“Summer Episodes” Grand Launch

Macao Orchestra is excited to resume our concerts in July, the ‘Summer Eipsodes’, will be bringing you four melodious concerts. Let’s welcome this amazing summer!

With free admission, registration will be available from 10 July 12:00 through Macao Orchesta Wechat and facebook, Seats are limited and subject to availability.

OM Young Audience Programme
“Classical Express – Back for Fun”

Under the baton of the Assistant Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Francis Kan, music aficionados of all ages will be taken on a journey to the paradise of classical music in an intriguing and interactive way, enjoying a pleasant time with families.

Time:11:00 / 14:30
Venue:Dom Pedro V Theatre

Concert Details>>

“Beethoven Symphony No. 3”

Lu Jia, the Music Director of the Macao Orchestra is going to present Beethoven’s classical Symphony No. 3, demonstrating the immortal spirit of the musician.

Time:15:30 / 20:00 【Additional performance】
Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Concert Details>>

“Beethoven: An evening of chamber music”

The Macao Orchestra will present two exquisite chamber works by Beethoven, the String Quartet in B-flat Major, Op. 18, No. 6 and the Quintet for Piano and Winds in E-flat Major, Op. 16, as well as the Bassoon Quartet in G minor, Op. 73, No. 3 by French composer François Devienne in the late 18th century, offering classical music aficionados a veritable musical feast that has a captivating blend of elegance.

Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre

Concert Details>>

“The Encounter of Beethoven and Haydn”

Under the baton of the Assistant Conductor of Macao Orchestra, Francis Kan, the orchestra will present Haydn’s last Symphony No. 104 in D major “London” and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1, telling the story of the musical legacy of two legendary figures.

Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Concert Details>>

For the details and updates of the concerts, please visit the official WeChat account and the website of the Macao Orchestra at www.icm.gov.mo/om. For enquiries, please contact Macao Orchestra during office hours ( tel: 2853 0782).


文化局轄下澳門樂團將由7月起陸續恢復對外演出,為觀眾呈獻音樂表演。部分音樂會因受疫情影響,演奏者未能赴澳,將作取消。 澳門樂團將於7月18日舉行青少年聽眾計畫專場音樂會《古典音樂快線-重返樂園》,透過生動有趣的互動形式,帶領青少年聽眾重返音樂的懷抱,憑票免費入場,活動詳情及門票登記方式請留意澳門樂團微信及網頁,垂詢可於辦公時間致電澳門樂團2853 0782。 此外,澳門樂團 7月亦將參與“內港、氹仔文化深度遊.戲”,並將在氹仔龍環葡韻及嘉模墟兩個地點進行演出。 而受到國際疫情影響及通關限制,多位海外演奏者未能來澳, 7月以下音樂會將作取消,包括:澳門樂團7月11日《與樂共舞》、7月18日《瑰麗管樂》、7月24日及25日《2019-20樂季閉幕音樂會-布赫賓德的貝多芬鋼協全集》,已購買節目門票的觀眾將獲安排退票,退票日期由即日起至9月30日,市民可聯繫澳門售票網辦理退票手續,票務查詢熱線2855 5555。 文化局將持續積極配合衛生部門發出的相關指引,適時對所有演出及活動作妥善安排。有關文化局的最新資訊可流覽網頁www.icm.gov.mo、微信“澳門文化局 IC”及Facebook專頁“IC Art藝文棧”。

澳門樂團將於7月18日舉行青少年聽眾計畫專場音樂會《古典音樂快線-重返樂園》,透過生動有趣的互動形式,帶領青少年聽眾重返音樂的懷抱,憑票免費入場,活動詳情及門票登記方式請留意澳門樂團微信及網頁,垂詢可於辦公時間致電澳門樂團2853 0782。
此外,澳門樂團 7月亦將參與“內港、氹仔文化深度遊.戲”,並將在氹仔龍環葡韻及嘉模墟兩個地點進行演出。
而受到國際疫情影響及通關限制,多位海外演奏者未能來澳, 7月以下音樂會將作取消,包括:澳門樂團7月11日《與樂共舞》、7月18日《瑰麗管樂》、7月24日及25日《2019-20樂季閉幕音樂會-布赫賓德的貝多芬鋼協全集》,已購買節目門票的觀眾將獲安排退票,退票日期由即日起至9月30日,市民可聯繫澳門售票網辦理退票手續,票務查詢熱線2855 5555。
文化局將持續積極配合衛生部門發出的相關指引,適時對所有演出及活動作妥善安排。有關文化局的最新資訊可流覽網頁www.icm.gov.mo、微信“澳門文化局 IC”及Facebook專頁“IC Art藝文棧”。

AKU x Macao Orchestra

How to attend a concert elegantly? Aku is going to share with us!

About clothing

Dress for the concert should be neat and comfortable, better be smart casual

About arrival time

The audience should arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the concert. For respecting the artists on stage, late audience should follow the instructions of the organizer and wait until the appropriate chapters to enter the venue;

Reading House programme

Audience are suggested to study the programmes before concert;

Avoiding in and out

During the performance, avoiding in and out, in order not to affect other audiences;

No Eating, drinking and photographing

Eating, drinking, photographing, recording and video recording are prohibited in the performance venue;

Avoid making noise

Audiences should be quiet, and should avoid taking out mobile phones and other lighting devices, in order not affecting artists on stage;

About applaud

Remember that there is no need to applaud between movements, audience should wait until the end of the whole concert to applaud;

Warmly applaud

If the performance is wonderful, it can be reacted with long applauding to show respect and appreciation.

Macao Orchestra cancel concerts scheduled for June

Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, many performers will not be able to visit Macao. The Cultural … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra cancel concerts scheduled for June”

Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, many performers will not be able to visit Macao. The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) has decided to cancel the free-admission concerts “Music at World Heritage: Romantic Orchestral Music” and “Music at World Heritage: Beethoven Symphony No. 1” by the Macao Orchestra at the St. Dominic’s Church on 5 June and 26 June respectively.

IC will continue to monitor the progress of the pandemic and make appropriate arrangements for its arts and cultural activities in due course based upon the corresponding opinions from the Health Bureau. For updates, please visit IC’s website at www.icm.gov.mo, its official WeChat account “IC_Art_Macao” and “IC Art” page on Facebook.

Macao Orchestra cancels concerts scheduled for May

Due to the impact of novel coronavirus pandemic, many performers will not be able to visit Macao. The Cultural Affairs … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra cancels concerts scheduled for May”

Due to the impact of novel coronavirus pandemic, many performers will not be able to visit Macao. The Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym) decided to cancel the “Children’s Day Concert: Conductor’s Spellbook” and the Concert “Italian Romance”.

The two sessions of the “Children’s Day Concert: Conductor’s Spellbook” by the Macao Orchestra were originally scheduled for 30 May. Spectators who have purchased tickets for this concert may contact the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for refund procedures from today until 31 July. The free admission concert “Italian Romance” by the Macao Orchestra, originally scheduled for 8 May at the St. Dominic’s Church, will also be cancelled.

IC will continue to monitor the progress of the outbreak and make appropriate arrangements in due course. IC appeals to the public to follow the Macao SAR Government’s measures to combat the pandemic: Let’s all persist; remember to wash hands frequently; wear a face mask properly; avoid crowd gathering; maintain a distance; declare health condition; reduce leaving Macao. For updates, please visit IC’s website at www.icm.gov.mo, its official WeChat account “ICMacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.


Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels activities scheduled for April

Due to the global spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the Cultural affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), after … Continue reading “Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels activities scheduled for April”

Due to the global spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the Cultural affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), after careful evaluation, announced the cancellation of a number of performances and “2020 Macao Library Week” that may generate crowd gathering, including the shows Matilda The Musical scheduled for next month. In addition, in order to protect the health of the public, the activity “4.23 Reading in the City” will be carried out online.
The eight shows of the production Matilda The Musical by the Royal Shakespeare Company were originally scheduled to be held from 14 to 19 April at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. The Macao Cultural Centre is actively discussing with the production and performing entity on the rescheduling of the performance Matilda The Musical, hoping to seek another suitable period to present this wonderful programme.

Due to the global spread of the epidemic, a number of other programmes were cancelled. IC will arrange refund for ticket holders from today until 30 June. Holders of tickets for the following shows may contact the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for refund procedures when the epidemic is relieved: the concert “Melodious Chamber Music” by the Macao Orchestra on 3 April, the concert “The Future Conductors” by the Macao Chinese Orchestra on 11 April, Matilda the Musical from 14 to 19 April , and the concert “A Night at the Zenith – Zhang Guoyong and Macao Chinese Orchestra” on 24 April. Other shows with free admission will be cancelled, including the “Easter Concert – Stabat Mater” on 11 April; while the concerts “Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day: A Tribute to Nature” on 18 and 19 April, and the concert “A Night with the World’s Top Trombonist” on 24 April, will be postponed.

The activity “4.23 Reading in the City” will be carried out online this year. A reading instructor will recommend books to the public through the internet, sharing reading experiences and encouraging residents to maintain reading habits during the period of the epidemic. In order to cooperate with the preventive measures and avoid crowd gathering, the “2020 Macao Library Week” and its associated activities, including book exchange, periodical sales, workshops and game booths, will be cancelled.

Various crowd control measures have been implemented in the reopened cultural facilities to limit the number of visitors and a number of activities held at the cultural facilities were cancelled. The Mount Fortress Garden, one of the busking points in the Busking Programme, has been reopened. Other busking points still remain closed. Some of the cultural facilities will remain closed due to the space conditions. The reopening date of such facilities will be announced in due course.

IC continues to pay close attention to the development of the situation of the epidemic and will deploy appropriate measures in a timely manner, urging all sectors to cooperate with the preventive measures of the SAR Government. Let’s all persist; avoid crowd gathering; wash hands frequently; wear a mask properly; declare health condition; reduce leaving Macao. For updates, please visit IC’s website at www.icm.gov.mo, its official WeChat account “ICMacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.


鑒於全球新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情影響,文化局經審慎考慮,多項演出及2020澳門圖書館周等易引起人群聚集的活動將告取消,包括原定於文化中心上演的音樂劇《瑪蒂爾達》,此外,“4‧23全城共讀”活動改以線上方式進行。 音樂劇《瑪蒂爾達》由皇家莎士比亞劇團傾力炮製,原定8場演出在4月14至19日於文化中心綜合劇院上演,文化中心現正積極就音樂劇《瑪蒂爾達》上演安排與製作及表演單位商討,期望另覓合適日子為觀眾呈獻該精彩節目。因應疫情在全球擴散的影響,多場演出節目取消,文化局將為已購買節目門票的觀眾安排退票,退票日期由即日起至6月30日,市民可在疫情緩解時聯繫澳門售票網辦理退票手續。涉及購票之演出節目包括4月3日澳門樂團《淳美室樂》、4月11日澳門中樂團《未來指揮家》、4月14至19日音樂劇《瑪蒂爾達》及4月24日《巔峰之夜》張國勇與澳門中樂團等。多場澳門樂團免費演出包括4月11日《復活節音樂會——聖母悼歌》將取消,原定4月18至19日舉行的《世界地球日50周年呈獻——地球之日》及4月24日《長號世界之最》則將延期舉行。 今年“4‧23全城共讀”活動改以線上方式進行,領讀人將通過互聯網向市民推介書目,分享閱讀心得,鼓勵市民疫情期間保持閲讀習慣。而為做好防疫工作,避免人群聚集,將取消2020澳門圖書館周及其配套活動,包括好書交換、期刊熱賣、工作坊與攤位遊戲等。 正在開放的文化場館已實施多項人流管制安排,控制入館人次上限,館內各項活動取消。藝遊計劃大炮台花園藝遊點已重新開放,其餘藝遊點仍暫停運作。目前尚有部分文化場館因空間條件維持關閉,開放日期將另行公佈。 文化局將繼續密切留意疫情發展並適時做出妥善安排,同時呼籲各界響應配合特區政府的防疫部署措施,必須堅持,避免聚集,記得洗手,戴好口罩,健康聲明,減少出境。有關文化局的最新資訊可瀏覽網頁www.icm.gov.mo、微信“ICMacao”及Facebook專頁“IC Art藝文棧”。





文化局將繼續密切留意疫情發展並適時做出妥善安排,同時呼籲各界響應配合特區政府的防疫部署措施,必須堅持,避免聚集,記得洗手,戴好口罩,健康聲明,減少出境。有關文化局的最新資訊可瀏覽網頁www.icm.gov.mo、微信“ICMacao”及Facebook專頁“IC Art藝文棧”。

Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels all activities scheduled for March, cultural venues remain temporarily closed

As the prevention and control work of the novel coronavirus is still in an important phase, the Cultural Affairs Bureau … Continue reading “Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels all activities scheduled for March, cultural venues remain temporarily closed”

As the prevention and control work of the novel coronavirus is still in an important phase, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), cancelled all external activities scheduled for March.Considering that the cultural venues under the auspices of the IC are indoor spaces, in order to reduce the risk of spread of epidemic in the community and avoid contact and concentration of people, all cultural venues will remain closed until further notice.

The IC will arrange refunds for those who have purchased tickets for the shows from today to 31 May. Spectators with tickets for the following shows may contact the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for refund procedures when the epidemic is relieved: the concerts “Resounding Strings and Woodwinds” by the Macao Chinese Orchestra on 14 March and “Symphony of Destiny” by the Macao Orchestra on 21 March. Other shows with free admission will be cancelled, including the concerts “The Power of Change” and “Maestros’ Sound” by the Macao Orchestra on 13 and 27 March, respectively; while the concert “Music in Macao Art Museum” by the Macao Orchestra on 1 March and the concerts “Music in World Heritage”, “Concerts in Museum”,“The Joy of Macao” and “Strolling in the Garden, Listening to Music”by the Macao Chinese Orchestra on 7, 8, 18 and 21 March, respectively, will be postponed.

Performance venues such as the Macao Cultural Centre, the Dom Pedro V Theatre and the Old Court Building, public libraries, cultural exhibition sites, cultural heritage sites, Cinematheque • Passion and Macao Fashion Gallerywill remain closed until further notice. All guided tours and activities scheduled to be held at these locations during this period will be cancelled. The 2019-2020 Macao Cultural Heritage training programme “Little Little Docent” will also be postponed.

Let’s work together to fight against epidemic. During this period, the IC will continue to provide diversified services for learning and cultural entertainment of the public and families through electronic reading platforms and online exhibitions and shows.

During the closing period of the public libraries, the self-service book return system at the libraries is maintained and the loan period for borrowed books will be extended accordingly until the libraries are reopened.Readers do not need to return books instantly. During this period, residents can browse a number of electronic resources onthe “Online Reading Platform”on the Macao Public Library’s website at www.library.gov.mo. In addition to the databases of multiple journals and papers, the platform provides about 14,000 free electronic books covering various fields. The platform also covers the “Story Garden – Kiss Nature Kids’ Story Garden”, combing stories from illustrated books, encyclopedia of nature as well as children’s songs, suitable for reading by families.

In consideration of the protection of the public’s health on the premise, the IC will continue to pay attention to the overall development of the epidemic and gradually cooperate accordingly. At the same time, the IC urges all sectors to cooperate with the preventive measures of the SAR Government. For the sake of your health as well as for others, please reduce going out and avoid staying in crowded places. Wear masks properly and wash hands frequently, in order to eliminate the epidemic as soon as possible. For the updates, please visit IC’s website at www.icm.gov.mo, its official WeChat account “ICMacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.

Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels all activities scheduled for February, applications for filming permit and financial support for events remain open

In response to the ongoing outbreak of new coronavirus, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), cancelled all … Continue reading “Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels all activities scheduled for February, applications for filming permit and financial support for events remain open”

In response to the ongoing outbreak of new coronavirus, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), cancelled all external activities that are scheduled for February, and all cultural venues of the IC will remain closed until further notice.
The IC will arrange refunds for those who have purchased tickets for the shows from today to 31 May. Spectators with tickets for the following shows may contact the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for refund procedures when the epidemic is relieved: the Valentine’s Day Concert “Sentiments” – Lin Daye and Macao Chinese Orchestra on 8 February, the “Valentine’s Day Concert: Latin Passion” by the Macao Orchestra on 14 February, the dance show “Hamburg Ballet John Neumeier – Nijinsky” between 28 February and 1 March, and the concert “Enchanting Moments of Divertimento” by the Macao Orchestra on 29 February. Other shows with free admission, such as the concert “When Music Speaks” and “The Future of Classical Music” which originally scheduled on 8 February and 22 February respectively will be canceled, and “Musical Magic Wand” by the Macao Chinese Orchestra which originally scheduled on 22 February will be postponed.
All public libraries, museums and other cultural venues will remain closed and all activities that are scheduled to be held during this period will also be cancelled. During the closing period of the public libraries, the loan period for borrowed books will be extended accordingly. The self-service book return system at the libraries will be maintained. The IC will remain service to receive applications for filming permit. Residents can submit the duly completed advance notice (available for download on the IC’s website: https://www.icm.gov.mo/en/FilmLicense) and the necessary documents, by email to [email protected]. For enquiries, please contact IC through tel. no. 83996280.
Regarding the Subsidy Programme “Financial Support for Local Association Activities/ Cultural Projects Programme”, the applicants can submit their applications through IC’s “online application system”, without applying in person. During this period, the IC’s online system will generate the application form with the application date as the submission date, the requesting entities may also send the relevant information for assessment by email. For changes or reports on the related activities/ projects, the subsidized entities may explain the reason and request for extension by email if they are unable to submit the report within 30 days from the end of the activities or projects, without applying in person. For changes, submission of reports or enquiries, please email to [email protected].
The open call for proposals from local bands, musicians and cultural and creative entities for this year’s “HUSH!! Full Music” Beach Concert and the video collection “Local View Power” will be postponed until 11:59pm on 21 February. Relevant applications can be scanned and submitted by email. For enquiries about “HUSH!! Full Music” Beach Concert and submission of documents, please email to [email protected]; while for enquiries about “Local View Power” and submission of documents, please email to [email protected]. Attachments are limited to 8MB, if necessary, a download link can be attached.
The IC appeals to the cultural and artistic circles to work together to combat the epidemic, to cooperate with the MSAR Government’s epidemic implantation measures, as well as to avoid organizing events that involve a high concentration of people, in order to prevent the spread of the epidemic. For the updates, please visit IC’s website at www.icm.gov.mo, its official WeChat account “ICMacao” or “IC Art” page on Facebook.

Artist Salon – Meet with Maestro Lü Shao-Chia

Speaker: Lü Shao-Chia

Macao Orchestra X Mandarin Oriental, Macau
Meet with Maestro Lü Shao-Chia

An artist salon with world famous Maestro Lü Shao-Chia is going to held on 10 Jan 2020.
The Taiwan-born Lü Shao-Chia studied music in Taipei, later at the Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, and also at the College of Music Vienna. His training was topped off with three important first prizes at renowned international conductor competitions: Besancon (France), Pedrotti (Italy) and Kondrashin (the Netherlands). Lü Shao-Chia took over the position of General Music Director of both the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz (1998-2004)and the Koblenz Theatre(2001-2006), and he has been Music Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic since 2010 August.
In this coming artist salon, Maestro Lü will share his unforgettable conductor experience in Europe and Asia, as well as will explain the programmes of the concert ” In Dialogue with Cello”. Music aficionado Don’t miss it!

Venue:Mandarin Oriental, Macau – Lobby Lounge
Number of guests:20 px
Price:MOP 148 / px *
Includes a glass of sparkling, red or white wine, cocktail or mocktail and a selection of canapes.

For reservations, please contact +853 8805 8938 | [email protected]
* Price is subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tourism tax

Concert “Rhythm in Your Rubbish” by the Macao Orchestra to be canceled, Audiences with tickets can request refund from today

The concert “Rhythm in Your Rubbish” by the Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, originally scheduled to be held on 1 December, at 2:30pm and 5:30pm, at the Macao Tower Auditorium, and the associated “Music Workshop” originally scheduled to be held on 30 November, will be canceled due to programme adjustments. Audiences with tickets can request the respective refund at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets from today to 31 Dec by presenting the intact tickets. We apologize for any inconveniences. For enquiries, please call the Macau Ticketing Network through hotline 28555555 or the Macao Orchestra through hotline 28530782 during office hours.

Let’s enjoy a summer of music!SUMMER BRAVO!

A series of remarkable musical events in June and July that include 4 big wonderful concerts, 2 chamber concerts, 4 community performances and 3 outreach activities. The events range from family concerts, to classical symphonies and chamber music, aiming to offer our fans a vibrant summer.

Summer is here and the 2020-21 season of Macao Orchestra under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau will culminate with a Summer Bravo!, a series of remarkable musical events in June and July that include 4 big wonderful concerts, 2 chamber concerts, 4 community performances and 3 outreach activities. The events range from family concerts, to classical symphonies and chamber music, aiming to offer our fans a vibrant summer. In the face of current uncertainty, what’s better than embracing a Summer Bravo?

《DoReMi’s Hidden Map》

Macao Orchestra assistant conductor Francis Kan will team up with the Little Mountain Arts Association to lead the audience on a mysterious musical journey together with the musical wizard DoReMi to recover the missing musical magic.

2021.06.05 15:30
Venue:Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium
Conductor: Francis Kan
Performance group : Little Mountain Arts
Aged under 3 is not allowed


《The Enduring Memories of Paris》

Rising cellist Xuhan Xu, known in the Chinese classical music circles as a prodigy, will deliver The Enduring Memories of Paris with Macao Orchestra, under the baton of music director Lu Jia, presenting French composer Saint-Saëns’ Cello Concerto No. 1, a compact yet exquisite work full of a bright and nonchalant French atmosphere. The orchestra will also perform Mozart’s Overture to The Marriage of Figaro and Symphony No. 39, offering fans a wonderful evening of music.

2021.06.12 20:00
University of Macau – University Hall (N2)
Conductor:Lu Jia
Cello:Xuanhan Xu
Aged under 6 is not allowed

Free admission (registration is required)
Ticket Registration will start from【21st May 12:00】 at noon


《Piano Chamber Indulgence》

In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the death of the great composer Saint-Saëns, Macao Orchestra will present the graceful, melodious Caprice on Danish and Russian Airs. The evening will also feature Brahms’s Piano Trio in B Major, to be co-performed by Chinese pianist Zhang Yue and several Macao Orchestra musicians. With beautiful music permeating the romantic Dom Pedro V Theatre, this is a show not to be missed by all chamber music fans.

2021.06.19 20:00
Venue:Dom Pedro V Theatre
Aged under 6 is not allowed



《Music in Library》

2021.06.19 17:15
Venue:Taipa Library

Free admission (No registration)


《Music in Casa Garden》

2021.06.26 14:30 / 17:00
Venue:Casa Garden
Aged under 6 is not allowed

Free admission (registration is required)
Ticket Registration will start from【 21st May 12:00】 at noon

Details(14:30) >>
Details(17:00) >>

《Music in Macao Art Museum》

2021.07.10 14:30
Venue:Macao Art Museum

Free admission (No registration)


《Music in Library》

2021.07.10 17:15
Venue:Taipa Library

Free admission (No registration)


《Classical Express – Magical Percussion 》

One of the essential concerts for young audiences, Classical Express – Magical Percussion, will invite Chinese percussionist Shuali Peng invited to play marimba and vibraphone and combine all his musical skills with magic tricks to embark on an amazing musical journey with Macao Orchestra to thrill the audience. A percussion workshop will take place the next day.

2021.07.17 20:00
Venue: Macao Science Center-Convention Center

Free admission (registration is required)
Ticket Registration will start from【 21st May 12:00】 at noon


《Charm with the Winds》

The appealing performance of a wind ensemble is unforgettable. Macao Orchestra will present to all chamber music fans with a memorable musical banquet of Mozart, Verdi, Tchaikovsky, and Piazzola classical masterpieces.

2021.07.24 20:00
Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre
Aged under 6 is not allowed



《2020-21 Season Closing Concert – Haochen Zhang and Macao Orchestra》

The season finale, the 2020-21 Season Closing Concert, Macao Orchestra has especially invited young pianist Haochen Zhang – winner of the gold medal at the 13th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition – for a show in Macao. Led by music director Lu Jia, he will interpret Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2, in a display of his extraordinary piano skills. Macao Orchestra will also perform Brahms’ Symphony No. 4, thus drawing the season to a perfect close.

2021.07.31 20:00
Venue: Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium


For more program details and ticket discounts, please visit the Macao Orchestra website or WeChat official account. For enquiries please call the orchestra’s hotline at 2853 0782 during office hours.

Classical express – Beethoven Mania
OM Young Friends Concert

Conductor and Presenter/Francis Kan

Date: 07-09-2019 Saturday
Time: 8pm
Venue: Dom Pedro V Theatre
Conductor and Presenter/Francis Kan
Language:Cantonese , supplemented by English

Beethoven: Overture to Prometheus
Beethoven: Symphony No. 1, 1st Movement
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3, 4th Movement
Beethoven: Symphony No. 5, 1st Movement
Beethoven: Symphony No. 7, 2nd Movement
Beethoven: Symphony No. 8, 1st Movement

Admission with free ticket
*Children aged 6 or above are recommended, children aged below 3 are not allowed

Not yet be our member? Let’s join it now

2019 Macao Orchestra Audience Survey – Lucky drawer winners

Thank you for your kindly support! 2019 Macao Orchestra Audience Survey has been finished. Your comments will enhance our concert season planning, and provide a better musical experience.

After the computer lottery, please see the drawing for the winning list.

Winners of Macao Orchestra 2018-19 Season Closing Concert 2 Tickets
Please approach to the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s front desk to get the prizes by presenting our confirmation email from July 15th to 22th, 2019 during the office hours.

Winners of Macao Orchestra 35 Anniversary Macao Pass Gift Set
Please approach to the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s front desk to get the prizes by presenting our confirmation email from July 15th to 26th, 2019 during the office hours.

Classical express – Exploring the Four Major Periods of Classical Music
OM Young Audience Programme Activity

Conductor and Presenter/Francis Kan

Date: 07-07-2019 Sunday
Time: 14:30/17:00
Venue: Macao Conservatory Auditorium
Conductor and Presenter/Francis Kan
Language:Cantonese and English

Pachelbel: Canon
Mozart: Divertimento in D Major, K. 136
Rossini: Sonata No. 3 in C Major
Respighi: Ancient Airs and Dances, Suite III

Admission with free ticket
*Children aged 6 or above are recommended, children aged below 3 are not allowed

Not Yet be OM Young Friends? Let’s apply it now!


“ARTmusing Summer 2019” Workshops
Children Workshops – Orchestral Hugs

Lecturer:Hidy Chan

“ARTmusing Summer 2019” Workshops which are organized by Macao Cultural Centre are open for registration now! Macao Orchestra Young Friends will reserve some quotas in the application for “Children Workshops – Orchestral Hugs”, interested members don’t miss it!

Children Workshops – Orchestral Hugs
Filled with rhythm, this workshop will boost the kid’s curiosity about orchestral music, using a series of classical instruments! A melodic collaboration with the Macao Orchestra taking the little ones to interact with some of the town’s best musicians!

Instructor:Hidy Chan
Orchestra:Macao Orchestra

Workshop Class A
Target:4 – 5 years old
Date:2019.07.06 & 13 / Saturday / 14:00 – 16:00
Venue:Macau Cultural Centre
No. of participants:20px
Study Hours:4 hours
Fees:$200 per person (Macao Orchestra Young Friends can enjoy 10% discount)

Workshop Class B
Target:6 – 9 years old
Date:2019.07.06 & 13 / Saturday / 16:30 – 18:30
Venue:Macau Cultural Centre
No. of participants:20px
Study Hours:4 hours
Fees:$200 per person (Macao Orchestra Young Friends can enjoy 10% discount)

Interested members please do the registration from 2019/5/9 to 2019/5/24, the Ballot Result will be announced on 2019/5/29 though Macao Orchestra website www.icm.gov.mo/om, selected applicants shall finish the enrollment thought Macao Ticketing Network outlets from 2019/6/1 to 2019/6/6, after which all reservations will be forfeited.

-The ballot results-

Class A:
Lao ***** In 159*****
O *** Chon 161*****
Lei *** Yan 157*****
Leo 160*****
Liu *** Ian 158*****

Class B:
Law *** Lam 154*****
Chan *** Hi 157*****
San ***** Hong Nathan 150*****
Hong *** Lam 152*****
Law *** Lam 166*****

Music Hour
“Easter Concert – Handel’s Oratorio: Messiah” Open Rehearsal

Conductor / Lu Jia

Venue:St. Dominic’s Church

Admission with free ticket
Tickets will be distributed one hour before the performance at the concert venue. Distribution is limited to a maximum of 2 tickets per person.
Ticket reservation notice for OM friends will be announced on Wechat and by email.

Macao Orchestra X MGM Cotai Artist Salon – Piano in Love

Guest Speaker: Lio Kuokman

Date: February 15, 2019
Time: 6:30 pm-7:30 pm
Venue: BAR PATUÁ, MGM Cotai
Tickets: MOP 200 per one; MOP 380 for pair
(Admission ticket includes one complimentary drink and bar snacks)

Guest Speaker: Lio Kuokman

How to cherish the deepest love by music?
Clara Schumann was a remarkable pianist and composer of the 19th century with talent and virtue. She expressed support for the music career of her husband Robert Schumann devotedly. However, years of hardship gradually eroded Schuman’s spirit and love between the two was shattered. At this time, talented student Johannes Brahms took Schumann as teacher, which made the relationship of the three more subtle. How to cherish the deepest love by music? Macao Orchestra is going to collaborate with MGM Cotai for the first time to hold Artist Salon, Piano in Love, in BAR PATUÁ. Lio Kuokman, a brilliant local conductor, is invited to share the immortal much-told stories between Clara Schumann, Robert Schumann and Johannes Brahms with music aficionados.

“OM Little Reporter” Training Class

Lecturer: Miss Kuok Mio U, Division of Cultural Promotion of Culture Affairs Bureau

“OM Little Reporter” Training Class is now opened for application!

Do you wish to be a reporter? Do you wish to get closer to the musicians?

“OM Little Reporter” training class of 2018-19“Young Audience Programme” of Macao Orchestra is now opened for application!

In addition to find out more about interviewing and writing skills, the instructor will also guide the trainees to write an interview and give comments.

Excellent students will be given the opportunity to interview a number of famous musicians in person in the future. Seats are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.


Training Class Date: 2019/1/26

Training Class Time: 15:00-17:00

Class Venue: Tap Seac Square, Macau Cultural Affairs Building

Students: OM Young Friends from 14 to 20 years old

Number of students: 20

Lecturer: Miss Kuok Mio U, Division of Cultural Promotion of Culture Affairs Bureau

Language: Cantonese

Fee: Free

Deadline for applications: January 22, 2019


Lesson Outline:

  • How to Do an Interview

(Including preparation, interview arrangement, interview skills, tips and interview etiquette, etc.)

  • Writing Skills

(Including key points of arrangement for writing interview articles, how to choose entry points, etc.)

  • Press Release Analysis and Sharing

Macao Orchestra presents concerts in the “Science and Music Festival” to stimulate children’s musical thinking

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, in collaboration with the Macao Science Centre, presented two concerts in the “Science and Music Festival” on 21 July, at the Macao Science Centre. The atmosphere was lively, and the participants enjoyed the concerts, which were presented in ensemble groups, performing a number of chamber music pieces. The explanation by the master of ceremonies allowed the audience to learn more about the wonderful mysteries of science and music.

In the concerts, the wind and percussion musicians of the Macao Orchestra introduced the sounding principles of various musical instruments to children through their interesting performance, and explained the scientific laws of music. The two concerts attracted nearly 200 spectators. Some of the participating parents expressed that the concerts were innovative and allowed children to learn through play.

The Macao Orchestra’s 2017-18 Season Closing Concert – Beethoven Symphony No. 9, will be held on Saturday, 28 July, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. This magnificent grand opus is Beethoven’s milestone, a work that extracts the essence of the Classical period and ushers the following Romantic era. Tickets for the concert are sold out and OM would like to thank music aficionados for their support. For details and enquiries about the programme, please visit OM’s webpage at www.icm.gov.mo/om.

OM presents “Christmas Concert” sharing Christmas joy with music aficionados in advance

The Macao Orchestra (OM), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, presents the “Christmas Concert – Christmas Concerto”, to be held on Thursday and Friday, 14 and 15 December at 8pm, at St. Dominic’s Church, celebrating Christmas with music aficionados in advance. Under the baton of OM’s Assistant Conductor, Francis Kan, the concert features a programme filled with soothing and harmonious melodies. Admission is free.

In this festive season, this exclusive concert designed by OM features a series of orchestral masterpieces, including the selections from Concerto Grosso in G minor, Op. 6, No. 8, “Christmas Concerto” by Corelli and the selections from St. Pauls Suite by Holst, among others. The Christmas Concerto by Arcangelo Corelli, dedicated to Christmas Eve, includes six movements with different styles, speeds and timbres, fully demonstrating the creative style of Baroque music, as well as the tranquil and festive ambience of Christmas. The St. Paul’s Suite is one of the masterpieces of the 20th-century by British composer Gustav Holst, featuring vibrant melodies and conveying the joyful spirit of this coming festive season to the public.

Admission to both concerts “Christmas Concert – Christmas Concerto” is free. Tickets will be distributed at St. Dominic’s Church one hour prior to the performance. Distribution is on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to a maximum of two tickets per person. For details and programme enquiries, please contact OM through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours or visit the Macao Orchestra’s website at www.icm.gov.mo/om.

Macao Orchestra participates in the Grand Original Opera – The Diaries of John Rabe in Nanjing

The Macao Orchestra (OM), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, was invited by the Jiangsu Centre for the Performing Arts to participate in the rehearsals and performance of the Grand Original Opera – The Diaries of John Rabe in Nanjing from 27 November to 16 December, in order to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre victims. Eighteen OM elite musicians, including Section Principals, will join hands with members of famous arts groups from Jiangsu Province, offering local citizens an artistic performance of great significance.

The Grand Original Opera – The Diaries of John Rabe comprises a group of elite artists, including renowned Chinese composer Tang Jianping, young writer Zhou Ke, acclaimed opera director Elijah Moshinsky, OM’s Musical Director and Principal Conductor, Lu Jia, several artists from China, United Kingdom, USA, Germany and Australia, as well as stage design, props and lighting professionals from internationally renowned leading companies. In addition, the art troupes involved in this opera include the Jiangsu Performing Arts Group (JPAG) Symphony Orchestra, the Opera and Dance Drama Theatre of the JPAG, the Student Choir Group of the School of Music of the Nanjing Normal University and the Macao Orchestra. The opera has a strong cast and will undoubtedly be an impressive high-quality large-scale event.

The opera Grand Original Opera – The Diaries of John Rabe is based on John Rabe’s eponymous book, a collection of the author’s personal experience on the Nanjing Massacre, which has great historical and literary value and is also an important source on this historical episode. This extraordinary performance with great significance will debut on the National Memorial Day for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre on 13 December at the Jiangsu Centre for the Performing Arts.

2017-18 Concert Season Booking Guide and Ticket Information

Tickets are available through the Macao Ticketing Network from 18 July, 2017. The box opening dates of “Valentine’s Day concert – The Phantom of Love”, “Heroes: A Video Game Symphony”, performances in the Macao International Music Festival and the Macao Arts Festival will be announced later. Please refer to the Macao Orchestra official website or the Macao Ticketing Network for updates.


Ticket Discounts^

Purchasers meeting the criteria below will receive a discount:

  • “Along with the musical joy” – Purchasing 2 or more tickets for two different performances
  • OM Friends ( no limit on the number of tickets)


“Early Bird” Discounts: 40% discount upon purchasing between 18 July and 31 August, 2017

Season Discount: 30% discount upon purchasing on or after 1 September, 2017


OM Friends can redeem 2 tickets of “Along with the musical joy – Annual gala and gathering” by presenting OM Friends’ Card and tickets of “Piano Giant”, “The Musical Footprint of Dvořák” or “2017-18 Season Closing Concert – Beethoven Symphony No. 9” within the Early Bird Period, at the reception of Cultural Affairs Bureau during office hours. Tickets are limited and on a first come, first served basis.


30% discount exclusively for BOC credit cardholders#

Holders of BOC Credit Card# or BOC Card can enjoy 30% off tickets for special programmes with no limit on the number of tickets. Special programmes include “2017-18 Season Opening Concert – Kyung Wha Chung and Macao Orchestra”, “Starry Vienna – New Year Concert”, “Piano Giant” and “2017-18 Season Closing Concert – Beethoven Symphony No. 9”.


30% discount for Groups

Purchasing 10 or more tickets for the same performance (including tickets of different prices).


20% discount for

  • Holders of valid Macao Teacher Card*;
  • Holders of BOC Credit Cards# or BOC Cards purchasing any number of tickets for non-special programmes;
  • Holders of ICBC Macau, BCM Bank or OCBC Wing Hang’s Visa / MasterCard / UnionPay cards purchasing any number of tickets;
  • Holders of Air Macau boarding pass (flight code NX) with destination identified as Macao (MFM) is valid for 7 days after flight departure for the purchase of any number of concert tickets from Macao Ticketing Network outlets.


50% discount for

  • Holders of valid full-time Student Card* (each holder of local Student Card or Macao resident with overseas student card);
  • Holders of valid Macao Senior Citizen Card* or Disability Assessment Registration Card*.


The above bank offers are only applicable to holders of MasterCard, VISA Card or UnionPay Card issued by the designated banking partners; for online bookings, offers are only applicable to  holders of MasterCard and Visa Card.


#This promotion is not available to  holders of Tai Fung Credit Card issued by BOC Credit Card (International) Limited in Macao region.


*Each cardholder can only acquire one discounted ticket per performance. Please present the respective document at the entrance, otherwise full ticket fare will be charged.


^The above discounts are not applicable to the Macao Orchestra’s performances in the Macao International Music Festival and Macao Arts Festival.


Macao Ticketing Network

Website: www.macauticket.com

Hotlines: Macao (853) 2855 5555

Hong Kong (852) 2380 5083



Children aged 3 and over are welcome to attend the “Children’s Day Concert – The Symphonic Magical Fairyland” , children aged 6 or below will not be admitted to other performances.


The organizer reserves the right to change the programme and performers at any time.