Concerto de Abertura da Temporada de Concertos da Orquestra de Macau 2024-25 Músicas de ópera clássicas com o brilho da actriz Sylvia Chang

O Concerto de Abertura “Sonho de uma Noite de Verão com Sylvia Chang e Lio Kuokman”, teve lugar no dia 31 de Agosto, no Grande Auditório do Centro Cultural de Macau, dando início à Temporada de Concertos da Orquestra de Macau 2024-25. Desde o dia de abertura das bilheteiras, os bilhetes têm sido muito procurados pelo público, sendo abertos alguns lugares adicionais para atender à demanda.

O concerto de abertura, sob a batuta do Director Musical e Maestro Principal da Orquestra de Macau, Lio Kuokman, tem como base as músicas de ópera “Sonho de uma Noite de Verão” escritas por Mendelssohn, com a actuação da famosa actriz Sylvia Chang para interpretar os catorze papéis. O concerto, com a adaptação dramática e tradução das letras de Yuan-Pu Chiao, o famoso escritor e académico musical, será apresentado juntamente com as sopranos Vivian Yau e Rena Fujii, e o Ladies of The Hong Kong Philharmonic Chorus.

Antes do início do concerto, a Orquestra de Macau realizou uma cerimónia de inauguração e de brinde, estando presentes a Presidente do Instituto Cultural do Governo da RAEM e Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Sociedade Orquestra de Macau, Limitada, Leong Wai Man; o Chefe da Divisão do Departamento de Publicidade e Cultura do Gabinete de Ligação do Governo Popular Central na RAEM, Wang Huijie; o Director do Galaxy Entertainment Group, Philip Cheng; a Vice-Presidente Sénior de Marketing de Marca da MGM, Catarina Lio; o Vice-Presidente Sénior de Marketing da SJM Resorts, S.A., Joseph Liu; a Vice-Presidente da Comunicações Corporativas e Assuntos Comunitários da Sands China Ltd., Catherine Kong; a Vice-Presidente de Relações Governamentais e Comunitárias do Wynn Macau e Wynn Palace, Jasmine Cheong; o Vice-Presidente do Instituto Cultural do Governo da RAEM, Cheang Kai Meng; o Director Sénior de Negócios do Banco da China (Macau), Xu Zhiyu; o Administrador do Conselho de Administração da Sociedade Orquestra de Macau, Limitada, Jimson Hoi e o Director Musical e Maestro Principal da Orquestra de Macau, Lio Kuokman, para desejar um sucesso do concerto de abertura da nova temporada da Orquestra de Macau.

Co-organizada pelo Instituto Cultural, pela Sociedade Orquestra de Macau, Limitada, pelo Galaxy Entertainment Group, pela Melco Resorts & Entertainment, pela MGM, pela Sands China Ltd., pela SJM Resorts, S.A., e pela Wynn Resorts (Macau) S.A., e com o apoio do BOC Macau, a Temporada de Concertos da Orquestra de Macau 2024-25 tem como tema “Criar Infinidade”, apresentando as obras-primas intemporais de estilos e épocas diversificados. Estão disponíveis vários descontos para os bilhetes. As versões impressas do programa serão distribuídas gratuitamente em todos os pontos de venda da Bilheteira Online de Macau. Para mais informações sobre detalhes dos concertos, é favor consultar a página oficial da Orquestra de Macau: Linha directa de reserva de bilhetes (24 horas): 2855 5555. Reservas online:

Macao Orchestra Full time Musicians Recruitment Webpage

Macao Orchestra (OM) is Macao’s professional symphony orchestra with influence of Chinese and Western cultures, interpreting classics throughout the times.
Since 1 February 2022, Macao Orchestra (OM) has been managed by the Macao Orchestra Company, Limited, which is wholly owned by the Macao SAR Government.
Macao Orchestra will continue enhancing its professionalism and offering the public a rich diversity of classical musical events.

To further develop Macao Orchestra, we are inviting qualified professionals to join us. We are now recruiting Full-Time Musicians of:

Associate Concertmaster 1 position (Download the music scores)
Viola Tutti 1 position (Download the music scores)
Cello Tutti 1 position (Download the music scores)
Double Bass Tutti 4 position (Download the music scores)
Principal Clarinet 1 position (Download the music scores)
Principal Horn 1 position (Download the music scores)
Horn Tutti 1 position (Download the music scores)
Principal Trumpet 1 position (Download the music scores)
Second Trumpet 1 position (Download the music scores)
Principal Trombone 1 position (Download the music scores)
Bass Trombone 1 position (Download the music scores)
Principal Timpani 1 position (Download the music scores)

Full-Time Musicians are responsible for:
1. Participating in OM’s rehearsals and performances, and working with other members of the orchestra;
2. Attending rehearsals and performances on time as arranged by OM or its conductor;
3. Except instruments provided by orchestra, musicians have to provide their own instrument and equipment for rehearsals and performances and complying with the rules and arrangements of the venue.

1. Must be at least 18 years of age and possess a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in music and studies in the corresponding instrument, or a Master’s degree or a Doctorate degree in music.
2. Good verbal and written skills in English and willingness to collaborate with colleagues

Application Materials:
.Application Form (Download)
.Curriculum Vitae (Chinese or English)
.Scanned copy of Identity Card or Passport (pdf.)
.A copy of academic records/certificate
.Valid link for video recording of Solo Piece(s) and Orchestral excerpt(s) (Only youtube, youku, bilibili or wetransfer are accepted).

Video Recording Guidelines:
1. Performance Required for audition consists of two parts, namely Solo Piece(s) and Orchestral excerpt(s);Candidates must record all pieces specified under “Solo Pieces” and “Orchestral Excerpts”.

Solo Piece(s):
.All solo pieces must be included in a single video and completed in a single take
.When changing Solo Piece(s) recording must be continuous at all times
.Video shall not be edited, or modified in any way

Orchestral excerpt(s):
.Candidates must record all pieces specified under “Orchestral Excerpts”.
.All orchestral Excerpts must be recorded in the order listed as specified in the official website. Those who do not record in the order provided will be disqualified
.All orchestral excerpts must be included in a single video and completed in a single take
.When changing Orchestral excerpt(s) recording must be continuous at all times
.Video shall not be edited, or modified in any way

2. All audition materials must be solo without accompaniment.
3. Video must clearly show the applicant entire body throughout the audition.
4. Candidates must ensure recording at the highest quality sound possible on the video recording.
5. Upload the video to youtube, youku, bilibili, wetransfer and send a valid video link to ([email protected]. mo). The video file name should be named as the candidate’s name, and DVD format is not accepted.

How to apply:
1. Download the music scores (from the official website)
2. Email the Application Materials and a valid video link to om-recruit@ at or before (GMT+8) 23:59h on January 26, 2024. The email subject should be: Name + intended position, e.g. “ David Wong, Cello”. Any late application or an application with incomplete materials will not be accepted.

Note to Applicants:
. All information submitted will be used for audition purposes only, all documents will be kept confidential and will not be returned.
. Macao Orchestra Company Limited will be screening all applications. Shortlisted candidates will be notified for the live audition location. Macao Orchestra Company Limited will provide travel allowance and accommodation to the live audition location.
. The live audition will include solo section and an orchestral excerpts section.
. During live audition, scores will not be provided.
. Application Deadline: (GMT +8 ) January 26, 2024 at 23:59h or before

Macao Orchestra Company, Limited
Email: om-recruit@
Tel: (+853) 8988 4122, 8988 4123
Address: Cave 2 do Centro de Criatividade do Tap Siac, Praça do Tap Siac, Macau

Note 1: The final interpretation of the recruitment rules belongs to Macao Orchestra Company, Limited.
Note 2: All information submitted by applicants will be treated in the strictest confidence and used for recruitment purposes only.

【Wynn presents】
Daniel Ottensamer Clarinet Masterclass

Fee for being coached: Complimentary
Fee for Observers: Complimentary

Date:08/12/2023 Friday 19:30-21:30

Venue : Wynn Macau

“Daniel Ottensamer Clarinet Masterclass” is now accepting registration! If you have ABRSM Clarinet Grade 8 or above / Other certificates of equivalent level, please sign up! Once admitted, you will receive no more than 30 minutes of coaching time. There is quota for the Observers as well, don’t miss it.

Venue:Wynn Macau Grand ballroom
Language: English (on site Chinese – English interpretation will be provided)

Participants being coached
Number of participants being coached:4 persons
No coaching fee will be charged
Deadline of Appication:28/11/2023

Fee for Observers: Complimentary
Limited seats are provided and advance registration is required.

Macao Orchestra Season Opening Concert “Lio Kuokman and Macao Orchestra” on 2 September
Adverse Weather Arrangements

------------------------- (Updated 2023/9/2  15:00) ------------------------- [Notice] Macao Orchestra season opening concert “Lio Kuokman and Macao Orchestra” on September 2 to … Continue reading "Macao Orchestra Season Opening Concert “Lio Kuokman and Macao Orchestra” on 2 September
Adverse Weather Arrangements"

————————- (Updated 2023/9/2  15:00) ————————-

[Notice] Macao Orchestra season opening concert “Lio Kuokman and Macao Orchestra” on September 2 to be held as scheduled

As the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau (SMG) has lowered the typhoon signal to no. 3, Macao Orchestra 2023-24 season opening concert set for 2 September (tonight) at 8pm at the Grand Auditorium of Macao Cultural Centre (CCM) will be held as scheduled, but the cocktail reception will be cancelled. Those who have purchased tickets for the reception can get a refund by visiting at Macau Ticketing Network outlet, or by calling or emailing to Macau Ticketing Network from 4 to 18 September. Macau Ticketing Network Hotlines: Macau: (853)2855 5555; Mainland China: (86)139 269 11111; Hong Kong (852)2380 5083; Email: [email protected].

————————- (Updated 2023/9/1  13:00) ————————-

【Adverse Weather Arrangements】Macao Orchestra Season Opening Concert “Lio Kuokman and Macao Orchestra” on 2 September

Due to the influence of the typhoon “Saola”, Macao Orchestra Season Opening Concert “Lio Kuokman and Macao Orchestra"will be arranged as follows:

1. On 2 September, if typhoon signal No. 3 or below is hoisted by the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau at or before 13:00, the concert and cocktail reception will happen as planned.
2. On 2 September, if typhoon signal No. 3 or below is hoisted by the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau within 13:00 – 17:00, the concert will happen as planned while the cocktail reception will be canceled.
3. On 2 September, if typhoon signal No. 8 or higher is hoisted by the Macao Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau after 17:00, the concert and cocktail reception will be postponed to 3 September, venue and time will remain the same.

The latest arrangements will be announced though Macao Orchestra official website (, or facebook page within 12:00 – 18:00 on 2 September, and the refund procedures will be announced on same day. For any enquiry about ticketing, please contact Macau Ticketing Network via 28555555.

Cheng-Te Yeh to serve as Macao Orchestra Assistant Conductor

2023-24樂季,澳門樂團特別聘任著名指揮家葉政德擔任澳門樂團新樂季助理指揮,他將以富含熱情的音樂態度,精準、清新的指揮風格,攜手澳門樂團推動本地音樂發展及文化交流,為澳門古典音樂藝術注入新的動力。 葉政德,曾先後擔任中國台灣地區的交響樂團及愛樂樂團助理指揮。除指揮管弦樂及首演現代作品外,多次參與指揮及策劃劇場、舞劇、民謠及流行音樂等多元跨界音樂會。葉氏積極參與國際指揮活動及音樂營,曾與歐洲及亞洲多個專業樂團合作,榮獲瑞士政府全額獎學金參加國際知名格施塔德梅紐因音樂節,並與奧登薩默單簧管家族、大提琴家修兒.嘉碧妲等著名音樂家合作。兩度獲選參與世界著名的賈維指揮營,其後於愛沙尼亞指揮多場演出。他早年以連續兩年「評審團一致通過加祝賀」最高殊榮的成績通過取得法國巴黎師範音樂院考試,為32年來第一位以極優異成績及最短時間取得高級指揮家藝術文憑者,後師事法國著名指揮家奧雷利恩・阿桑-澤林斯基,獲瑞士國立洛桑高等音樂院管弦樂指揮藝術碩士學位。 葉氏重視藝術教育及人才培養,2023年率領學生樂團榮獲維也納國際青少年藝術節比賽金獎,並於奧地利金色大廳、維也納音樂廳演出,在音樂教育上帶領年輕音樂學子從中學習和成長。 2023年8月30日 澳門樂團有限公司





2023-24 New Concert Season
Cheng-Te Yeh to serve as Macao Orchestra Assistant Conductor

In the 2023-24 concert season, the Macao Orchestra (OM) has appointed renowned conductor Cheng-Te Yeh as its Assistant Conductor. With … Continue reading "2023-24 New Concert Season
Cheng-Te Yeh to serve as Macao Orchestra Assistant Conductor"

In the 2023-24 concert season, the Macao Orchestra (OM) has appointed renowned conductor Cheng-Te Yeh as its Assistant Conductor. With his enthusiastic attitude towards music and precise, fresh conducting style, he will head the Macao Orchestra in efforts to promote local musical development and cultural exchanges, while injecting new vitality into classical music in Macao.
Cheng-Te Yeh served as Assistant Conductor of the Symphony Orchestra and the Philharmonic in Taiwan, China. In addition to conducting orchestral works and premiering contemporary pieces, he also directs and plans a diversity of crossover concerts for theatre, dance drama and of folk music and pop music, winning praise, and feedback from various sectors.
Yeh actively participated in international conducting activities and music academies, he has worked with many professional orchestras in Asia and Europe, he won a full scholarship from the Swiss government to participate in the internationally renowned Gstaad Menuhin Festival, and collaborated with prominent musicians including the clarinet family Ottensamer, cellist Sol Gabetta. Yeh was selected to join the world-renowned Järvi Academy for a second time, he then conducted several performances in Estonia. Yeh obtained the Diplôme Supérieur de Direction d’Orchestre de Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, after passing the exam with “the unanimous approval and congratulations of the jury”, with a highest honor, for two consecutive years – thus becoming the first person in 32 years to graduate with such results in a shortest period. He received his Master of Music in Orchestral Conducting from the Haute École de Musique de Lausanne, where he had studied under renowned French conductor, Aurélien Azan Zielinski.

Yeh also focuses on arts education and fostering talents. In 2023, he led his student orchestra to win the gold medal of the Global Youth Music Festival (SCL Festival) in Vienna, and perform at the Musikverein and Konzerthaus in Vienna, guiding young music students’ learning and growth.

August 30, 2023
Macao Orchestra Company, Limited

Macao Orchestra 2023-24 concert season will go on sale from 31 July
Lio Kuokman as Music Director and Principal Conductor

Co-organised by Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macao Orchestra Company, Limited, Galaxy Entertainment Group, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, MGM, Sands China Ltd., … Continue reading "Macao Orchestra 2023-24 concert season will go on sale from 31 July
Lio Kuokman as Music Director and Principal Conductor"

Co-organised by Cultural Affairs Bureau, Macao Orchestra Company, Limited, Galaxy Entertainment Group, Melco Resorts & Entertainment, MGM, Sands China Ltd., SJM Resorts, S.A., and Wynn Macau Ltd, and supported by BOC Macau, the Macao Orchestra 2023-24 concert season is to kick off at the end of September 2023. Tickets will go on sale at the Macau Ticketing Network ( from 31 July.

On the theme of “150th Anniversary of Rachmaninoff’s Birth”, for the new season the Macao Orchestra (OM) has invited young local musician Lio Kuokman to take up the post of Music Director and Principal Conductor. Together with internationally renowned conductors, soloists and ensembles, OM will present the great composer’s complete set of piano concertos and symphonies. On several important festivals, the orchestra will also give various types of musical performances, aiming to create new musical experiences with a variety of shows.

The concert season announcement was held at the conference room of the Macao Cultural Centre on 30 July, during which the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Government of Macao SAR., Ms. Ao Ieong U presented an appointment letter to Lio, who thanked the Macao S.A.R. Government and Music fans for their steady support. Maestro Lio also gave a performance on the new season theme together with Vincent Lu Jia, OM principal cello. VIP guests present at the event included, President of Cultural Affairs Bureau and President of Board of Directors of Macao Orchestra Company, Limited, Ms Deland Leong; President of Sands China, Ltd., Dr. Wilfred Wong; Managing Director of SJM Resorts, S.A., Ms. Daisy Ho; Vice Chairman and Executive Director of Wynn Macau, Ltd., Ms. Linda Chen; Director of Galaxy Entertainment Group, Mr. Philip Cheng; Principal Adviser of Melco Resorts & Entertainment, Ltd., Dr. Wong Seng Hong; Vice President Brand Marketing of MGM Macau, Ms. Catarina Lio; Managing Director of Bank of China Macau Branch, Mr. Xu Zhiyu; Advisor of the Office of the Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Government of Macao SAR., Ms. Lo Hou Chi; Macao Orchestra Company, Ltd board of Directors Member of, Mr. João Chan and Mr. Jimson Hoi, Supervisory Committee Member, Ms. Grace Cheung; Executive Director, Mr. Jacky Fong, etc.

Lio Kuokman at the helm to lead Macao Orchestra to new heights

Macau-born conductor Lio Kuokman is currently one of the most high-profile Chinese conductors on the international stage. Currently serving as, Programme Director of the Macao International Music Festival and Resident Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Lio is praised by the Philadelphia Inquirer as “a startling conducting talent.” He was the second prize winner of the third Svetlanov International Conducting Competition in Paris with audience prize and orchestra prize and has served as the first Chinese Assistant Conductor with the Philadelphia Orchestra. He has successfully collaborated with many leading orchestras across the globe. Recent distinguished appearances including a celebration concert with the HK Phil in the presence of the President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping. He was invited as the first Chinese conductor to conduct subscription concert with the Vienna Symphony. He is determined to present a Macao Orchestra for Macao audience, for all to experience the power of symphonic music together.

Internationally renowned soloists and winners of international competitions to vow audiences in Macao

Two winners of the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in the US, Korean pianist Yekwon Sunwoo and Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, will perform, under the baton of Lio Kuokman, Rachmaninoff’s most iconic works, “Piano Concerto No. 2 and No. 3” in the new season opening and closing concert, respectively. In addition, several winners of international music competitions will grace the Macao stage, namely, Akiko Suwanai, Japanese violinist, the youngest gold medalist of the International Tchaikovsky Violin Competition; Haochen Zhang, Chinese pianist, gold medalist of the 13th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition; and Christian Li, emerging violin virtuoso from Australia and prize-winner of the Yehudi Menuhin International Competition. These rising stars will certainly demonstrate the power of young blood. Furthermore, the Otensammer brothers from the famous Austrian clarinetist family – Andreas Ottensamer, principal clarinet of the Berliner Philharmoniker, and Daniel Otensammer, principal clarinet of the Vienna Philharmonic – and French pianist Jonathan Fournel, Grand Prize winner of the Queen Elizabeth International Music Competition 2021, will appear on the stage in Macao. And four masterclasses will be specially held, with registration details to be announced soon.

Internationally renowned conductors invited for joint performance to improve OM’s performance standard

British maestro Christopher Warren-Green, Music Director of the London Chamber Orchestra, will join the Macao Orchestra in a performance of works from the best times of three famous composers, Beethoven, Brahms, and Edward Elgar. And Austrian conductor Christian Arming will lead OM in presenting these two 20th century masterpieces, Rachmaninoff’s “Études-Tableaux” (“Study-Pictures”) and Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition”. Finally, Gábor Káli, Assistant Music Director and Principal Conductor of the State Opera Nürnberg will cooperate with the orchestra to interpret two early symphonies of Rachmaninoff that had a profound impact on the composer himself. These maestros’ conducting is expected to help improve the Macao Orchestra’s performance standards.

Diverse festive performances to celebrate major festivals with Music fans

Japanese superstar of jazz, Makoto Ozone, returns to Macao to present the Christmas Concert with the Macao Orchestra. In the season highlight – the Easter Concert, OM together with The Learners Chorus from Hong Kong, will interpret Bach’s monumental masterpiece “Easter Oratorio” at St. Dominic’s Church. Besides, the Children’s Day Concert with Animation will be staged, combining big screen animations with performance by orchestra, famed vocalists, and choirs based on legendary, magical story plots –well-suited for the little music fans. The orchestra also launches a brandnew series, A Medley of Chinese Works, to create a multimedia visual experience as a sequel of the legend of “Floral Princess” written by renowned Cantonese opera playwright Tong Tik-sang (1917-59), re-shaping the heart-breaking romance of Princess Coeng-ping and Consort Zau Sai-hin and taking audiences on a symphonic audio visual odyssey that will fully release the extraordinary power of opera.

Special offer for Rachmaninoff concerts to reward fans for their support

Tickets for the Macao Orchestra (OM) 2023-24 Season will go on sale at Macau Ticketing Network from 10:00am on 31 July 2023. Please check the OM official website and for the latest news. A variety of discounts and deals are offered.

From 31 July to 9 August 2023, Friends of OM, Friends of OCHM (Macao Chinese Orchestra), BOC Credit Card holders and BOC Card holders can enjoy a 30% Early Bird discount on tickets. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Rachmaninoff’s birth, the Macao Orchestra offers two discount deals, namely, the “Package ticket for Rachmaninoff’s symphonies” and the “Package ticket for Rachmaninoff’s piano concertos”: audience members can enjoy a 40% discount by purchasing two package tickets (at any price) for the selected concerts on or before 31 December 2023, while stocks last. Holders of BOC Credit Card or BOC Card can enjoy an exclusive 30% discount on every ticket of any of the BOC Special Concerts, and 20% discount on the other non-BOC Specials. Any holder of a valid full-time Student Card can get a 40% discount, and any holder of a valid Macao Senior Citizens Card or a Disability Assessment Registration Card can get a 50% discount on every ticket.

For more discounts information and concert details please refer to the new Concert Season Booklet. The electronic edition of the Booklet is available at the Macao Orchestra website at and print versions will be distributed free of charge at all Macau Ticketing Network outlets. Enquiries can be made by calling 2853 0782 during office hours; to book tickets please call the 24-hour booking hotline 2855 5555; for online booking please visit

Sands China Concert Booking Guide

40% Discount^
  • Holders of valid full-time Student Card* (each holder of local Student Card or Macao resident with overseas student card), holders of valid Macao Senior Citizens Card or Disability Assessment Registration Card

^ Only limited to tickets at second lowest price and lowest price. Each cardholder can only acquire one discounted ticket per performance.

35% Discount
  • Members of Sands Rewards
20% Discount
  • Friends of Macao Orchestra
  • Friends of Macao Chinese Orchestra
  • Holders of valid Macao Teacher Card*
  • Friends of the Macao Museum of Art (MAM)
  • Friends of Macao Cultural Centre (CCM)
  • Staff of Sands China 
Macao (853) 2855 5555
Hong Kong (852) 2380 5083

E-mail:[email protected]
Tel:(853) 2853 0782
Fax:(853) 2853 0666

The organiser reserves the right to change the programme and performers at any time.

電子場刊 E-House Programme

2022年12月31日 20:00
Centro Cultural de Macau – Grande Auditório
Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Maestro /Ken Lam
Conductor / Ken Lam

曲目| Programa | Programmes



3.彼得.伊利奇.柴可夫斯基:C大調弦樂小夜曲 作品48
IV.終曲 (俄羅斯主題)


5.愛德華.艾爾加:《引子與快板》作品 47


1.Edward Benjamin Britten: “Sinfonia Simples”, Op. 4
I.Boisterous Bourrée

2.Antonio Vivaldi: “Inverno” do “Quatro Estações”
I.Allegro non molto

3.Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Serenata para Cordas em Dó Maior, Op. 48
I.Pezzo in forma di sonatina
IV.Finale (Tema Russo)

4.Emmanuel Sejourne: Concerto para Marimba e Cordas
I.Tempo flexível
II.Rítmico, enérgico

5.Edward Elgar: Introdução e Allegro, Op. 47


1.Edward Benjamin Britten: “Simple Symphony”, Op. 4
I.Boisterous Bourrée

2.Antonio Vivaldi: “Winter” from “Four Seasons”
I.Allegro non molto

3.Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Serenade for Strings in C Major, Op. 48
I.Pezzo in forma di sonatina
IV.Finale (Tema Russo)

4.Emmanuel Sejourne: Concerto for Marimba and Strings
I.Tempo souple
II.Rythmique, energique

5.Edward Elgar: Introduction and Allegro, Op. 47

Aproximadamente 1 hora 30 minutos, incluindo um intervalo
Approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, including one interval

樂師名單 | Músicos | Musicians

指揮 / Maestro / Conductor
林敬基 Ken Lam

第一小提琴 / Primeiros Violinos / First Violins
Tarn Travers (客席樂團首席 / Concertino convidado / Guest Concertmaster)
郭慶 Guo Qing (代理樂團副首席 / Concertino Associado substituto / Acting Associate Concertmaster)
邢慧芳 Xing Huifang ++
李思蕾 Li Silei
楊柯岩 Yang Keyan
陳琰樂 Chen Yanle
吳宇彤 Ng U Tong *
楊浩然 Yeung Ho-Yin Victoria Kathleen *
馮卓賢 Fung Cheuk Yin *
郭健文 Kwok Kin Man Jeo *

第二小提琴 / Segundos Violinos / Second Violins
李娜 Li Na **
韋特.普拉錫格 Vit Polasek
郭康 Guo Kang
李文浩 Li Wenhao
鄭麗琴 Zheng Liqin
周琛 Zhou Chen
王灝 Wang Hao
陳心如 Chan Sam Yu Sammi*
陳進 Chan Chon *
郭宬晞 Kwok Shing Hei Edwin *

中提琴 / Violas / Violas
李峻 Li Jun ++
金基烈 Kiyeol Kim
李月穎 Li Yueying
何楊晴 Ho Ieong Cheng*

大提琴 / Violoncelos / Cellos
魯岩 Lu Yan ++
鄺葆莉 Kuong Pou Lei
拉狄.奈華德 Radim Navrátil

低音提琴 / Contrabaixos / Double Basses
陳超 Chen Chao ++
張豐哲 Zhang Fengzhe *
何家碧 Ho Ka Pek *
沈傑 Sam Kit *

打擊樂 / Percussão / Percussion
Jiyoung Kim *
Chaeyeong Lee *

鍵盤樂器/ Keyboard
潘澔雪 Poon Ho Suet *

** 聲部首席 / Chefe de Naipe / Section Principal
++ 代理聲部首席 / Chefe de Naipe, substituto / Acting Section Principal
## 客席聲部首席 / Chefe de Naipe convidado / Guest Section Principal
* 客席樂師 / Músico convidado / Guest Musician



2015至2022年,林敬基任查爾斯頓交響樂團音樂總監; 並於2017至2022年,擔任伊利諾伊州交響樂團音樂總監。 此前,他還擔任過巴爾的摩交響樂團教學專案副指揮、辛辛那提交響樂團助理指揮和香港室內樂團首席指揮。
2011年,林敬基榮獲孟菲斯國際指揮大賽的冠軍,並於2009年在美國交響樂團聯盟舉辦的華爾特指揮預演中指揮納什維爾交響樂團。 2008年,他與另外三位指揮被萊昂納多· 斯拉特金選中,在甘迺迪中心指揮美國國家交響樂團,這是他在美國的正式首演。 近年間,他還曾指揮辛辛那提交響樂團、辛辛那提流行管弦樂團和巴爾的摩、底特律、布法羅、孟菲斯、夏威夷、布里瓦德、莫裡迪恩等地的交響樂團,以及香港小交響樂團、香港管弦樂團、韓國城南市立交響樂團、貴陽交響樂團和臺北市立交響樂團等。

在歌劇方面,他曾為布里瓦德音樂中心珍尼克歌劇院的多個製作執棒,並在辛辛那提歌劇院、巴爾的摩抒情歌劇院和卡斯爾頓音樂節擔任助理指揮。 近年來,他在美國斯波萊托藝術節、紐約林肯中心藝術節以及多倫多光影藝術節指揮過多部歌劇作品,廣受讚譽。 2010年,他在皮博迪音樂學院指揮馬斯奈的《曼儂》,被《巴爾的摩太陽報》評為華盛頓及巴爾的摩地區十大古典音樂節目。

林敬基曾於美國皮博迪音樂學院跟隨古斯塔夫· 邁爾和馬坎德· 塔卡學習指揮、於阿斯本的美國指揮學院隨大衛· 津曼和穆裡· 西德林學習,並於美國國家指揮學院隨萊昂納多· 斯拉特金學習。 在成為職業指揮之前,林敬基在英國劍橋大學聖約翰學院修讀經濟,並當過十年執業律師,從事國際金融業務。
2015年,美國約翰· 霍普金斯大學校友會為林敬基頒發全球成就獎,以表彰他對該校優良傳統的傳承,並肯定他為學校及其專業領域作出的卓越貢獻。

Ken Lam

Ken Lam é director de estudos orquestrais na Escola Juilliard de Tianjin e maestro residente da Orquestra Juilliard de Tianjin, além de conselheiro artístico da Orquestra Sinfónica de Illinois, maestro residente do Centro de Música Brevard na Carolina do Norte e director artístico do Hong Kong Voices.

Lam foi director musical da Orquestra Sinfónica de Charleston de 2015 a 2022 e director musical da Orquestra Sinfónica de Illinois de 2017 a 2022. Também ocupou cargos de maestro associado para a educação da Orquestra Sinfónica de Baltimore, e foi maestro assistente da Orquestra Sinfónica de Cincinnati, e maestro titular da Orquestra de Câmara de Hong Kong.

Em 2011, ganhou o Concurso Internacional de Regência da Orquestra Sinfónica de Memphis e foi um maestro de destaque em 2009, com a Sinfónica de Nashville, na Pré-estreia Nacional de Maestros Bruno Walter, da Liga das Orquestras Americanas. Lam iniciou a sua carreira profissional em Junho de 2008 nos Estados Unidos, com a Orquestra Sinfónica Nacional, no Kennedy Center, sendo um dos quatro maestros escolhidos por Leonard Slatkin. Em temporadas recentes, regeu as orquestras Sinfónicas de Cincinnati e Cincinnati Pops, e as orquestras de Baltimore, Detroit, Buffalo, Memphis, Hawaii, Brevard e Meridian, bem como a Sinfonietta de Hong Kong, a Filarmónica de Hong Kong, a Filarmónica de Seungnam, a Sinfónica de Guiyang e a Orquestra Sinfónica de Taipé.

Na ópera, Lam dirigiu inúmeras produções da Companhia de Ópera Janiec em Brevard e foi maestro assistente na Ópera de Cincinnati, na Ópera Lírica de Baltimore e no Festival de Castleton. Nas últimas temporadas, Lam liderou produções aclamadas pela crítica no Festival Spoleto e no Festival Lincoln Center, nos EUA e no Festival Luminato no Canadá. A sua direcção da ópera Manon, de Jules Massenet, no Conservatório Peabody foi aclamada pelo diário Baltimore Sun como um dos dez melhores eventos clássicos na área de Washington DC/Baltimore em 2010.

Lam estudou regência com Gustav Meier e Markand Thakar, no Conservatório Peabody, com David Zinman e Murry Sidlin na Academia Americana de Regência em Aspen, e com Leonard Slatkin no Instituto Nacional de Regência. Também estudou economia no St. John’s College, na Universidade de Cambridge e foi advogado especializado em finança internacional durante dez anos antes de se tornar regente.

Lam foi galardoado em 2015 com o Prémio de Realização Global da Associação de Antigos Alunos da Universidade John Hopkins, concedido a pessoas que honram a tradição de excelência da Johns Hopkins e que prestigiaram a Universidade e a sua profissão na arena internacional.

Ken Lam

Ken Lam is director of orchestral studies at The Tianjin Juilliard School and resident conductor of the Tianjin Juilliard Orchestra. He is artistic adviser of the Illinois Symphony Orchestra, resident conductor of the Brevard Music Center in North Carolina and serves as artistic director of Hong Kong Voices.

Lam was music director of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra from 2015 to 2022 and music director of Illinois Symphony Orchestra from 2017 to 2022. Previously, Lam also held positions as associate conductor for education of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, assistant conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, and principal conductor of the Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra.

In 2011, Lam won the Memphis Symphony Orchestra International Conducting Competition and was a featured conductor in the League of American Orchestra’s 2009 Bruno Walter National Conductors Preview with the Nashville Symphony. He made his US professional debut with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Kennedy Center in June 2008, as one of four conductors selected by Leonard Slatkin. In recent seasons, he led performances with the symphony orchestras of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Pops, Baltimore, Detroit, Buffalo, Memphis, Hawaii, Brevard and Meridian, as well as the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Seungnam Philharmonic, Guiyang Symphony, and the Taipei Symphony Orchestra.

In opera, he directed numerous productions of the Janiec Opera Company at Brevard and was assistant conductor at Cincinnati Opera, Baltimore Lyric Opera and at the Castleton Festival. In recent seasons, Lam led critically acclaimed productions at the Spoleto Festival USA, Lincoln Center Festival and at the Luminato Festival in Canada. His run of Massenet’s Manon at Peabody Conservatory was hailed by the Baltimore Sun as a top ten classical event in the Washington D.C/Baltimore area in 2010.

Lam studied conducting with Gustav Meier and Markand Thakar at Peabody Conservatory, David Zinman and Murry Sidlin at the American Academy of Conducting at Aspen, and Leonard Slatkin at the National Conducting Institute. He read economics at St. John’s College, Cambridge University and was an attorney specializing in international finance for ten years before becoming a conductor.

Lam is the 2015 recipient of the John Hopkins University Alumni Association’s Global Achievement Award, given to individuals who exemplify the Johns Hopkins tradition of excellence and have brought credit to the University and their profession in the international arena.

Macao Orchestra “New Year Concert” Programme change and arrangement

The tickets for Macao Orchestra “New Year Concert” are still on sale at the Macau Ticketing Network. For the audiences … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra “New Year Concert” Programme change and arrangement”

The tickets for Macao Orchestra “New Year Concert” are still on sale at the Macau Ticketing Network. For the audiences who have already purchased the ticket for the “Starry Vienna New Year Concert” may keep the original tickets for the admission of Macao Orchestra “New Year Concert”. Audiences can also go to the Macau Ticketing Network outlets or call the Macau Ticketing Network to request a refund from now until 7 pm on Dec 31, late request will not be accepted. Once the request for refunds is accepted, audiences can complete the refund process through the Macau Ticketing outlet before 7:00 pm on January 8, 2023. For any ticketing enquiries, please call Macao(853) 2855 5555;Mainland China:(86) 139 269 11111;Hong Kong:(852) 2380 5083。

Macao Orchestra launches first phase concerts of 2022-23 Season
turning a new page

The Macao Orchestra (OM in Portuguese acronym) will unveil the 2022-23 season in October. The new season concerts – organised … Continue reading "Macao Orchestra launches first phase concerts of 2022-23 Season
turning a new page"

The Macao Orchestra (OM in Portuguese acronym) will unveil the 2022-23 season in October. The new season concerts – organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao and presented by the Macao Orchestra Company, Limited – take as the main theme “Leap over to the Future”, with music as the warm light leading fans to leap over the post-pandemic era and face the future together in search of new opportunities. The new season will be presented in three phases, namely the “Opening Season” from October to December 2022, the “Spring Season” from January to April 2023 and the “Summer Season” from May to July. The first phase (Opening Season) will feature more than 10 programmes including major concerts, performances in the community and outreach activities, bringing to fans an array of performances including classical symphonies, festival concerts and chamber music. Don’t miss these sensational events.

Lio Kuokman as Principal Guest Conductor and Artistic Advisor
Celebrating its 40th anniversary and unveiling its first season under the management of the Macao Orchestra Company, Limited, OM has specially invited back to Macao and appointed Lio Kuokman, a Macao-born conductor and pianist who has attracted international attention, as Principal Guest Conductor and Artistic Advisor. Led by him, the Macao Orchestra is poised to improve performance standards and enrich and diversify artistic themes, starting a new chapter on its development.

Launching the season with two classic masterworks by great composers
Zeng Yun, one of the youngest principal players in the history of the Staatskapelle Berlin (orchestra of the Berlin State Opera) and a gold medallist in the brass category of the International Tchaikovsky Competition, will perform with the Macao Orchestra classic masterworks by Mozart and R. Strauss and for the very first time under the baton of renowned conductor Hu Yongyan. “Macao Orchestra 2022-23 Season Opening Concert – Horn Sounds of Germany and Austria” will take place at the Concert Hall of the University of Macau at 8pm on October 9, featuring Mozart’s Horn Concerto No. 1 and Richard Strauss’s Horn Concerto No. 2 as well as Brahms’s Symphony No. 2 launching the season in grand style.

Celebrated conductors and soloists set to shine onstage in Macao
Yu Lu, a Chinese conductor active on the international stage will join hands with Chen Xi, top prizewinner at the 12th International Tchaikovski Violin Competition, in the concert Music of King on November 19. Hailed by The New York Times as “thrilling, virtuosic and unabashedly personal”, Japanese jazz superstar Makoto Ozone will appear in the New Year’s Concert: Makoto Ozone Trio and the Macao Orchestra on December 31, to celebrate the New Year with fans in a musical trip blending classical with jazz. In addition, Jing Huan, currently resident conductor of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, and Lorenzo Iosco, an Italian clarinetist and conductor will give performance in Mozart: Glorious on October 21 and Tribute to Santa: The Christmas Ball on December 23, respectively. Celebrated conductors and soloists will shine onstage in Macao, opening the new season!

Tickets for the Macao Orchestra 2022-23 Season Opening Concert – Horn Sounds of Germany and Austria will be on offer for free through registration starting from 12:00 noon on 6 October, via OM’s website, wechat account and Facebook page, in limited number and on a first-come, first-served basis. The other wonderful concerts in October will also go on sale through

For more information and latest news regarding concerts and ticket discounts, please visit the Macao Orchestra website or follow us on wechat (ID: MacaoOrchestra).

Macao Orchestra brings warmth to ‘relatively static’ city through music

(Sourced from Macao Post 2022.07.20 By  William Chan) The Macao Orchestra (MO) has been sharing their music performances on … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra brings warmth to ‘relatively static’ city through music”

(Sourced from Macao Post 2022.07.20 By  William Chan)

The Macao Orchestra (MO) has been sharing their music performances on YouTube and Facebook since the beginning of the current outbreak, in the hope of brightening the city’s atmosphere during the city’s “relatively static” movement of people, according to a statement by the orchestra this week.

The statement said that currently the Macao Orchestra has over 17,000 followers on their Facebook page, and the orchestra has been sharing music videos and music-related information about its activities on the social platform.

The statement noted that the government special COVID-19 prevention and control measures have resulted in the temporary closure of most businesses and imposed restrictions on people’s movements, including performing venues and musicians. Therefore, besides uploading music performances, some orchestra members have been holding online performances, with the aim of encouraging residents to overcome the pandemic.

According to the statement, on June 27 the orchestra posted online their performance of the Third Symphony of Beethoven (Eroica) conducted by Huang Yi. The statement said that the symphony, one of the most celebrated works of the legendary composer which he originally intended to dedicate to his “hero” Napoléon. Through the performance, the statement added, the orchestra wanted to express their gratitude to Macau’s frontline “heroes” battling the pandemic.

In addition, on June 28, Beethoven’s Egmont Overture was posted online, the statement said, adding that the overture was a narrative of General Egmont fighting bravely for his country. The statement said that the orchestra hoped to send positive energy to local residents through the music.

The statement also said that the orchestra’s string orchestral principles presented the performance of “The Same Song” through its “Cloud Ensemble” on the internet.

“Performances need not be limited to face-to-face nowadays, thanks to technology artists can now even play ensemble music to let beautiful melodies interweave on the cloud and transcend geographical restrictions,” the statement said.

Besides performances, the orchestra’s conductor Francis Kan also interviewed its members about their musical perspectives and experiences.

All the events can be viewed on their Facebook and YouTube pages, and the statement pointed out that more performances and interviews will be uploaded soon. For more information, visit: &

Macao Orchestra concerts and outreach programmes will be canceled

As the novel coronavirus epidemic is still at an important stage of prevention and control, Macao Orchestra concert “Fascinated Chamber” … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra concerts and outreach programmes will be canceled”

As the novel coronavirus epidemic is still at an important stage of prevention and control, Macao Orchestra concert “Fascinated Chamber” originally scheduled to hold at Macao Cultural Centre Small Auditorium on 23 July, and concert “2021-2022 Season Closing Concert”originally scheduled to hold at Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium on 30 July, and related outreach programmes will be canceled.

Although this concert season has been ended due to the epidemic, Macao Orchestra is aimed for providing high-quality music remains unchanged. Macao Orchestra will continue to present excellent music to accompany with everyone and fight the epidemic together. In this period, we are also preparing for 2022-23 new concert season. The details will be announced soon. Music fans, please look forward to it!

Macao Orchestra invites music fans to join us as a member of the “Friends of OM”, enjoying exclusive membership discounts and various activities to jointly enjoy classical music. For the latest information about us, please visit OM website, the Facebook page “Macao Orchestra” and the WeChat official account “Macao Orchestra”.

Macao Orchestra musician recruitment 2022

For the development of Macao Orchestra, we are currently recruiting for the following positions, please join us in building the future of the orchestra. And we welcome talented and ambitious professional musicians to apply, especially for local young musicians:

Recruiting Full-Time musicians
Viola Tutti (Download the repertoire)
Double Bass Tutti   (Download the repertoire)
Second Flute and Piccolo (Download the repertoire)
Second Oboe and English Horn (Download the repertoire)
Second Clarinet and Eb Clarinet and Bass Clarinet (Download the repertoire)
Horn Tutti (Download the repertoire)
Second Trumpet (Download the repertoire)
Principal Trombone (Download the repertoire)
Second Trombone (Download the repertoire)
Bass Trombone (Download the repertoire)
Tuba (Download the repertoire)
Principal Timpani (Download the repertoire)
Percussion (Download the repertoire) 

·Completed at least one tertiary level musical degree (e.g. Bachelor of Music) in an institution of international repute.
·Fair English communication skills, and able to participate in English-language rehearsals.
·Macao SAR Resident Identity Card holder are given priority under the same qualification and experience.

Application information to submitted:
·Application form (Download)
·Scanned copy of Passport or Macao Resident ID (pdf.)
·Video Recording
1. Solo piece(s) and requirement are listed in the repertoire list. Orchestral excerpts are not required in audition video recording.
2. All recording must be one-take video without editing.
3. Video format is required to be MP4, capacity is limited to 500MB-800MB and total length is about 15 minutes.
4. Please upload the video to (please provide the approval code for download)or and email us ([email protected]) the link of your video. Kindly be informed that DVD format is not allowed and the video file should be named as the candidate’s name.

Application method:
·Please send us the above application information by e-mail ([email protected]). The email subject should be: name + musician, such us “Dennis, Tuba”

·All information submitted will be used for audition purposes only, all documents will be kept confidentially and won’t be returned.
·Audition committee of Macao Orchestra will screen all applications and contact suitable applicants by email and arrange for a live audition in Macao.
·The live audition will include solo section and an orchestral excerpts section.
·No copies of repertoire or scores will be available for download in live audition.
·Late applications will not be accepted.

Application deadline: 23:59 on 29 May 2022 or before (GMT +8)
Shortlisted candidates’ notification: 6 June 2022 (GMT +8)
Live Audition (Shortlisted candidates): 22 to 26 June 2022 (GMT +8)
Notification of Acceptance: 30 June 2022  04 July 2022 (GMT +8)
(Due to the epidemic situation in Macao, the scoring process is still in progress, and the audition result is expected to be notified after July 4)

Contact Information:
Macao Orchestra Recruitment Office
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (+853) 8988 4165
Address: Caves 2 do Centro de Criatividade do Tap Siac, Praça do Tap Siac, Macau SAR

* Macao Orchestra possess the authority of interpretation, and reserved the right to change any requirements of the audition.

Concerto da Orquestra de Macau “Expresso Clássico” será cancelado

Considerando a evolução da epidemia nas regiões vizinhas e prevenção e controlo da epidemia, a Orquestra de Macau (OM) decidiu … Continue reading “Concerto da Orquestra de Macau “Expresso Clássico” será cancelado”

Considerando a evolução da epidemia nas regiões vizinhas e prevenção e controlo da epidemia, a Orquestra de Macau (OM) decidiu cancelar o concerto “Expresso Clássico” originalmente agendado para dia 26 de Março.

O OM irá prestar muita atenção à situação da pandemia, colaborar, de forma activa, com as orientações emitidas pelos Serviços de Saúde e implementar as medidas correspondentes em tempo oportuno, agradecendo a compreensão e colaboração do público. Para mais informações actualizadas sobre o OM, é favor visitar a página electrónica do OM em, seguir a página “Macao Orchestra” no Facebook ou assinar a conta oficial do do IC “macaoorchestra” no WeChat.

Macao Orchestra cancels the concert “The Song of the Earth”

The Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), has decided to cancel … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra cancels the concert “The Song of the Earth””

The Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), has decided to cancel the concert “Commemorating the 110th Anniversary of the première of Mahler’s work: The Song of the Earth – Macao Orchestra and Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra”, originally scheduled for 20 November, due to the epidemic prevention and control measures in Mainland China and to the fact that some performers will not be able to visit Macao. However, the Macao Orchestra will present the concert “A Night of German and Austrian Serenades” on that day, offering a high quality performance for the public.

The concert “A Night of German and Austrian Serenades” will be held on 20 November, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium, featuring Brahms’ Serenade No. 1 in D Major for Nonet and Mozart’s Serenade in G Major, K. 525 “Eine kleine Nachtmusik”. Both pieces are well-known classics from the German-Austrian classical school of music, reflecting the meticulous musical skills of Brahms and Mozart. Admission to the concert will be processed with free tickets. Seating for the performance is not assigned. Tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis from 13 to 14 November by registration through the Macao Orchestra’s website at, “MacaoOrchestra” page on Facebook or the official WeChat “MacaoOrchestra”.

In addition, IC will arrange refunds for those who have purchased tickets for the concert “Commemorating the 110th Anniversary of the première of Mahler’s work: The Song of the Earth – Macao Orchestra and Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra”. Spectators with tickets may contact the Macau Ticketing Network for refund procedures from 13 November to 12 December at different times.

IC will closely monitor the development of the pandemic, follow the relevant guidelines of the Health Bureau and implement appropriate measures for cultural activities, and would like to express its thanks to the members of the public for their understanding and co-operation.

Cultural Affairs Bureau will close its cultural venues from today, Macao orchestra concerts original scheduled on 25 September will be canceled

In line with the SAR Government’s epidemic prevention and control measures, from today (September 25), the Cultural Affairs Bureau will … Continue reading “Cultural Affairs Bureau will close its cultural venues from today, Macao orchestra concerts original scheduled on 25 September will be canceled”

In line with the SAR Government’s epidemic prevention and control measures, from today (September 25), the Cultural Affairs Bureau will close its cultural venues and cancel various arts and cultural activities. Macao Orchestra concerts original scheduled on 25 September will be canceled:

2021.9.25 14:00 / 16:15
《Music in Macao Museum of Art》| Macao Museum of Art 3 Floor
2021.9.25 17:15
《Music at Taipa Library》| Taipa Library

Macao Orchestra will closely monitor the condition of the pandemic, follow the relevant guidelines of the Health Bureau and implement appropriate measures in a timely manner, and would like to express its thanks to the members of the public for their understanding and co-operation.

For the latest information about Macao Orchestra, please visit the Macao Orchestra’s website at, “macao orchestra” page on Facebook and its official WeChat account “macaoorchestra”.

2021-22 Season Opening Concert (Online version)

2021-22 Season Opening Concert (Online version)
Date:2021.09.22 SAT 20:00

Conductor/Lu Jia
Violin/Ning Feng

Mozart: Violin Concerto No. 3 in G Major, K. 216
Mozart: Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550

Online opening

The “2021-22 Season Opening Concert” by the Macao Orchestra, under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will be held online on 22 September, at 8pm. Under the baton of the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Lu Jia, the Orchestra joins hands with internationally renowned violinist Ning Feng, to present two classical works by Mozart. The concert will be available online on various platforms.

The Macao Orchestra’s 2021-22 Concert Season kicks off with its opening concert. Themed “Inheritance of German and Austrian Classics”, the new Concert Season offers numerous masterpieces of classical music, passing on the beauty of music. The opening concert specially invites internationally acclaimed violinist Ning Feng, winner of the Paganini Competition and several other international awards, and current Artist-in-Residence at the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, to present Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major with equal emphasis on emotion and technique. In addition, the Orchestra will present Mozart’s Symphony 40 in G minor, a passionate and fervent work, one of the greatest classics of all times.
The “2021-22 Season Opening Concert” will be broadcast online on 22 September at 8 pm.

Music aficionados may enjoy the concert on the “Macao Orchestra” page on Facebook, WeChat official account “macaoorchestra” and its Youtube channel “Macao Orchestra”. The public can also review the video of the highlights on the abovementioned platforms after the concert. For more information and updates on the Macao Orchestra’s programmes, please visit the Macao Orchestra’s website at and its WeChat official account.

Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels arts and cultural performances due to epidemic prevention and control

In line with the SAR Government’s epidemic prevention and control measures, and in accordance with the “Guidelines on Conducting Visits … Continue reading “Cultural Affairs Bureau cancels arts and cultural performances due to epidemic prevention and control”

In line with the SAR Government’s epidemic prevention and control measures, and in accordance with the “Guidelines on Conducting Visits Abroad and Crowd Gathering Activities” issued by the Department of Health on 10 August 2021, the Cultural Affairs Bureau will cancel a number of arts and cultural performances and arrange for ticket’s refund from now until 30 September; spectators with tickets may contact the Macau Ticketing Network for refund anytime.

Cancelled performances include “ARTmusing Film Carnival” scheduled for 26 to 29 August, Youth Cantonese Opera Course Excerpts Presentation Performance “Summer” scheduled for 28 August, “ARTmusing Fun” scheduled for 29 August, as well as a number of performances by the Macao Orchestra and outreached activities, including “Artist Salon” scheduled for 3 September, “Violin Master Class with Ning Feng” scheduled for 4 September, “2021-22 Season Opening Concert – Ning Feng meets Brahms” and Pre-concert Talk scheduled for 5 September, “Along with the musical joy – Annual gala and gathering” scheduled for 9 September, “Dialogue in the Piano Trio” and “Music Hour with Musicians” scheduled for 18 September.

To allow the general public to continue to enjoy magnificent classical music despite the pandemic, the Macao Orchestra and the Macao Chinese Orchestra intends to livestream several of their September performances of the new concert seasons online, with specifics to be announced shortly. For the performance “Along with the musical joy – Annual gala and gathering” scheduled for 9 September, the music points used for the exchange of tickets will be reimbursed to OM Friends’ accounts.

The Cultural Affairs Bureau will closely monitor the development of the pandemic, follow the relevant guidelines of the Health Bureau and implement appropriate measures in a timely manner, and would like to express its thanks to the members of the public for their understanding and co-operation.

For the latest information about the Cultural Affairs Bureau, please visit the Cultural Affairs Bureau’s website at, “IC Art” page on Facebook and its official WeChat account “IC_Art_Macao”.

Macao Orchestra launches 2021-22 Concert Season Tickets on sale from 31 July

The Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, inaugurates its 2021-22 Concert Season in September, themed “Inheritance of German and Austrian Classics”, inviting numerous internationally acclaimed musicians and art groups to present masterpieces of classical music, allowing audiences to appreciate the wisdom of the great masters and to pass on the beauty of music through a vast array of exciting works. Tickets for the new Concert Season will be on sale from 10am on 31 July at the Macau Ticketing Network, and an early bird 40% discount will be available on the first 10 days of ticket sale.

The launch of the Macao Orchestra 2021-22 Concert Season was held on 26 July, at the Mandarin Oriental Macau, and was attended by the President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Mok Ian Ian; the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Lu Jia; the Vice President of Brand Marketing of MGM, Catarina Lio; the General Manager of Mandarin Oriental Macao, Christian Dolenc; the Deputy Director of the Digital Finance Department of Bank of China, Macau Branch, Sabrina Choi; the Assistant to Vice President, Commercial cum Regional General Manager of South China of Air Macau Company Limited, Winston Ma; the Assistant Account Service Manager of the MOME Ltd., Yvonne Loi ; advisors of the Macao Orchestra, Lok Po, Kevin Thompson and Dai Dingcheng; the Head of the Department of Performing Arts Development of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, Iu Wai Man; the General Manager of the Macao Orchestra, Carol Chiu; the Assistant Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Francis Kan.

Concert Season kicks off with the opening concert by violinist Ning Feng and the Macao Orchestra and closes with Verdi operas gala

The new Concert Season kicks off with the “2021-22 Season Opening Concert – Ning Feng meets Brahms”, in which the Macao Orchestra will join hands with internationally renowned violinist Ning Feng, to present classical works by German master Johannes Brahms with fluid musicality and impeccable technique, including Brahms’ Violin Concerto in D Major, one of the “Four Greatest Violin Concertos”. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the concert “Verdi Operas Gala”, originally scheduled for last year, will be staged on the new concert season’s finale, in which Italian renowned soprano Maria Agresta and tenor Marco Berti will perform a repertoire of melodious opera arias.

In addition, a number of internationally renowned artists were invited for the new Concert Season, offering the audience a variety of captivating performances. Song Yuanming, an internationally acclaimed soprano well-known for her mellow and delicate voice, will join hands with one of the most influential Chinese conductors, Zhang Jiemin, in the “Starry Vienna – New Year Concert”; conductor Lin Daye, winner of the 6th Sir Georg Solti International Conducting Competition, will join hands with the Macao Orchestra to present three introductory selections of classical music in the concert “The Power of Music”; young pianist Zhang Haochen, winner of the gold medal at the 13th Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, will perform in Macao again, presenting Johannes Brahms’ Piano Concerto No. 1 in the concert “The Fabulous Brahms – Zhang Haochen and Macao Orchestra”; Xu Zhong, the Director of the Shanghai Opera House and Principal Conductor of the Suzhou Symphony Orchestra, will present classical and romantic masterpieces in the concert “Fascinated Chamber”, showcasing his flawless technique and fluid musicality.

Macao Orchestra presents the concert “The Song of the Earth” in commemoration of the 110th anniversary of the premiere of Gustav Mahler’s work

The year 2021 marks the 110th anniversary of the premiere of Austrian composer Mahler’s famous work Song of the Earth in 2021, the Macao Orchestra will team up with the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, under the baton of the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Lu Jia, in collaboration with outstanding Chinese alto Liu Siman and tenor Xue Haoyin, to present a magnificent production. The work Song of the Earth, based on the poetry collection The Chinese Flute translated by German poet Hans Bethge, has an inexplicable connection to Chinese poems during the Tang dynasty.

OM collaborates with MGM to specially present the concert “The Planets”, offering an innovative audio-visual experience

Macao Orchestra and its special art partner, MGM, are jointly presenting the famous work The Planets by British composer Gustav Holst in the early 20th century, under the baton of the Assistant Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Francis Kan. In order to enhance the presentation, the concert will combine the world’s largest permanent indoor LED screen at the MGM Theatre with special lighting effects, allowing the audience to relive the vastness of the great universe as if in the solar system.

“When Music Speaks” and “Fun Music” concert series promotes diversity of classical music

In order to promote classical music to the public, the new Concert Season features three concerts “When Music Speaks”, in which the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Macao Orchestra, Lu Jia, will share the musical pieces and tell the stories behind the music. The “Fun Music” series of the new Concert Season continues to inject creativity into classical music in order to attract the younger generation, develop their interest in classical music and enhance their appreciation abilities. Conductor Jason Lai will present 11 dance pieces from different countries in the amusing and creative concert “Dancing to Music”, transforming the symphony orchestra into a versatile dancer; the “Children’s Day Concert: Conductor’s Spellbook” is a musical performance that combines fun, storytelling and education, offering an exceptional musical experience to the children.

Various ticket discount packages are offered in appreciation of the support of music aficionados

Tickets for the first five concerts of the new Concert Season, including “2021-22 Season Opening Concert – Ning Feng meets Brahms”, “Dialogue in the Piano Trio”, “Commemorating the 110th Anniversary of the premiere of Mahler’s work: The Song of the Earth – Macao Orchestra and Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra”, “Christmas concert -Winter Fantasia” and “Starry Vienna – New Year Concert”, will be on sale from 10am on 31 July (Saturday) at the Macau Ticketing Network. The date of ticket sales for other concerts will be announced in due course. In the first 10 days of ticket sales for each concert, a 40% early bird discount will be offered on tickets for all concerts; after the first 10 days, a 30% discount will be offered when purchasing four or more tickets at the same time in the “Along with the Musical Joy” promotion or upon the purchase of tickets for any concerts for “OM Friends”, “CCM Friends”, “Friends of MAM” and “Friends of the Macao Chinese Orchestra”. A 40% discount will be offered upon purchase of 4 or more tickets for any concerts in the “Chamber Voyage” series. Holders of BOC Credit Card or BOC card will receive a 30% discount on tickets for special programmes, as well as a 20% discount on tickets for all non-special programmes. A 20% discount on tickets for all concerts will be available for purchases with a valid Macao Teacher Card, MasterCard, Visa Card or UnionPay Card issued by BCM Bank, OCBC Wing Hang Bank, Tai Fung Bank, Luso International Banking Ltd. and BNU. A 50% off will be offered to holders of a valid full-time student card, Macao Senior Citizen Card or Disability Assessment Registration Card. For more information, please refer to OM’s concert season booklet. In addition, “OM Friends” may redeem two tickets of the “Along with the Musical Joy – Annual Gala and Gathering” with 400 music points on or before 6 September at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets, while stocks last.

The Macao Orchestra 2021-22 Concert Season counts with MGM as its special art partner, Mandarin Oriental Macau as its celebrity hotel support, Bank of China (Macau Branch) as its special bank partner, Air Macau as its supporting entity, and MOME Ltd. as its offical mobile media partner. The new 2021-22 Concert Season booklets can be obtained at the Macau Ticketing Network outlets for free. The electronic version can be downloaded on OM’s website at For more information and enquiries, please contact OM through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours; 24-hour ticketing hotline: 2855 5555; online ticket reservation is available at

“Along with the Musical Joy – Annual Gala and Gathering” will be Canceled

Macao Orchestra “Along with the Musical Joy – Annual Gala and Gathering” on 8 Feb will be canceled due to … Continue reading ““Along with the Musical Joy – Annual Gala and Gathering” will be Canceled”

Macao Orchestra “Along with the Musical Joy – Annual Gala and Gathering” on 8 Feb will be canceled due to the novel coronavirus pneumonia, the redeemed OM Friends bonus points will be returned into account, thank you for your support and understanding, Macao Orchestra will strive for every opportunity to provide high-quality performances.

for any enquiries about OM Friends bonus points, please contact Macau Ticketing Network via 28555555.

Macao Orchestra presents Mozart concerts in January
welcoming the New Year with various performances

The year 2021 marks the 230th anniversary of the death of the great composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. To commemorate this … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra presents Mozart concerts in January
welcoming the New Year with various performances”

The year 2021 marks the 230th anniversary of the death of the great composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. To commemorate this great composer and legendary figure of classical music, the Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), will join hands with internationally renowned Chinese conductor and pianist Xu Zhong to present the concert “The Legend of Mozart” on 23 January 2021, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Moreover, three spectacular concerts with free admission will be held in January, welcoming the New Year with music aficionados and injecting vitality to the city.

The concert “The Legend of Mozart” will feature Mozart’s famous works, including Overture to Don Giovanni, K.527 and Symphony No. 41 in C, K.551 “Jupiter”. Conductor Xu Zhong is the first Chinese conductor ever to serve as Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Italy and is the current Principal Director of the Fondazione Arena di Verona and Arena di Verona Festival in Italy. In this concert, Xu Zhong will personally perform Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 9 in E flat, K271 “Jeunehomme”, offering a true musical feast to music aficionados. The concert “The British Echo”, scheduled to be held on the same day, will be cancelled due to the fact that overseas artists will not be able to visit Macao.
More performances will also be presented by OM in January.

The concert “Flourishing Arts”, will be held on 9 January, at 8pm, at the University Hall (N2) of the University of Macau, providing a platform for young musicians. Award winners of the 38th Macao Young Musicians Competition, including Leong Ieng Ieng, Che Chong Hei, Kong Kit Man, Ou Hoi Kuan, Wang Iat Fan, among others, will join OM on stage and perform under the leadership of the Assistant Conductor of the Macao Orchestra Francis Kan. The violinist from Singapore, Chloe Chua, will not be able to visit Macao due to the epidemic.

The concert “When Music Speaks – Discover Mozart”, one of the concert season’s highlights, will be held on 16 January, at 8pm, at the University Hall (N2) of the University of Macau, in which the Music Director of the Macao Orchestra Lu Jia will talk about Mozart’s life and lead the Orchestra to perform Mozart’s Symphony No. 1 written at the age of eight, as well as Mozart’s refined excerpts from Symphony No. 33 written in the later period. In addition, the concert “Music at World Heritage” will be held on 30 January, at 8pm, at the Dom Pedro V Theatre, featuring wind repertoire composed by Mozart, Haydn, Poulenc and Bach. The audience will be able to enjoy the beautiful classical music and experience the history in a world heritage building which has a history of more than 160 years.

Tickets for the concert “The Legend of Mozart” are available through the Macau Ticketing Network at or outlets and are priced at MOP250, MOP200 and MOP150, with various packages available. Ticketing hotline 2855 5555. The duration of the concerts “Flourishing Arts”, “When Music Speaks – Discover Mozart” and “Music at World Heritage” is approximately 1 hour. Admission to the concert will be made with free tickets. Limited tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis from 12pm on 18 December for registration through the Macao Orchestra’s website at or the official WeChat account “MacaoOrchestra”.

The Macao Orchestra sincerely thanks music aficionados for their support, strictly follow the relevant guidelines of the Health Bureau, implement appropriate measures for all performances and activities and continue to present high-quality classical music performances. For more information and updates on the concerts, please visit the Macao Orchestra website and its official WeChat account. For enquiries, please contact the Macao Orchestra’s hotline through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours.

Macao Orchestra presents various wonderful performances in December
celebrating the festive season with the public

With Christmas around the corner, the Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs … Continue reading “Macao Orchestra presents various wonderful performances in December
celebrating the festive season with the public”

With Christmas around the corner, the Macao Orchestra (OM, from the Portuguese acronym), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, will present a number of wonderful concerts in December, celebrating the festive season with music aficionados in a delightful musical feast.

The “ Starry Vienna – New Year Concert” will be held on 31 December 2020, at 8pm, at the Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium. Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, and to the fact that overseas performers will not be able to visit Macao, the concert will be conducted by Zhang Jiemin, in collaboration with soprano Li Xintong and the Macao Orchestra. Zhang Jiemin, one of the most vibrant female conductors in China and the first female conductor to ever conduct operas at the Teatro La Fenice and the Teatro di San Carlo, has been Resident Conductor of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra since 2010. The concert will feature a number of magnificent works, including Johann Strauss II’s On the Beautiful, Blue Danube, Op. 314 and Wo die Zitronen blühen Op. 364 and excerpts from Charles-François Gounod’s Roméo et Juliette, welcoming the New Year with top enchanting music. Tickets for the New Year Concert are available through the Macau Ticketing Network at or outlets from 5 December and are priced at MOP400, MOP350, MOP250 and MOP150, with various discount packages available. Ticketing hotline: 2855 5555.

The “Christmas Concert – Christmas Delight” will be held on 18 and 19 December, at 7pm, at The Spectacle, MGM COTAI. Under the baton of OM’s assistant conductor Francis Kan, this spectacular Christmas concert will feature Saint-Saëns’ Aquarium, from The Carnival of the Animals, Coleridge-Taylor’s Christmas Overture as well as Tchaikovsky’s excerpts from Nutcracker Suite. The duration is approximately 1 hour and the admission is free (no registration required). The Cultural Affairs Bureau thanks to MGM, Macao Orchestra’s special art partner.

The “Tap Seac Gallery Concert” will be held on 11 December, at 6:30pm, at the Tap Seac Gallery, presenting Mendelssohn’s 4 Pieces for String Quartet, Op. 81 and Tchaikovsky’s String Quartet No. 1 in D major, Op.11, allowing the audience to enjoy a pleasant afternoon. Admission to the concert will be made with free tickets. Limited tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis from 4 December for registration through the Macao Orchestra’s website at or the official WeChat account “MacaoOrchestra”.

The Macao Orchestra sincerely thanks music aficionados for their support, strictly follow the relevant guidelines of the Health Bureau, implement appropriate measures for all performances and activities and continue to present high-quality classical music performances. For more information and updates on the concerts, please visit the Macao Orchestra website and its official WeChat account. For enquiries, please contact the Macao Orchestra’s hotline through tel. no. 2853 0782 during office hours.

Artist Salon – Trace the life of Maestro Lu Jia

Speaker: Lu Jia

Macao Orchestra and Mandarin Oriental, Macau presents, an Artist Salon with Maestro Lu Jia, Macao Orchestra Music Director and Principal Conductor, Artistic Director of the Music at the National Centre for Performing Arts (NCPA) and the Principal Conductor of the China NCPA Orchestra. He will share his unforgettable experiences as a conductor in Europe and Asia and share the programmes of 2020-21 Concert season. Music aficionado Don’t miss it!

Date: 2020-11-26
Venue: Mandarin Oriental, Macau Lobby lounge
Time: 19:00-20:00
Speaker: Lu Jia
Language: Mandarin

Subjected Audience aged 10 or above
Price per person: MOP148*
Includes a glass of sparkling, red or white wine, coffee or tea and a selection of light-bites
*Price is subject to 10% service charge
Reservation : 8805 8938 or [email protected]

2020-21 Season Opening Concert Pre-concert Talk

Speaker :Lu Jia

Macao orchestra 2020-21 concert season will open soon. If you want to listen to the background stories about two Beethoven symphonies, and would like to interact with musicians before the concert, don’t miss Pre-concert Talk!

Date:2020/10/20 (二/Tue)
Venue:Macao Cultural Center Conference Room

Speaker: Lu Jia


Artist Salon – Trace the life of Maestro Lu Jia (Cancel)

Speaker: Lu Jia

Due to the adverse weather conditions, the “Artist Salon – Trace the life of Maestro Lu Jia” originally scheduled today, 13 Oct at 19:00 at Mandarin Oriental, Macau, will be cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Macao Orchestra and Mandarin Oriental, Macau presents, an Artist Salon with Maestro Lu Jia, Macao Orchestra Music Director and Principal Conductor, Artistic Director of the Music at the National Centre for Performing Arts (NCPA) and the Principal Conductor of the China NCPA Orchestra. He will share his unforgettable experiences as a conductor in Europe and Asia and share the programmes of “2020-21 Season Opening Concert”. Music aficionado Don’t miss it!

Artist Salon – Trace the life of Maestro Lu Jia
Date: 2020-10-13
Venue: Mandarin Oriental, Macau Lobby lounge
Time: 19:00-20:00
Speaker: Lu Jia
Language: Chinese
Price per person: MOP148*
Includes a glass of sparkling, red or white wine, coffee or tea and a selection of light-bites
*Price is subject to 10% service charge

Reservation : 8805 8938 或or [email protected]

Training course for OM Little Reporter

Macao orchestra little journalists can have close contact with musicians, interview conductors, section principals and instrumentalists of the Macao Orchestra, and share what they have seen and heard on social media through videos, text and images from different perspectives. If you love music, and like sharing with others, join us now!

【Training Details】
Date: 2020/11/07、11/14 (Sat)
Venue: Cultural Affairs Bureau
Registration: Only open to OM Young Friends aged 12-25
Language: Cantonese

【Day 1】
Date:2020/11/07 (Sat)
Speaker: Francis Kan (Assistant Conductor, Macao Orchestra)
Module 1: The Tchaikovsky you don’t know
Module 2: Evolution of capriccios and variations

Date: 2020/11/14(Sat)
Time: 10:00-12:00
Speaker: Kuok Mio U (Chief of Division of Cultural Promotion, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao)
Module 1: How to write an interview
Module 2: Basics writing skills
Participants who have completed the course will have the opportunity to meet the conductors and soloists of the following concerts and be invited to attend the concerts. Within one week after watching a concert, participants should submit a review of more than 300 words, and Macao Orchestra will publish related articles on its and media accounts.

Participants with full attendance rate who have submitted the required articles will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Not yet be OM Young friends, lets apply now!

Venue Changed for the concert “Music in Art Museum”

Due to exhibition period change , ” Music in Art Museum” originally scheduled on 19 Sep will be changed to … Continue reading “Venue Changed for the concert “Music in Art Museum””

Due to exhibition period change , ” Music in Art Museum” originally scheduled on 19 Sep will be changed to held at Casa Garden, same program, same date and time. Admission with free tickets, registration starts from 【12:00 noon on Sept. 20】please do registration by the following links. Seats are limited, available on a first-come-first-served basis.

【OM Sept. Music Dates】

Macao Orchestra will present “OM Sept. Music Dates” in September, bringing to fans five concerts to welcome the new season 2020-21!Admission with free tickets, registration starts from 【12:00 noon on August 20】Please do registration by the following links. Seats are limited, available on a first-come-first-served basis

A Date with Symphonies

The first of the five concerts of “OM Music Sept Dates” will feature, in addition to Mozart’s Symphony No. 40 in G Minor, Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7 in A Major, conducted by OM assistant conductor Francis Kan, a work allowing audience to experience “The Apotheosis of the Dance. Two music giants’ legendary masterpieces in one night, a regal feast!

Venue:Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

Concert details>>

《A Date with Cellos》

Eight cellists of Macao Orchestra will perform a number of wonderful cello pieces, including Haydn’s Divertimento in D Major and Dmitri Shostakovich’s Waltz No. 2, etc. Bringing us a fantastic cellos world. Cello fans don’t miss it.

Date:11 to 12-09-2020
Venue:Dom Pedro V Theatre

Concert details>>

Music in World Heritage

Macao Orchestra will leave the concert hall to share wonderful musical moments with audiences at a world heritage site – Casa Garden of Orient Foundation. Works by Frank Bridge and Charles Ires will be performed, giving fans a great opportunity to appreciate the beauty of this world heritage site while experiencing a medley of history and classical music. Not to be missed!

Venue:Casa Garden

Concert details>>

Music in Library

Macao Orchestra’s string duet will light up the normally quiet Taipa Library, injecting vivacity into the venue. Through melodic music and a lively interactive session, the musicians will bring younger music fans closer to classical music. Besides musical enjoyment, audiences can also learn new practical things in this special concert. Make it your top weekend choice!

Venue: Taipa Library

Free admission (no registration required)

Concert Details>>

Music in Art Museum

Ushering in Macao Orchestra’s new season, OM will perform Mozart’s String Quartet No. 4 and String Quintet No. 2 at Macao Museum of Art, introducing fans to the wonderful world of Mozart in a dual fruition in art.

Venue:Case Garden

Free admission (no registration required)

Concert Details>>

For the details and updates of the concerts, please visit the official WeChat account and the website of the Macao Orchestra at For enquiries, please contact Macao Orchestra during office hours ( tel: 2853 0782).

AKU x Macao Orchestra

How to attend a concert elegantly? Aku is going to share with us!

About clothing

Dress for the concert should be neat and comfortable, better be smart casual

About arrival time

The audience should arrive at the venue 15 minutes before the concert. For respecting the artists on stage, late audience should follow the instructions of the organizer and wait until the appropriate chapters to enter the venue;

Reading House programme

Audience are suggested to study the programmes before concert;

Avoiding in and out

During the performance, avoiding in and out, in order not to affect other audiences;

No Eating, drinking and photographing

Eating, drinking, photographing, recording and video recording are prohibited in the performance venue;

Avoid making noise

Audiences should be quiet, and should avoid taking out mobile phones and other lighting devices, in order not affecting artists on stage;

About applaud

Remember that there is no need to applaud between movements, audience should wait until the end of the whole concert to applaud;

Warmly applaud

If the performance is wonderful, it can be reacted with long applauding to show respect and appreciation.