Alteration of the programmes of the Macao Orchestra’s concerts scheduled for November and December due to the epidemic

  Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, and to the fact that some performers will not be able to visit Macao, some of the concerts scheduled for November and December by the Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will be altered or cancelled. 

  The programme of the concert “Tchaikovsky No. 1”, originally scheduled to be held on 21 November, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, was changed to Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1 in B-flat minor, Op. 23 and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5. The concert, with an approximate duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes, under the baton of the Music Director of the Macao Orchestra, Lu Jia will feature the new emerging star of the piano, Tianxu Au. Spectators with tickets can request the respective refund at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets from today to 3 November, or keep their existing tickets and enjoy the excellent performance on that day. In addition, the concerts “The Symphonic Life – A Tribute to Tchaikovsky” and “BIG Nightmare Music”, originally scheduled to be held on 4 December and 12 December, respectively, will be cancelled.

  On 5 December, the Macao Orchestra will also hold the concert “Music in Casa Garden”, in two sessions, at 2:30 pm and 5 pm, at Casa Garden, featuring a number of works, including Mozart’s Clarinet Quintet in A major and Beethoven’s String Trio in C minor. Admission to the concert will be processed with free tickets. Limited tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis from 3 November for registration through the Macao Orchestra’s website at or the official WeChat account “MacaoOrchestra”. 

  The Macao Orchestra sincerely thanks music aficionados for their understanding and support, strictly follows the relevant guidelines of the Health Bureau and implements appropriate measures for all performances and activities. For details and updates of the concerts, please visit the Macao Orchestra website and its official WeChat account. For enquiries, please contact the Macao Orchestra’s hotline through tel. 2853 0782 during office hours.

Training course for OM Little Reporter

Macao orchestra little journalists can have close contact with musicians, interview conductors, section principals and instrumentalists of the Macao Orchestra, and share what they have seen and heard on social media through videos, text and images from different perspectives. If you love music, and like sharing with others, join us now!

【Training Details】
Date: 2020/11/07、11/14 (Sat)
Venue: Cultural Affairs Bureau
Registration: Only open to OM Young Friends aged 12-25
Language: Cantonese

【Day 1】
Date:2020/11/07 (Sat)
Speaker: Francis Kan (Assistant Conductor, Macao Orchestra)
Module 1: The Tchaikovsky you don’t know
Module 2: Evolution of capriccios and variations

Date: 2020/11/14(Sat)
Time: 10:00-12:00
Speaker: Kuok Mio U (Chief of Division of Cultural Promotion, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao)
Module 1: How to write an interview
Module 2: Basics writing skills
Participants who have completed the course will have the opportunity to meet the conductors and soloists of the following concerts and be invited to attend the concerts. Within one week after watching a concert, participants should submit a review of more than 300 words, and Macao Orchestra will publish related articles on its and media accounts.

Participants with full attendance rate who have submitted the required articles will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Not yet be OM Young friends, lets apply now!

Alteration of the programmes of two concerts in the Macao Orchestra new Season due to the impossibility of the performers to travel to Macau

Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, and to the fact that some performers will not be able … Continue reading “Alteration of the programmes of two concerts in the Macao Orchestra new Season due to the impossibility of the performers to travel to Macau”

Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, and to the fact that some performers will not be able to visit Macao, the programmes of the Macao Orchestra new Season concerts “2020-21 Season Opening Concert – Vadim Repin and Macao Orchestra” and “A Night with the World’s Top Trombonist”, originally scheduled to be held on 20 October and 1 November, respectively, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, were altered. The admission to both concerts will be processed with free tickets. Spectators with tickets can request the respective refund at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets from 30 September to 30 November.

The “2020-21 Season Opening Concert – Vadim Repin and Macao Orchestra” was renamed “Macao Orchestra 2020-21 Season Opening Concert”, and will not count with the collaboration of virtuous violinist Vadim Repin who will not be able to visit Macao due to the epidemic. Therefore, in this concert OM will perform Beethoven’s Symphony No. 2, Op. 36 and Symphony No. 4, Op. 60, under the baton of the Music Director of the Macao Orchestra, Lu Jia. The concert will be held on 20 October, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, and the duration is approximately 1 hour 20 minutes.

Furthermore, the concert “A Night with the World’s Top Trombonist” was renamed “Symphony of Immortality”. The trombonist and conductor who was originally going to conduct the concert, Christian Lindberg, will also not be able to visit Macao due to the epidemic. Therefore, the concert will be conducted by the Assistant Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Francis Kan, and the programme will feature Haydn’s Symphony No. 92 and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 8, Op. 93. The concert will be held on 1 November, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, and the duration will be approximately 1hour 15 minutes.

Admission to both concerts will be processed with free tickets. The spectators who complete the refund on or before 11 October will be prioritized to request tickets for the new OM concerts at the Macau Ticketing Network. The number of tickets to be redeemed and the arrangement of the performances will be the same to that of the previous ticket purchase. Seating for the performances is not assigned. The remaining tickets will be available on a first-come-first-served basis from 15 October for registration through the Macao Orchestra’s website at or the official WeChat “MacaoOrchestra”.

The Macao Orchestra sincerely thanks music aficionados for their understanding and support. In the future, the Macao Orchestra will offer more excellent programmes. For details and updates of the concerts, please visit the Macao Orchestra website and its official WeChat account. For enquiries, please contact the Macao Orchestra’s hotline at 2853 0782 during office hours.

Venue Changed for the concert “Music in Art Museum”

Due to exhibition period change , ” Music in Art Museum” originally scheduled on 19 Sep will be changed to … Continue reading “Venue Changed for the concert “Music in Art Museum””

Due to exhibition period change , ” Music in Art Museum” originally scheduled on 19 Sep will be changed to held at Casa Garden, same program, same date and time. Admission with free tickets, registration starts from 【12:00 noon on Sept. 20】please do registration by the following links. Seats are limited, available on a first-come-first-served basis.

【OM Sept. Music Dates】

Macao Orchestra will present “OM Sept. Music Dates” in September, bringing to fans five concerts to welcome the new season 2020-21!Admission with free tickets, registration starts from 【12:00 noon on August 20】Please do registration by the following links. Seats are limited, available on a first-come-first-served basis

A Date with Symphonies

The first of the five concerts of “OM Music Sept Dates” will feature, in addition to Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A Major, conducted by OM assistant conductor Francis Kan, a work allowing audience to experience “The Apotheosis of the Dance. Two music giants’ legendary masterpieces in one night, a regal feast!

Venue:Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Concert details>>

《A Date with Cellos》

Eight cellists of Macao Orchestra will perform a number of wonderful cello pieces, including Haydn’s Divertimento in D Major and Dmitri Shostakovich’s Waltz No. 2, etc. Bringing us a fantastic cellos world. Cello fans don’t miss it.

Date:11 to 12-09-2020
Venue:Dom Pedro V Theatre

Concert details>>

Music in World Heritage

Macao Orchestra will leave the concert hall to share wonderful musical moments with audiences at a world heritage site – Casa Garden of Orient Foundation. Works by Frank Bridge and Charles Ires will be performed, giving fans a great opportunity to appreciate the beauty of this world heritage site while experiencing a medley of history and classical music. Not to be missed!

Venue:Casa Garden

Concert details>>

Music in Library

Macao Orchestra’s string duet will light up the normally quiet Taipa Library, injecting vivacity into the venue. Through melodic music and a lively interactive session, the musicians will bring younger music fans closer to classical music. Besides musical enjoyment, audiences can also learn new practical things in this special concert. Make it your top weekend choice!

Venue: Taipa Library

Free admission (no registration required)

Concert Details>>

Music in Art Museum

Ushering in Macao Orchestra’s new season, OM will perform Mozart’s String Quartet No. 4 and String Quintet No. 2 at Macao Museum of Art, introducing fans to the wonderful world of Mozart in a dual fruition in art.

Venue:Case Garden

Free admission (no registration required)

Concert Details>>

For the details and updates of the concerts, please visit the official WeChat account and the website of the Macao Orchestra at For enquiries, please contact Macao Orchestra during office hours ( tel: 2853 0782).

“Summer Episodes” Grand Launch

Macao Orchestra is excited to resume our concerts in July, the ‘Summer Eipsodes’, will be bringing you four melodious concerts. Let’s welcome this amazing summer!

With free admission, registration will be available from 10 July 12:00 through Macao Orchesta Wechat and facebook, Seats are limited and subject to availability.

OM Young Audience Programme
“Classical Express – Back for Fun”

Under the baton of the Assistant Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Francis Kan, music aficionados of all ages will be taken on a journey to the paradise of classical music in an intriguing and interactive way, enjoying a pleasant time with families.

Time:11:00 / 14:30
Venue:Dom Pedro V Theatre

Concert Details>>

“Beethoven Symphony No. 3”

Lu Jia, the Music Director of the Macao Orchestra is going to present Beethoven’s classical Symphony No. 3, demonstrating the immortal spirit of the musician.

Time:15:30 / 20:00 【Additional performance】
Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Concert Details>>

“Beethoven: An evening of chamber music”

The Macao Orchestra will present two exquisite chamber works by Beethoven, the String Quartet in B-flat Major, Op. 18, No. 6 and the Quintet for Piano and Winds in E-flat Major, Op. 16, as well as the Bassoon Quartet in G minor, Op. 73, No. 3 by French composer François Devienne in the late 18th century, offering classical music aficionados a veritable musical feast that has a captivating blend of elegance.

Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre

Concert Details>>

“The Encounter of Beethoven and Haydn”

Under the baton of the Assistant Conductor of Macao Orchestra, Francis Kan, the orchestra will present Haydn’s last Symphony No. 104 in D major “London” and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1, telling the story of the musical legacy of two legendary figures.

Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Concert Details>>

For the details and updates of the concerts, please visit the official WeChat account and the website of the Macao Orchestra at For enquiries, please contact Macao Orchestra during office hours ( tel: 2853 0782).


文化局轄下澳門樂團將由7月起陸續恢復對外演出,為觀眾呈獻音樂表演。部分音樂會因受疫情影響,演奏者未能赴澳,將作取消。 澳門樂團將於7月18日舉行青少年聽眾計畫專場音樂會《古典音樂快線-重返樂園》,透過生動有趣的互動形式,帶領青少年聽眾重返音樂的懷抱,憑票免費入場,活動詳情及門票登記方式請留意澳門樂團微信及網頁,垂詢可於辦公時間致電澳門樂團2853 0782。 此外,澳門樂團 7月亦將參與“內港、氹仔文化深度遊.戲”,並將在氹仔龍環葡韻及嘉模墟兩個地點進行演出。 而受到國際疫情影響及通關限制,多位海外演奏者未能來澳, 7月以下音樂會將作取消,包括:澳門樂團7月11日《與樂共舞》、7月18日《瑰麗管樂》、7月24日及25日《2019-20樂季閉幕音樂會-布赫賓德的貝多芬鋼協全集》,已購買節目門票的觀眾將獲安排退票,退票日期由即日起至9月30日,市民可聯繫澳門售票網辦理退票手續,票務查詢熱線2855 5555。 文化局將持續積極配合衛生部門發出的相關指引,適時對所有演出及活動作妥善安排。有關文化局的最新資訊可流覽網頁、微信“澳門文化局 IC”及Facebook專頁“IC Art藝文棧”。

澳門樂團將於7月18日舉行青少年聽眾計畫專場音樂會《古典音樂快線-重返樂園》,透過生動有趣的互動形式,帶領青少年聽眾重返音樂的懷抱,憑票免費入場,活動詳情及門票登記方式請留意澳門樂團微信及網頁,垂詢可於辦公時間致電澳門樂團2853 0782。
此外,澳門樂團 7月亦將參與“內港、氹仔文化深度遊.戲”,並將在氹仔龍環葡韻及嘉模墟兩個地點進行演出。
而受到國際疫情影響及通關限制,多位海外演奏者未能來澳, 7月以下音樂會將作取消,包括:澳門樂團7月11日《與樂共舞》、7月18日《瑰麗管樂》、7月24日及25日《2019-20樂季閉幕音樂會-布赫賓德的貝多芬鋼協全集》,已購買節目門票的觀眾將獲安排退票,退票日期由即日起至9月30日,市民可聯繫澳門售票網辦理退票手續,票務查詢熱線2855 5555。
文化局將持續積極配合衛生部門發出的相關指引,適時對所有演出及活動作妥善安排。有關文化局的最新資訊可流覽網頁、微信“澳門文化局 IC”及Facebook專頁“IC Art藝文棧”。

Macao Orchestra cancel concerts scheduled for June

Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, many performers will not be able to visit Macao. The Cultural … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra cancel concerts scheduled for June”

Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, many performers will not be able to visit Macao. The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) has decided to cancel the free-admission concerts “Music at World Heritage: Romantic Orchestral Music” and “Music at World Heritage: Beethoven Symphony No. 1” by the Macao Orchestra at the St. Dominic’s Church on 5 June and 26 June respectively.

IC will continue to monitor the progress of the pandemic and make appropriate arrangements for its arts and cultural activities in due course based upon the corresponding opinions from the Health Bureau. For updates, please visit IC’s website at, its official WeChat account “IC_Art_Macao” and “IC Art” page on Facebook.

Macao Orchestra cancels concerts scheduled for May

Due to the impact of novel coronavirus pandemic, many performers will not be able to visit Macao. The Cultural Affairs … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra cancels concerts scheduled for May”

Due to the impact of novel coronavirus pandemic, many performers will not be able to visit Macao. The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) decided to cancel the “Children’s Day Concert: Conductor’s Spellbook” and the Concert “Italian Romance”.

The two sessions of the “Children’s Day Concert: Conductor’s Spellbook” by the Macao Orchestra were originally scheduled for 30 May. Spectators who have purchased tickets for this concert may contact the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for refund procedures from today until 31 July. The free admission concert “Italian Romance” by the Macao Orchestra, originally scheduled for 8 May at the St. Dominic’s Church, will also be cancelled.

IC will continue to monitor the progress of the outbreak and make appropriate arrangements in due course. IC appeals to the public to follow the Macao SAR Government’s measures to combat the pandemic: Let’s all persist; remember to wash hands frequently; wear a face mask properly; avoid crowd gathering; maintain a distance; declare health condition; reduce leaving Macao. For updates, please visit IC’s website at, its official WeChat account “ICMacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.


Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels activities scheduled for April

Due to the global spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the Cultural affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), after … Continue reading “Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels activities scheduled for April”

Due to the global spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the Cultural affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), after careful evaluation, announced the cancellation of a number of performances and “2020 Macao Library Week” that may generate crowd gathering, including the shows Matilda The Musical scheduled for next month. In addition, in order to protect the health of the public, the activity “4.23 Reading in the City” will be carried out online.
The eight shows of the production Matilda The Musical by the Royal Shakespeare Company were originally scheduled to be held from 14 to 19 April at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. The Macao Cultural Centre is actively discussing with the production and performing entity on the rescheduling of the performance Matilda The Musical, hoping to seek another suitable period to present this wonderful programme.

Due to the global spread of the epidemic, a number of other programmes were cancelled. IC will arrange refund for ticket holders from today until 30 June. Holders of tickets for the following shows may contact the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for refund procedures when the epidemic is relieved: the concert “Melodious Chamber Music” by the Macao Orchestra on 3 April, the concert “The Future Conductors” by the Macao Chinese Orchestra on 11 April, Matilda the Musical from 14 to 19 April , and the concert “A Night at the Zenith – Zhang Guoyong and Macao Chinese Orchestra” on 24 April. Other shows with free admission will be cancelled, including the “Easter Concert – Stabat Mater” on 11 April; while the concerts “Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day: A Tribute to Nature” on 18 and 19 April, and the concert “A Night with the World’s Top Trombonist” on 24 April, will be postponed.

The activity “4.23 Reading in the City” will be carried out online this year. A reading instructor will recommend books to the public through the internet, sharing reading experiences and encouraging residents to maintain reading habits during the period of the epidemic. In order to cooperate with the preventive measures and avoid crowd gathering, the “2020 Macao Library Week” and its associated activities, including book exchange, periodical sales, workshops and game booths, will be cancelled.

Various crowd control measures have been implemented in the reopened cultural facilities to limit the number of visitors and a number of activities held at the cultural facilities were cancelled. The Mount Fortress Garden, one of the busking points in the Busking Programme, has been reopened. Other busking points still remain closed. Some of the cultural facilities will remain closed due to the space conditions. The reopening date of such facilities will be announced in due course.

IC continues to pay close attention to the development of the situation of the epidemic and will deploy appropriate measures in a timely manner, urging all sectors to cooperate with the preventive measures of the SAR Government. Let’s all persist; avoid crowd gathering; wash hands frequently; wear a mask properly; declare health condition; reduce leaving Macao. For updates, please visit IC’s website at, its official WeChat account “ICMacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.

Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels all activities scheduled for March, cultural venues remain temporarily closed

As the prevention and control work of the novel coronavirus is still in an important phase, the Cultural Affairs Bureau … Continue reading “Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels all activities scheduled for March, cultural venues remain temporarily closed”

As the prevention and control work of the novel coronavirus is still in an important phase, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), cancelled all external activities scheduled for March.Considering that the cultural venues under the auspices of the IC are indoor spaces, in order to reduce the risk of spread of epidemic in the community and avoid contact and concentration of people, all cultural venues will remain closed until further notice.

The IC will arrange refunds for those who have purchased tickets for the shows from today to 31 May. Spectators with tickets for the following shows may contact the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for refund procedures when the epidemic is relieved: the concerts “Resounding Strings and Woodwinds” by the Macao Chinese Orchestra on 14 March and “Symphony of Destiny” by the Macao Orchestra on 21 March. Other shows with free admission will be cancelled, including the concerts “The Power of Change” and “Maestros’ Sound” by the Macao Orchestra on 13 and 27 March, respectively; while the concert “Music in Macao Art Museum” by the Macao Orchestra on 1 March and the concerts “Music in World Heritage”, “Concerts in Museum”,“The Joy of Macao” and “Strolling in the Garden, Listening to Music”by the Macao Chinese Orchestra on 7, 8, 18 and 21 March, respectively, will be postponed.

Performance venues such as the Macao Cultural Centre, the Dom Pedro V Theatre and the Old Court Building, public libraries, cultural exhibition sites, cultural heritage sites, Cinematheque • Passion and Macao Fashion Gallerywill remain closed until further notice. All guided tours and activities scheduled to be held at these locations during this period will be cancelled. The 2019-2020 Macao Cultural Heritage training programme “Little Little Docent” will also be postponed.

Let’s work together to fight against epidemic. During this period, the IC will continue to provide diversified services for learning and cultural entertainment of the public and families through electronic reading platforms and online exhibitions and shows.

During the closing period of the public libraries, the self-service book return system at the libraries is maintained and the loan period for borrowed books will be extended accordingly until the libraries are reopened.Readers do not need to return books instantly. During this period, residents can browse a number of electronic resources onthe “Online Reading Platform”on the Macao Public Library’s website at In addition to the databases of multiple journals and papers, the platform provides about 14,000 free electronic books covering various fields. The platform also covers the “Story Garden – Kiss Nature Kids’ Story Garden”, combing stories from illustrated books, encyclopedia of nature as well as children’s songs, suitable for reading by families.

In consideration of the protection of the public’s health on the premise, the IC will continue to pay attention to the overall development of the epidemic and gradually cooperate accordingly. At the same time, the IC urges all sectors to cooperate with the preventive measures of the SAR Government. For the sake of your health as well as for others, please reduce going out and avoid staying in crowded places. Wear masks properly and wash hands frequently, in order to eliminate the epidemic as soon as possible. For the updates, please visit IC’s website at, its official WeChat account “ICMacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.

Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels all activities scheduled for February, applications for filming permit and financial support for events remain open

In response to the ongoing outbreak of new coronavirus, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), cancelled all … Continue reading “Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels all activities scheduled for February, applications for filming permit and financial support for events remain open”

In response to the ongoing outbreak of new coronavirus, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), cancelled all external activities that are scheduled for February, and all cultural venues of the IC will remain closed until further notice.
The IC will arrange refunds for those who have purchased tickets for the shows from today to 31 May. Spectators with tickets for the following shows may contact the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for refund procedures when the epidemic is relieved: the Valentine’s Day Concert “Sentiments” – Lin Daye and Macao Chinese Orchestra on 8 February, the “Valentine’s Day Concert: Latin Passion” by the Macao Orchestra on 14 February, the dance show “Hamburg Ballet John Neumeier – Nijinsky” between 28 February and 1 March, and the concert “Enchanting Moments of Divertimento” by the Macao Orchestra on 29 February. Other shows with free admission, such as the concert “When Music Speaks” and “The Future of Classical Music” which originally scheduled on 8 February and 22 February respectively will be canceled, and “Musical Magic Wand” by the Macao Chinese Orchestra which originally scheduled on 22 February will be postponed.
All public libraries, museums and other cultural venues will remain closed and all activities that are scheduled to be held during this period will also be cancelled. During the closing period of the public libraries, the loan period for borrowed books will be extended accordingly. The self-service book return system at the libraries will be maintained. The IC will remain service to receive applications for filming permit. Residents can submit the duly completed advance notice (available for download on the IC’s website: and the necessary documents, by email to [email protected]. For enquiries, please contact IC through tel. no. 83996280.
Regarding the Subsidy Programme “Financial Support for Local Association Activities/ Cultural Projects Programme”, the applicants can submit their applications through IC’s “online application system”, without applying in person. During this period, the IC’s online system will generate the application form with the application date as the submission date, the requesting entities may also send the relevant information for assessment by email. For changes or reports on the related activities/ projects, the subsidized entities may explain the reason and request for extension by email if they are unable to submit the report within 30 days from the end of the activities or projects, without applying in person. For changes, submission of reports or enquiries, please email to [email protected].
The open call for proposals from local bands, musicians and cultural and creative entities for this year’s “HUSH!! Full Music” Beach Concert and the video collection “Local View Power” will be postponed until 11:59pm on 21 February. Relevant applications can be scanned and submitted by email. For enquiries about “HUSH!! Full Music” Beach Concert and submission of documents, please email to [email protected]; while for enquiries about “Local View Power” and submission of documents, please email to [email protected]. Attachments are limited to 8MB, if necessary, a download link can be attached.
The IC appeals to the cultural and artistic circles to work together to combat the epidemic, to cooperate with the MSAR Government’s epidemic implantation measures, as well as to avoid organizing events that involve a high concentration of people, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic. For the updates, please visit IC’s website at, its official WeChat account “ICMacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.

Concert “Rhythm in Your Rubbish” by the Macao Orchestra to be canceled, Audiences with tickets can request refund from today

The concert “Rhythm in Your Rubbish” by the Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, originally scheduled to be held on 1 December, at 2:30pm and 5:30pm, at the Macao Tower Auditorium, and the associated “Music Workshop” originally scheduled to be held on 30 November, will be canceled due to programme adjustments. Audiences with tickets can request the respective refund at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets from today to 31 Dec by presenting the intact tickets. We apologize for any inconveniences. For enquiries, please call the Macau Ticketing Network through hotline 28555555 or the Macao Orchestra through hotline 28530782 during office hours.

2019 Macao Orchestra Audience Survey – Lucky drawer winners

Thank you for your kindly support! 2019 Macao Orchestra Audience Survey has been finished. Your comments will enhance our concert season planning, and provide a better musical experience.

After the computer lottery, please see the drawing for the winning list.

Winners of Macao Orchestra 2018-19 Season Closing Concert 2 Tickets
Please approach to the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s front desk to get the prizes by presenting our confirmation email from July 15th to 22th, 2019 during the office hours.

Winners of Macao Orchestra 35 Anniversary Macao Pass Gift Set
Please approach to the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s front desk to get the prizes by presenting our confirmation email from July 15th to 26th, 2019 during the office hours.

Acclaimed Bassoonist Azzolini attracted local and overseas audiences with a captivating concert in Macao

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presented the concert “Azzolini and Lu Jia”, part of the Shining Virtuosos series, on 15 March, at the St. Dominic’s Church. Under the baton of Music Director Lu Jia, the Orchestra joined hands with internationally renowned bassoonist Sergio Azzolini, a winner of numerous international awards, to perform a repertoire of famous classics, which won high acclaim and an enthusiastic applause from the audience. The Macao Orchestra specially organized the “Master Class with Sergio Azzolini” prior to the concert, in which the participants considered personal coaching by the master in the session to be very instructive.

The famous Italian bassoonist Sergio Azzolini, hailed as an authority on the interpretation of Vivaldi’s works in the field of bassoon performance, was invited to present the concert in Macao, attracting many local and overseas music aficionados. The bassoonist presented Bassoon Concerto in A Minor by Vivaldi, which fully demonstrated his exceptional solo performing skills and brought a bewitching performance in the cadenza. In the concert, the musical pieces Bassoon Concerto in F Major by C. Stamitz and Symphony No. 4 in A Major, “Italian” by Mendelssohn were also presented.

In addition, the Macao Orchestra’s chamber music concert “Chamber Gala” will be held on Saturday, 30 March, at 8pm, at the Dom Pedro V Theatre. Tickets for the concert are priced at MOP120 and MOP100 and are available for purchase. On the same day, the exchange session “Music Hour with Musicians” will also be held at 7pm, in which the musicians of the Orchestra including Wang Yue, Xiao Fan and Kai Sai, will talk about curiosities of chamber music. Admission is free and music aficionados are welcome to participate and interact with the musicians. 24-hour ticketing hotline: 2855 5555; online ticketing: For details and enquiries about the programme, please contact OM through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or visit the Macao Orchestra webpage at

Cultural Affairs Bureau and Education and Youth Affairs Bureau jointly organized educational concerts for students

The Macao Orchestra, under the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), a partner of the “General Art Educational Plan for High School Students” initiated by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ, from the Portuguese acronym), organized five concerts in the “Explore the World in Western Music” series from 6 to 8 March at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Under the baton of Assistant Conductor Francis Kan, the Orchestra presented a list of well-known masterpieces from different parts of the world to nearly 4,000 teachers and students from the city’s secondary schools, who gave an enthusiastic response to the performances.

The concerts, themed “Explore the World in Western Music”, presented a repertoire of large-scale orchestral compositions, including the Caprice on Flowery Spring River by Doming Lam, Prelude to Carmen by G. Bizet, Toy Symphony by W.A. Mozart and Symphony No. 5 by L. van Beethoven. During the concert, the Orchestra invited students to take the stage and perform together, bringing them closer to music. The concerts were accompanied by humorous explanations. The students also gained knowledge of theatre etiquette. A total of 36 schools participated in the concerts, which received positive comments.

The Macao Orchestra will continue to carry out more educational activities, injecting creative elements and a variety of activities in order to develop musical education and its promotion close by the community, seeking to cultivate local students’ interest in music by organizing a series of educational concerts. In addition, the Orchestra will conduct a concert tour featuring a woodwind quintet in various secondary schools in late April. For more information about the concerts and programme, please visit the Macao Orchestra webpage at

Change of programme of the Macao Orchestra 2018-19 Season Closing Concert Members of the public with tickets can request refund from today

The “2018-19 Season Closing Concert – Kyung Wha Chung and the Macao Orchestra”, originally scheduled to be held on Saturday, 27 July, at 8pm at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, will be cancelled due to health reasons of violinist Kyung Wha Chung. Spectators with tickets can request the respective refund at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets from today to 27 July by presenting the intact tickets.

Renowned violinist Kyung Wha Chung decided to cancel all official performance arrangements before September 2019 due to health reasons, including the concert in cooperation with the Macao Orchestra. Meanwhile, the Macao Orchestra is actively planning its closing concert to thank all sectors of the society for their 35-year long support to the Orchestra. Stay tuned!

The Cultural Affairs Bureau sincerely thanks music aficionados for their understanding. Spectators who bought tickets for the above-mentioned concert can request the respective refund at the Macao Ticketing Network from today to 27 July by presenting the intact tickets. For enquiries, please contact the Macau Ticketing Network through tel. no. 2855 5555 during office hours or through email [email protected].

Macao Orchestra presents concert “Azzolini and Lu Jia” in March Registration for master class opens from today

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the concert “Azzolini and Lu Jia” on Friday, 15 March, at 8pm, at the St. Dominic’s Church. Admission is free. Tickets will be distributed at the St. Dominic’s Church one hour prior to the performance. In addition to the concert, OM will specially hold a master class on 13 March, in which bassoonist Azzolini will coach the participants on bassoon solo and woodwind ensemble performance skills in person. A number of seats will also be available for observers. All music aficionados are welcome.

Under the baton of Music Director Lu Jia, the Orchestra will join hands with internationally renowned bassoonist Sergio Azzolini to present two bassoon concertos, by A. Vivaldi and C. Stamitz, and in the second part OM will perform the Symphony No.4 ‘Italian’ by Mendelssohn further extending the South European flavour of the Romantic period.

Born in Bolzano, Italy in 1967, Azzolini is famous for his extraordinary ability in interpreting musical pieces of various styles and his notable accomplishment in the performance of classical instruments, especially those featured in Baroque music. He is hailed as an authority on the interpretation of Vivaldi’s works in the field of bassoon performance. He won numerous international awards in many prestigious competitions, such as the Carl Maria von Weber Competition, the Prague Spring Competition and the ARD Competition, and has worked with various musicians and orchestras, including the Ensemble Baroque de Limoges, the Concentus Musicus Wien, Holland Baroque Society, the Händel-Festspielorchester Halle and the Accademia Bizantina, among others.

The “Master Class with Sergio Azzolini” will be held on Wednesday, 13 March, at 6:30pm, on the 2nd floor of the Auditorium of Handover Gifts Museum of Macao, in which Azzolini will personally coach the participants on bassoon solo and woodwind ensemble performance skills individually or in groups. 50 seats will be available for observers. Registration for participants being coached and for observers can be made through tel. no. 2853 0782 or via Macao Orchestra’s official WeChat account by 4 March. Successful applicants will be notified on or before 11 March for the payment which must be made at the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

Admission to the Macao Orchestra’s concert “Azzolini and Lu Jia” is free. Tickets will be distributed at St. Dominic’s Church one hour prior to the performance. Distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to a maximum of two tickets per person. For details and enquiries about the programme, please visit Macao Orchestra’s webpage at

Macao Orchestra presents romantic “Valentine’s Day Concert – Piano in Love”

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the “Valentine’s Day Concert – Piano in Love” on Saturday, 16 February, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Under the baton of the prominent Macao conductor Lio Kuokman, the Macao Orchestra will join hands with renowned Chinese pianist Chen Sa to present a repertoire specially selected for Valentine’s Day, celebrating this romantic day with music aficionados. Tickets are now available through the Macau Ticketing Network.

This year marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Clara Schumann, a remarkable pianist and composer of the 19th century, highly accomplished in the fields of piano performance, music composition and criticism. Her loyalty and love to her husband Robert Schumann, and her lifelong friendship with composer Johannes Brahms have also become immortal much-told stories.

In commemoration of these three great musicians, the programme of this Valentine’s Day concert features Robert Schumann’s Overture to Genoveva, Clara Schumann’s Piano Concerto in A minor and Johannes Brahm’s Symphony No. 4 in E minor, showing how the three masters express their feelings through music.

Tickets for the “Valentine’s Day Concert – Piano in Love” are priced at MOP250, MOP200 and MOP150, with various discount packages available. 24-hour ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. Ticketing website: For details and enquiries about the programme, please contact OM through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or visit Macao Orchestra’s website at

Macao Orchestra presented spectacular concert in collaboration with violinist Tianwa Yang and stages a chamber music concert at Dom Pedro V Theatre on Sunday

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presented the concert “Salute to Richard Strauss – Tianwa Yang and Macao Orchestra”, part of the Shining Virtuosos series, on 19 January at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, featuring Edouard Lalo’s Symphonie Espagnole, in which acclaimed Chinese violinist Tianwa Yang displayed her virtuoso technique. The Orchestra also performed two classical symphonic masterpieces by Richard Strauss, Don Juan and Tod und Verklärung (Death and Transfiguration). The concert was well-received by the public. An autograph session was held with Tianwa Yang which attracted swarms of music aficionados. In addition, the violinist gave a master class on 18 January at the Macao Conservatory, in which she coached and exchanged views with the participating violin students.

Tianwa Yang, hailed by American music critics for her “stunning, effortless virtuosity”, cooperated with the Macao Orchestra for the first time in this concert, presenting the world-famous and challenging violin concerto Symphonie Espagnole by French composer Édouard Lalo. Written as a “symphony” for violin and orchestra, the Symphonie Espagnole features a rich and colourful violin solo, with which Tianwa Yang demonstrated her superb virtuosity and earned rounds of applause. As a tribute to German composer Richard Strauss on the 70th anniversary of his death this year, the Macao Orchestra also performed two of his classical symphonic masterpieces, Don Juan and Tod und Verklärung (Death and Transfiguration).

On Sunday 27 January, OM will present the chamber music concert “Mesmerising Austro-German Music” at the Dom Pedro V Theatre, at 8pm, featuring a programme of ensemble compositions by Mozart, Mendelssohn and Schubert. Tickets are priced at MOP120 and MOP100 and are now available for purchase. On the same day, the exchange session “Music Hour with Musicians” will be held at 7pm, in which musicians of the Orchestra including first violinist Li Silei, cellist Zhang Taiyang and bassoonist Zhu Wukun will talk about curiosities of chamber music. Admission is free. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555. For details and programme enquiries, please contact OM through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or visit the Macao Orchestra’s webpage at

Macao Orchestra and local musicians present the concert “The Future of Classical Music”

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, under the baton of Orchestra’s Assistant Conductor Francis Kan, will join hands with a number of local musicians and music students to present the concert “The Future of Classical Music” on Saturday, 12 January, at 8pm, at the University Hall of the University of Macau. Admission is free. All residents are welcome to attend.

With great emphasis attached on encouraging local young music talents, every year OM organises concerts and perform jointly with local music lovers and students, allowing them to showcase their talent. This year, OM will continue to collaborate with various local music entities, arranging young music students to rehearse together with professional music ensembles and providing individual guidance from the Orchestra’s musicians, thereby allowing the students to interpret different music compositions on stage and showcasing the outstanding results of the music talents.

This concert features three masterpieces, including Overture to Poet and Peasant by Suppé, Caprice Bohémien by Rachmaninoff and Overture to 1812 by Tchaikovsky. Performing groups also include The University of Macau String Orchestra and The University of Macau Symphonic Band, The Student Philharmonic Orchestra of the Macao Conservatory, Macau Band Directors Association, Macau Strings Association, students of the Bachelor of Arts in Music course from Macao Polytechnic Institute and two local young music talents, Cheang Ka In and Iong Hou In.

Admission to the concert “The Future of Classical Music” is free. Interested parties can reserve tickets through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or subscribe to the official WeChat account of Macao Orchestra for reservation. For programme enquiries, please visit OM’s webpage at

Macao Orchestra presented “Starry Vienna – New Year Concert” to welcome the New Year Renowned violinist Yang Tianwa performs in the following concert

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presented the “Starry Vienna – New Year Concert” on 31 December 2018, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, to welcome the New Year with music aficionados. Renowned conductor Arvo Volmer joined hands with outstanding Chinese soprano Hui He to bring the New Year concert in Viennese style. The concert featured festive decorations, photography activity and a cocktail reception in a joyful atmosphere.

OM’s “Starry Vienna – New Year Concert” has become one of the major musical events for local music aficionados to celebrate the New Year. This year, under the baton of conductor Arvo Volmer, outstanding Chinese soprano He Hui presented a number of Western and Chinese musical pieces, including Giuseppe Verdi’s Mercè, dilette amiche from I Vespri Siciliani, Giacomo Puccini’s Vissi d’arte, vissi d’amore” from Tosca, and Zheng Qiufeng’s How Beautiful My Home Town, among others. The concert drew a full house and music aficionados enjoyed the wonderful musical moments in the festive atmosphere.

In addition, OM will present the concert “Salute to Richard Strauss – Tianwa Yang and the Macao Orchestra” on 19 January 2019, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Under the baton of Principal Conductor Lu Jia, talented violinist Tianwa Yang, will cooperate with OM for the first time.

Tickets for the concert “Salute to Richard Strauss – Tianwa Yang and Macao Orchestra” are now available at the Macau Ticketing Network and are priced at MOP250, MOP200 and MOP150. 24-hour ticketing hotline: 2855 5555; online ticketing: For details and programme enquiries, please visit the OM’s webpage at

Macao Orchestra’s “Christmas Concert” celebrates the festive season with music aficionados

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the “Christmas Concert – Ode to the Festive Season”, to be held on Saturday, 15 December, at 8pm, at Dom Pedro V Theatre. OM will join hands with the Macao Youth Choir under the baton of the Orchestra’s Assistant Conductor Francis Kan. Admission is free. Tickets will be distributed at Dom Pedro V Theatre one hour prior to the performance. All are welcome.

In this festive season, the Macao Orchestra celebrates with music aficionados in advance. In this concert, the Orchestra will perform a number of familiar classic Christmas carols including Silent Night, Jingle Bells, O Come, All Ye Faithful, For the Beauty of the Earth and All Things Bright and Beautiful, among others, presenting an ingenious “Christmas Concert” to the public.
OM specially invited the Macao Youth Choir to perform in this concert. Since its establishment, the Macao Youth Choir has participated in numerous musical events and contests in Macao and abroad and won several international awards.

Admission to the “Christmas Concert – Ode to the Festive Season” is free. Tickets will be distributed at the Dom Pedro V Theatre one hour prior to the performance. Distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to a maximum of two tickets per person. For details and programme enquiries, please visit the Macao Orchestra’s website at

Macao Orchestra presents concert “New World Symphony” at St. Dominic’s Church on Friday

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the concert “New World Symphony” under the baton of renowned conductor Julian Kovatchev from Italy, on Friday, 7 December, at 8pm, at St. Dominic’s Church. Admission to the concert is free. Tickets will be distributed at the entrance of St. Dominic’s Church one hour prior to the performance.

In this concert, the magnificent works Overture to Nabucco by Verdi and Symphony No. 9 “From the New World” by Dvořák, will be presented, conveying the essence of the 19th century, an era when European countries showed their national characters and promoted nationalism. In a long-divided Italy, Giuseppe Verdi’s opera Nabucco evoked the Italians’ strong feelings for independence and revival through the tragic history of the ancient Hebrews. Born in Bohemia under foreign oppression, Antonín Leopold Dvořák reflected the combination of traditional Czech music and folk music of the “New World” perfectly in this masterpiece.

Admission to the concert “New World Symphony” is free. Tickets will be distributed at the St. Dominic’s Church one hour prior to the performance. Distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to a maximum of two tickets per person. The concert will be broadcast live on an outdoor screen installed outside St. Dominic’s Church, allowing more people to enjoy this high quality concert. For details and enquiries about the programme, please visit OM’s website at

Macao Orchestra held concerts dedicated to French music at universities

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presented three concerts dedicated to French music compositions at the Auditorium of the Macao Polytechnic Institute, the Student Activity Centre of the University of Macau and the Auditorium of the library building of the Macau University of Science and Technology on 15 and 17 November. The concerts were conducted and explained by OM’s Assistant Conductor, Francis Kan, in an effort to promote classical music.

The three concerts “University Concert – Indulge in Music of Paris”, were conducted by OM’s Assistant Conductor Francis Kan, who led a number of musicians to present a programme dedicated to French music compositions, specially designed for teachers and students, featuring several pieces such as Deux Marches et un Intermède by Poulenc, Petite Suite by Debussy and Mother Goose Suite 5 Children’s Pieces by Ravel. The three suites feature their own distinctiveness: Deux Marches et un Intermède by Poulenc, composed in 1937 in honour of the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques, featuring the progressive in style, reflects the changes in human society; the Petite Suite by Debussy, with its simplicity, contrasts with the other works of the composer in terms of the pioneering nature of his musical language; while through the Mother Goose Suite, 5 Children’s Pieces, Ravel narrates a series of five fairy tales. In addition to the musical performance, Conductor Francis Kan talked about the musical style of the compositions and the history of classical music. The concerts counted with an active participation of teachers and students and were held in lively atmosphere.

OM has been committed to musical education and its promotion close by the community through creative elements and a variety of activities, launching a series of educational concerts, such as concerts in primary schools and kindergartens to be held in late November. The concerts are specially designed in a targeted manner with a combination of vivid explanations designed to cultivate students’ interest and their ability to appreciate classical music. For more information about the concerts and programmes, please visit the OM’s webpage at

Macao Orchestra presents National Geographic – Symphony for Our World bringing music aficionados a new audiovisual experience

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the original symphony National Geographic – Symphony for Our World on 25 November (Sunday), at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. The Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Perth Symphony Orchestra, Jessica Gethin, was invited to lead the OM and the Learners Chorus from Hong Kong in this concert. Limited tickets are still available at the Macau Ticketing Network. Interested parties are advised to purchase tickets as soon as possible.

The world’s first National Geographic Magazine was published by National Geographic Society in the USA since 1888. Its large cover with a yellow border has become the first impression of readers exploring humanity and ecology. On the occasion of 130th anniversary of its establishment, National Geographic launched the programme Symphony for Our World, which began its world tour in the spring of 2018. Macao is also one of the stops of the tour, bringing local and neighbouring regions’ music aficionados a highly attractive music performance.

Produced by Bleeding Fingers Music, nominated for the Emmy Award and the British Film Academy Film Award (BAFTA), and composed by Austin Fray and Andrew Christie, the symphony, accompanied by a screening of the stunning natural history footage of National Geographic, will take the audience on a breathtaking musical journey through the world’s wildlife. The live performance of the symphony orchestra and choir takes the audience on a journey going from the depths of the sea, up to coastlines, over mountains, and soaring into the sky. The 90-minute performance showcases the unique and precious excerpts and stories of National Geographic over 130 years, presenting music aficionados an unforgettable new audiovisual experience. An exceptional concert not to be missed!

Tickets for the concert National Geographic – Symphony for Our World are available through the Macau Ticketing Network and are priced at MOP250, MOP200 and MOP150. Holders of valid full-time Student Card can enjoy a 50% discount on tickets, and there are various discount packages available. For more information and enquiries about the programme, please visit the OM’s webpage at

Macao Orchestra celebrates 35th Anniversary with music aficionados in “Along with the musical joy – Annual gala and gathering”

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary, the Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the concert “Along with the musical joy – Annual gala and gathering” on 10 November, at 7:30pm, at the Dom Pedro V Theatre. The concert will be followed by a cocktail reception. Tickets for the concert have been distributed earlier. Spectators with tickets are welcome to attend the concert and celebrate the anniversary with the Macao Orchestra.

The concert features a special programme of ensemble music selected by the Macao Orchestra musicians, including Quartet in G Minor by Francois Devienne, Andante and Rondo by Franz Doppler and Serenade in C Major by Ernst von Dohnányi, among others. After the concert, a cocktail reception will be served at the Mirror Hall of the Theatre, where musicians and music aficionados can exchange views and share their wonderful moments of music in a pleasant atmosphere.

For details and enquiries about the programme “Along with the musical joy – Annual gala and gathering”, please visit OM’s website at or contact OM through tel. no. 28530782 during office hours._

OM’s annual concert ‘Flourishing Arts ’ takes place this Friday

The Macao Orchestra (OM) of the Cultural Affairs Bureau presents the concert “Flourishing Arts” this Friday (2 November) at 8pm at St. Dominic’s Church. Under the leadership of OM’s Assistant Conductor, Francis Kan, the Orchestra joins hands in this concert with Law Tak Yin and Kelly Chan Wing Ka, award winners at the 36th Macao Young Musicians Competition, and Shihan Wang, winner of the first prize for violin at the 2nd Zhuhai International Mozart Competition for Young Musicians. Admission is free by ticket which will be distributed at the concert venue on the day of performance, one hour before its start.

The concerts “Flourishing Arts” are part of OM’s educational concerts and continue to offer every year a platform for young musicians to showcase their talent. This year’s concert counts on performances by award winners of the 36th Macao Young Musicians Competition Law Tak Yin, winner of the first prize in the categories of Violin (Advanced Level) and String Concerto (Advanced Level), and Kelly Chan Wing Ka, winner of the first prize in the category of Flute (Advanced Level), who will respectively interpret Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major (1st movement) and Devienne’s Flute concerto No. 7 in E minor (1st movement). OM further cooperates with Shihan Wang, winner of the first prize in Group A in the violin category of the 2nd Zhuhai International Mozart Competition for Young Musicians, in an interpretation of Mozart’s Violin concerto No. 3 in G Major. The public is invited to witness the performances of these extraordinary young musicians.

Admission to the concert “Flourishing Arts” is free by ticket which will be distributed at the concert venue on the day of performance, one hour before its start; distribution is limited to two tickets per person and will be done on a first-come first-served basis. For more information and details, please visit the Macao Orchestra’s website at

OM travels to Shanghai to take part in the 20th China Shanghai International Arts Festival and earns public praise

Invited by the respective organization, the Macao Orchestra (OM) of the Cultural Affairs Bureau travelled to Shanghai between 20 and 25 October to perform at the 20th China Shanghai International Arts Festival. Under the guidance of its Music Director and Principal Conductor, Lu Jia, OM took to the stage of the Shanghai Symphony Hall together with the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra to interpret Bruckner’s Symphony No.8 in C minor. Thanks to an excellent performance, the Orchestra earned the praise and applause of the public.

OM took part in the China Shanghai International Arts Festival for the first time in 2013, taking part this year once again with Bruckner’s Symphony No.8 in C minor under the guidance of OM’s Music Director and Principal Conductor, Lu Jia. Considering Austrian composer Anton Bruckner’s works are rarely presented in Asia, OM offered the Shanghai audience a rare chance to attend to a performance of the composer’s longest work, the Symphony No.8 in C minor. The concert took place on 24 October and earned enthusiastic praise and applause from the local audience, who thereby acknowledged OM’s professionalism and technique. The same work had already been co-performed by OM and the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra on 5 October of this year at the 32nd Macao International Music Festival. Following this initial cooperation, musicians from both ensembles had another opportunity to deepen their connection and improve their technique.

The China Shanghai International Arts Festival is hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China and co-organized by the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government, being the only comprehensive arts festival in China at a national level. The concert has special meaning as it successfully revealed to the Shanghai audience the achievements of Macao’s culture and music while deepening the cooperation and cultural development between the two cities, thereby effectively promoting exchanges between the two. In the future, OM will continue to take on the role of “cultural ambassador” and actively promote Macao’s culture abroad through music.

Macao Orchestra presents an evening of “Charming Serenade”

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the concert “Charming Serenade”, the first chamber music concert of this concert season, on 9 November (Friday), at 8pm, at the Dom Pedro V Theatre, featuring classic serenades composed in different eras, and leading music aficionados to enjoy the beauty of this music genre. Tickets are now available for sale at the Macau Ticketing Network.

People imagine a “Serenade” as a touching scene of a young man playing guitar and singing love songs under the moonlight in front of his lover’s windows. During the classical period, serenades not only maintained lyrical and lingering emotional expressions, but the forms of performance became more flexible. In this concert, OM will interpret four serenades by Mozart, Beethoven, Reger and Milhaud through a variety of chamber music combinations, allowing the audience to discern how composers of different generations convey feelings through music. Tickets are priced at MOP120 and MOP100, with various discount packages available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555.

In addition, due to maintenance of the venue, the concert “Mesmerising Austro-German Music”, originally scheduled to be held on 5 January 2019 (Saturday), at 8pm, at the Dom Pedro V Theatre, has been postponed to 27 January 2019 (Sunday), at 8pm. The venue and programme of the performance as well as the ticket prices remain unchanged. Spectators with tickets can enjoy the concert on the new date, 27 January, or may change their tickets at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets from today to 7 January 2019. For more information and enquiries about the programme, please visit OM’s webpage at