Macao Orchestra brings warmth to ‘relatively static’ city through music

(Sourced from Macao Post 2022.07.20 By  William Chan) The Macao Orchestra (MO) has been sharing their music performances on … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra brings warmth to ‘relatively static’ city through music”

(Sourced from Macao Post 2022.07.20 By  William Chan)

The Macao Orchestra (MO) has been sharing their music performances on YouTube and Facebook since the beginning of the current outbreak, in the hope of brightening the city’s atmosphere during the city’s “relatively static” movement of people, according to a statement by the orchestra this week.

The statement said that currently the Macao Orchestra has over 17,000 followers on their Facebook page, and the orchestra has been sharing music videos and music-related information about its activities on the social platform.

The statement noted that the government special COVID-19 prevention and control measures have resulted in the temporary closure of most businesses and imposed restrictions on people’s movements, including performing venues and musicians. Therefore, besides uploading music performances, some orchestra members have been holding online performances, with the aim of encouraging residents to overcome the pandemic.

According to the statement, on June 27 the orchestra posted online their performance of the Third Symphony of Beethoven (Eroica) conducted by Huang Yi. The statement said that the symphony, one of the most celebrated works of the legendary composer which he originally intended to dedicate to his “hero” Napoléon. Through the performance, the statement added, the orchestra wanted to express their gratitude to Macau’s frontline “heroes” battling the pandemic.

In addition, on June 28, Beethoven’s Egmont Overture was posted online, the statement said, adding that the overture was a narrative of General Egmont fighting bravely for his country. The statement said that the orchestra hoped to send positive energy to local residents through the music.

The statement also said that the orchestra’s string orchestral principles presented the performance of “The Same Song” through its “Cloud Ensemble” on the internet.

“Performances need not be limited to face-to-face nowadays, thanks to technology artists can now even play ensemble music to let beautiful melodies interweave on the cloud and transcend geographical restrictions,” the statement said.

Besides performances, the orchestra’s conductor Francis Kan also interviewed its members about their musical perspectives and experiences.

All the events can be viewed on their Facebook and YouTube pages, and the statement pointed out that more performances and interviews will be uploaded soon. For more information, visit: &

2020-21 Season Opening Concert Pre-concert Talk

Speaker :Lu Jia

Macao orchestra 2020-21 concert season will open soon. If you want to listen to the background stories about two Beethoven symphonies, and would like to interact with musicians before the concert, don’t miss Pre-concert Talk!

Date:2020/10/20 (二/Tue)
Venue:Macao Cultural Center Conference Room

Speaker: Lu Jia


Artist Salon – Meet with Maestro Lü Shao-Chia

Speaker: Lü Shao-Chia

Macao Orchestra X Mandarin Oriental, Macau
Meet with Maestro Lü Shao-Chia

An artist salon with world famous Maestro Lü Shao-Chia is going to held on 10 Jan 2020.
The Taiwan-born Lü Shao-Chia studied music in Taipei, later at the Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, and also at the College of Music Vienna. His training was topped off with three important first prizes at renowned international conductor competitions: Besancon (France), Pedrotti (Italy) and Kondrashin (the Netherlands). Lü Shao-Chia took over the position of General Music Director of both the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz (1998-2004)and the Koblenz Theatre(2001-2006), and he has been Music Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic since 2010 August.
In this coming artist salon, Maestro Lü will share his unforgettable conductor experience in Europe and Asia, as well as will explain the programmes of the concert ” In Dialogue with Cello”. Music aficionado Don’t miss it!

Venue:Mandarin Oriental, Macau – Lobby Lounge
Number of guests:20 px
Price:MOP 148 / px *
Includes a glass of sparkling, red or white wine, cocktail or mocktail and a selection of canapes.

For reservations, please contact +853 8805 8938 | [email protected]
* Price is subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tourism tax





澳門文化局近年積極開拓另類場地(或因太缺正規音樂廳吧),「教堂音樂會」、「大炮台音樂會」等特色音樂會已成澳門音樂節賣點。玫瑰堂是最常舉行音樂會的澳門教堂。12 月初,我在此聽了澳門樂團的「拉丁隨想曲」音樂會,擔任獨奏小提琴的,是澳門樂團首席保羅‧莫連拿(Paolo Morena),指揮是羅伯特‧賈諾拉(Roberto Gianola)。雖然是免費音樂會,但節目內容毫不馬虎,約一小時的曲目包括:巴卡羅夫(Bacalov)「小提琴協奏曲」、柴可夫斯基「意大利隨想曲」(Capriccio Italien),和林姆斯基‧高沙可夫「西班牙隨想曲」(Capriccio espagnol)。


說回音樂會。古典樂迷或會對阿根廷出生的意大利作曲家巴卡羅夫感到陌生,因他主要活躍於電影配樂界,作品包括 The Gospel According to St. Matthew(柏索里尼執導)和 The Postman(Michael Radford 執導),後者曾獲奧斯卡最佳原創配樂獎。巴卡羅夫風格多樣化,尤愛在作品中融進阿根廷探戈音樂,是次演出的「小提琴協奏曲」亦不例外。據場刊介紹,此曲是他專為莫連拿所寫。第一樂章由帶點詭異感的獨特短促節奏展開,獨奏小提琴隨後加入,旋律並非悅耳一類,卻自有一股魔力。最初的短促節奏多番浮現,串起整個樂章,而近尾聲時單簧管與小提琴唱和,則甚為動聽。



樂曲甫開始,小號吹起嘹亮簡潔的軍樂旋律——這是作曲家在意大利旅行時,每早於旅館聽到的軍樂聲。澳門樂團的銅管部向來不錯,今年 5 月聽呂嘉指揮的蕭斯塔科維奇第五交響曲,已印象極佳。清脆小號先聲奪人後,其他銅管便陸續加入,吹得金光燦然,滿室生輝,觀眾的精神亦為之抖擻起來。有趣的是,恢宏的銅管聲,跟教堂本有的靜穆兩相碰撞,頗有魔幻現實之感。樂團在演奏前一首樂曲時一直拘謹抑壓著的音量(估計是為免掩蓋獨奏小提琴家的琴音),於此時的「fortissimo」(ff)終於全面爆發,氣場銳不可擋。以前我常以為教堂的聲效太過「離散」,演奏大音量樂段效果或許欠佳,但原來並不一定。


隨後的「西班牙隨想曲」,歡快熱鬧如嘉年華的舞曲,在毫無預兆下傾瀉而出,妙不可言。單簧管與小提琴獨奏部分,與豐富的樂團音色構成強烈對比。第二樂章是變奏曲,吹奏主題旋律的圓號有點朦朧,但由不同樂器聲部擔當主角的五段變奏卻相當吸引。事實上,一邊聽著結構簡明的變奏曲,一邊欣賞擁有 400 多年歷史的教堂古蹟,是一大樂事。至第三樂章,客席樂團首席梁大南獨挑大樑,奏出兩段跳躍輕快旋律,可惜拉得拘謹,節奏亦不夠穩健,影響了樂章的灑脫美感。幸好最後兩樂章,吉卜賽的狂歡節奏感染力非凡,為音樂會劃上美好句號。一個小時轉瞬即逝,走出教堂,議事亭前地的聖誕燈飾閃爍,如在延續熱血沸騰的音樂氣氛。