian pianist Alexei Volodin featured in Macao Orchestra’s romantic concert Shakespeare’s World next week

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the concert Shakespeare’s World – ZhangYi and Volodin, part of the “Shining Virtuosos” Series, to be held on Saturday, 9 April, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, featuring internationally renowned Russian pianist Alexei Volodin. Tickets are on sale at the Macao Ticketing Network.

This year marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death and the Macao Orchestra specially presents thematic concerts about this master of literature. Led by highly acclaimed Chinese conductor Zhang Yi, the Orchestra joins hands with  internationally renowned Russian pianist Alexei Volodin to perform the most well-known piece of Sergei Rachmaninoff, Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op.43, which is also the soundtrack of the movie Somewhere in Time, creating a romantic, poetic and fascinating illusion. The programme of the concert also features two extraordinary pieces about Shakespeare, Tchaikovsky’s Overture-Fantasia “Hamlet”, Op. 67 and the Suite No. 3 in G Major, Op. 55, which demonstrate the sensibility and ecstasy of the composer by the master, offering aficionados an evening of fantasy and romance.

Tickets for the concert are priced at MOP200, MOP150 and MOP100, with various discount plans available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For more details and programme enquiries, please contact OM through tel. 2853 0782 during office hours or visit the Orchestra webpage at

Macao Orchestra’s Concert “Weekend Music Party-Back in Time” at Dom Pedro V Theatre

The highly-acclaimed concert “Weekend Music Party” presented by the Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau will proceed this Saturday (April 2) at 4pm at the Dom Pedro V Theatre. The performance of the concert “Weekend Music Party – Back in Time” features various ensembles which will perform a selection of popular American songs from the 70’s and 80’s. A limited number of tickets are available for purchase at the Macau Ticketing Network.

The programme of the concert features new string and brass arrangements of songs such as “Yesterday”, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” and “Love Me Tender”, etc.; combining the delicacy and beauty of classical music with modern pop sounds presenting a new sensory experience that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Complementing the concert, an antiques’ market will be held outside the Dom Pedro V Theatre, featuring local boutiques including MissKai’s Vintage, The Things Studio and Naka Shop, among others. Entrance to the antiques’ market is free of charge.

Tickets for the concert “Weekend Music Party – Back in Time” are on sale at the prices of MOP100 and MOP120. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For more information and the programme, please visit the Macao Orchestra’s website at

Macao Orchestra’s Easter Concert features Beethoven’s Mass in D major

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the Easter Concert on Thursday and Friday, 24 and 25 March, at 8pm, at St. Dominic’s Church. OM invited specially for these concerts renowned conductor Peter Tiboris, who performs frequently at Carnegie Hall, the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, internationally renowned soprano Eilana Lappalainen, and three Korean soloists, mezzo Yang Songmi, tenor Shin Dongwon and bass Yoo Ji Hoon, to perform Ludwig van Beethoven’s Mass in C Major and sacred works by Franz Schubert. Admission is free.

The Mass in C Major performed in these two concerts is Beethoven’s first mass. The work is appreciated by music critics for its sweet and captivating melodies conveying a sense of tranquillity, devotion and purity. The concerts’ programme also features two sacred works by Franz Schubert, the Stabat Mater, D. 175 and Tantum ergo, D. 962, ritual traditional pieces written for the ceremony of the mass. In these concerts, OM, the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus and several international singers propose an unforgettable evening of stunning sacred music.

Admission to the two Easter concerts of the Macao Orchestra is free. Tickets will be distributed at the venue one hour before the performance. Distribution is on a first come, first served basis and is limited to a maximum of two tickets per person. For details and programme enquiries, please visit the OM website at

Date of “Classical Jazz” concert by the Macao Orchestra changed

Due to a programme change, the concert Weekend Music Party – Classical Jazz by the Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, originally scheduled to be held on Saturday, 11 June, at 4pm at Dom Pedro V Theatre, has been anticipated to Saturday, 28 May, at 4pm. The venue and programme of the performance as well as the ticket prices remain unchanged. Spectators with tickets may change their tickets with priority at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets from 1 March to 10 March. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

The concert Weekend Music Party – Classical Jazz introduces a brand new idea and features a number of relaxing and happy Jazz themes, including Ragtime dance, Blue Mink Blues and St. Louis Blues, adapted for string quartet and brass quintet. Participate and enjoy yourself.

Tickets for this concert will be on sale again from 1 March and are priced at MOP120 and MOP100, with various discounts available. Interested parties can purchase tickets through the Macau Ticketing Network outlets or online. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For more details and programme enquiries, please visit the Macao Orchestra webpage at

International horn player Radovan Vlatković to have debut performance in Macao

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the concert Horn Concerto by Radovan, part of the Shining Virtuosos Series, to be held on 5 March, Saturday, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, featuring international horn player Radovan Vlatković, who will debut in Macao. Tickets are on sale at the Macao Ticketing Network.

The concert Horn Concerto by Radovan will be conducted by the Music Director of the Macao Orchestra, Lü Jia, and features Richard Strauss’s Horn Concerto No. 2 in E-flat Major, the extremely challenging work for the complex musical instrument, performed by Radovan Vlatković. The OM will also perform Ludwig van Beethoven’s famous Symphony No. 5 “Fate”. Radovan Vlatković was Principal Horn of the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra and received the First Prize at the ARD International Competition in Munich. His recording of the Mozart concertos was awarded the German Recording Critics’ Prize. He received the Croatian Porin Award for his Life’s Work in 2012. Aficionados should not miss this marvelous performance.

Tickets for the concert are priced at MOP200, MOP150 and MOP100, and various discount plans are available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For more details and programme enquiries, please contact OM through tel. 2853 0782 during office hours or visit the Orchestra webpage at

Chinese conductor Zhang Guoyong leads OM in the interpretation of Russian masterpieces

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) of the Cultural Affairs Bureau will present the concert Russia Wonderland on 21 February, Sunday, at 8pm, at the Macao Tower Auditorium, featuring the best Chinese conductor in interpretation of Russian music, Zhang Guoyong, who will lead OM in a fantastic interpretation of Russian melodies.

The programme of the concert Russia Wonderland includes Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 1 in G minor, Op. 13 “Winter Daydreams” and Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 1 in F minor, Op. 10. Zhang Guoyong, one of the great Chinese conductors, is the head of Shanghai Opera House and is a professor of Composition and Conducting Department at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music . He studied in the former USSR for four years, earning the highest marks in his doctorate at Conducting Division of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. With his academic life in Russia at a later age as well as his work and cultural practical experiences, it helped him to contribute in conducting Russian composers’ works, thereby allowing him to comprehend Russian music history and culture in a better way. Zhang Guoyong’s conducting style is simple and natural, spiritually rich and highly artistic. He is universally recognized as the best Chinese conductor in interpretation of Russian music, especially of the symphonies by Dmitri Shostakovich.

Tickets for this concert are priced at MOP200, MOP250 and MOP100, with various discounts available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For more details and programme enquiries, please contact OM through tel. 2853 0782 or access the Orchestra webpage at

Yang Xuefei brings classical guitar to St. Dominic’s Church on Saturday

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym) of the Cultural Affairs Bureau will present the concert Classic Guitar this Saturday, 23 January, at 8pm, at St. Dominic’s Church featuring two special guests, Egyptian conductor Nabil Shehata and classical guitarist Yang Xuefei invited. Free tickets will be distributed at the venue one hour prior to the performance. Distribution is on a first come, first served basis and is limited to a maximum of two tickets per person.

This marks the first time OM invites Yang Xuefei, one of the most extraordinary contemporary interpreters of classical guitar worldwide, and Egyptian conductor Nabil Shehata to cooperate in the interpretation of the eternal classical Concierto de Aranjuez by Joaquin Rodrigo. Yang Xuefei was the first guitarist in China to pursue classical guitar studies in the country’s Conservatory and to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in classical guitar, successfully launching a musical career on global stages. She is also the first Chinese classical guitarist to sign international contracts with top level music agents and record companies. Among Yang Xuefei’s biggest achievements are the academic honours given by London’s Royal Academy of Music as well as her inclusion in the top 100 musicians list of reputed UK radio station Classic FM. The programme of this concert also features Mozart’s Symphony No. 29 in A major, K. 201 and Villa-Lobos’ Bachianas Brasileiras No. 2, offering music lovers an unforgettable night of splendid classics and Latin passion.  The entire performance will be live broadcast on an outdoor screen installed outside St. Dominic’s Church, thereby allowing even more viewers to enjoy this exquisite concert.

Additionally, OM will present the concert Russia Wonderland at the Macao Tower Auditorium on Sunday, 21 February, at 8pm, cooperating with conductor Zhang Guoyong, recognized as the best interpreter of Russian music, in particular of Dmitri Shostakovich’s symphonies. Tickets for this concert are priced at MOP200, MOP150 and MOP100, with various discounts available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For details and programme enquiries, please call OM through tel. 2853 0782 or visit the Orchestra website at